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regardless of how you feel about the war,

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i would hope and encourage you to back US actions, especially if you're an American citizen. from an international perspective, it is quite demoralizing to see the US split stance and feeds fuel to the fire of opposition, thus weakening US efforts and actions, sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. sometimes i do believe you must put aside personal beliefs and opinions and lend your support and backing to the US government.

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Found this on a blog, it pretty much sums up how I feel . . .

"It's a pity that there seems to be so much confusion around the fact that one can fully support our military troops, yet at the same time can also question the need for the troops to be deployed at this time; the two are not mutually exclusive. Why is this not clear?

I wonder what our future holds when people who voice dissent, particularly celebrities and others who find themselves often in the public eye, are labeled as "anti-American" in a country that has prided itself on free speech and the right to publically air our opinions. And I cringe to hear that some citizens are actually ashamed of those who do stand up to challenge the opinions of our government & those who represent us and need to be held accountable for their actions and decisions."

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Backing actions which you do not agree with is absolutely wrong. If you think that your government is doing things which are wrong then you have a responsibility to speak out against them and try to change things. To do otherwise is un-American.

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Originally posted by Kuro

Backing actions which you do not agree with is absolutely wrong. If you think that your government is doing things which are wrong then you have a responsibility to speak out against them and try to change things. To do otherwise is un-American.

so are you in support of our troops who are just following orders even though you believe this action is wrong . . .

i support our troops and i think disarmament is justified . . .

i for one asked after 9/11 how we could have prevented what happened. what saddam is amassing in terms of arms is scary . . .

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I never stated whether I do or don't support action in Iraq. However I absolutely do not support the position that you should support the president and the government no matter what. That is absolute bullshit. What I find most frightening is the idea that as a nation we might begin to abandon even the pretense of holding the ideals that America is supposed to stand for.

And I always stand in support of our armed forces even when I disagree with the policies that send them into harm's way.

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"...the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country" - Hermann Goering

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

Exactly. That's the kind of government we're trying to get rid of right now. . .

i agree with kuro's point on our personal freedoms and choices . . .

i also agree with the disarmament . . .

what kuro is stating that those people who oppose this war have every right to protest and state their views, regardless if their opinon is unpopular and non-patriotic . . .

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Originally posted by eggmok

i agree with kuro's point on our personal freedoms and choices . . .

i also agree with the disarmament . . .

what kuro is stating that those people who oppose this war have every right to protest and state their views, regardless if their opinon is unpopular and non-patriotic . . .

I don't know if you meant to say this but I have to point out that being opposed to millitary action in Iraw is not "non-patriotic". The idea that being opposed to war in Iraq is anti-American is also bullshit.

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I am 100% for MY Commander in Chief. Additionally, I am all for the regime change in Iraq. I believe it should've happend a long time ago, but better late than never. I was for the regime change in Afghanistan, and will be for a regime change in Iran, North Korea, and Cuba if OUR President deems it so.




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Originally posted by eggmok

what saddam is amassing in terms of arms is scary . . .

what bush has amassed in terms of arms is scary...

and the fact that he and many other people feel that pre-emptive invasions are acceptable.

such double standards and arrogance.

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

what bush has amassed in terms of arms is scary...

and the fact that he and many other people feel that pre-emptive invasions are acceptable.

such double standards and arrogance.

I think america is tired of "turning the other cheek" I know I am.

And I don't believe this is a Pre-emptive strike. It is the first strike but Saddam has had 12 years to disarm, he has broken so many UNSCR's that this is BY FAR a pre-emptive strike. Anyway, it's all fucking war, and I want to finish with... it is about time that Saddam will soon be removed from power, I hope that very few die. I hope Iraq will be rebuilt and become an actual nation that can function throughout the rest of the world and that it isn't looked upon as an evil nation, I hope america will not be looked upon as evil for liberating Iraq and removing Saddam, I hope the Kurds find a home, I hope that the Shia's in Iraq will be accepted within their own country, I hope all of this is over soon and doens't turn into a Balkans or Afghanistan with 1500 tribes fighting for leadership, and lastly, I hope that my friends, my brethren and my fellow soldiers return alive and well.

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

what bush has amassed in terms of arms is scary...

and the fact that he and many other people feel that pre-emptive invasions are acceptable.

such double standards and arrogance.

seriously, have you forgotten about 9/11 . . .

do we have to wait until another disaster hits our soil . . .

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Originally posted by eggmok

seriously, have you forgotten about 9/11 . . .

do we have to wait until another disaster hits our soil . . .

If we continue to bully around the rest of the world with a "join us opr die" attitude, it'll only piss off the rest of the world and incite more people to wish another disaster upon us. History has proven that pushing people around to do what you want, just because you have the power and means to, only causes rage and, eventually, destruction.

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Originally posted by eggmok

seriously, have you forgotten about 9/11 . . .

do we have to wait until another disaster hits our soil . . .

Just curious... how will invading Iraq do anything to prevent another "9/11" type attack?

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Originally posted by velvetgoldmire

If we continue to bully around the rest of the world with a "join us opr die" attitude, it'll only piss off the rest of the world and incite more people to wish another disaster upon us. History has proven that pushing people around to do what you want, just because you have the power and means to, only causes rage and, eventually, destruction.

how exactly have we bullied the rest of the world and pushed people around . . .

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Originally posted by Kuro

Just curious... how will invading Iraq do anything to prevent another "9/11" type attack?

9/11 was an attack that was so well planned out that it could not have been prevented. this war is about disarmament. terrorist attacks are not with nuclear or biological weapons. 9/11 and all terrorists attacks are suicide missions, their only objective to cause the most damage for little expense. that is how they commit their destruction, through terror. why should the us sit back and wait for something to happen. there is no way that this will end all terrorism in the world, not at all. yes this war might provoke more terrorist actions against the us. sitting back and appeasing saddam and doing nothing will cause more harm in the long run. to me, it is the better of 2 evils. you're dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

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Originally posted by eggmok

9/11 was an attack that was so well planned out that it could not have been prevented. this war is about disarmament. terrorist attacks are not with nuclear or biological weapons. 9/11 and all terrorists attacks are suicide missions, their only objective to cause the most damage for little expense. that is how they commit their destruction, through terror. why should the us sit back and wait for something to happen. there is no way that this will end all terrorism in the world, not at all. yes this war might provoke more terrorist actions against the us. sitting back and appeasing saddam and doing nothing will cause more harm in the long run. to me, it is the better of 2 evils. you're dammed if you do and dammed if you don't.

The point I'm trying to make is that people who bring up 9/11 when talking about the Iraq invasion are way off base. Invading Iraq will not prevent more terrorist attacks. It won't even prevent terrorist attacks using chemical and biological weapons. Those attacks are going to come one day no matter what happens in Iraq. If stopping terrorism is the goal then our efforts are aimed in the wrong direction. I also think it's bullshit when people say that this is going to provoke more attacks or create new terrorist. New Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are going to be created as long as the US supports Israel and as long as there are US troops in Saudi Arabia. Action in Iraq isn't going to really sway those numbers.

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