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Deport all Iraqi's from the US please..

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Anyone that is for Sadaam and is currently living in the US must go.. We should have them parachuted into the US camps in Iraq w/ I love Sadaam shirts on.. Get the fuck out, you reap the benefits the U.S.'s freedom, but still support Sadaam, die please.

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Originally posted by carguy2003

Anyone that is for Sadaam and is currently living in the US must go.. We should have them parachuted into the US camps in Iraq w/ I love Sadaam shirts on.. Get the fuck out, you reap the benefits the U.S.'s freedom, but still support Sadaam, die please.

HELL YA!.........I am organizing tonite to drive around yelling obsenities at gas station attendents,7-11 clerks, and dunkin donut owers lol ANYONE WITH ME!?!!!!

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Originally posted by dogekid

things are gonna get ugly w/ this thread real quick.

actually, everyone's in sobe anyway.


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Originally posted by shockwavepromo

HELL YA!.........I am organizing tonite to drive around yelling obsenities at gas station attendents,7-11 clerks, and dunkin donut owers lol ANYONE WITH ME!?!!!!

Thats such an ignorant comment

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Originally posted by dogekid

things are gonna get ugly w/ this thread real quick.

actually, everyone's in sobe anyway.

How gives a shit, they all smell and belong in the desert, send them back w/ their camels and they're shitty little mustaches...

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Originally posted by njangel

Thats such an ignorant comment

Hun i love ya, but i dont care how ignorant it sounds.....Im tried of being politically correct and turning the other cheek for these sandmonkeys......there are the good ones, im targeting the bad ones......I hope this BUSH finishes the job his father didnt. Everyone of these crazy extreme towel head fucks need to be dead or in jail at the end of this war or Sept 11 will happen again to us

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Originally posted by shockwavepromo

Hun i love ya, but i dont care how ignorant it sounds.....Im tried of being politically correct and turning the other cheek for these sandmonkeys......there are the good ones, im targeting the bad ones......I hope this BUSH finishes the job his father didnt. Everyone of these crazy extreme towel head fucks need to be dead or in jail at the end of this war or Sept 11 will happen again to us

I agree, I am always PC, but no mas'! The next Afgan I see, I am knocking the fucking sand outta his turban, choke his wife w/ her own Burka and piss in his sons eye b/c hes the future of the oil guzzlin, amercian hatin, non-wife shaving fuckfaces that were going to be at war with.. Thank you, now drive thru

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Originally posted by carguy2003

I agree, I am always PC, but no mas'! The next Afgan I see, I am knocking the fucking sand outta his turban, choke his wife w/ her own Burka and piss in his sons eye b/c hes the future of the oil guzzlin, amercian hatin, non-wife shaving fuckfaces that were going to be at war with.. Thank you, now drive thru

hhahaha i love it!

Afan:knife: His wife:box: his kids:peeleft:

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Originally posted by njangel

Thats such an ignorant comment

Angel this thread is ignorant! I was on the subway in Manhattan last night and this guy who appeared to be of Middle Eastern got on the train. He was really scruffy looking, unshaven, hooded jacket over his head and he was carrying something in a brown paper bag. When he sat down, he stared at the bag that he was gently holding in his hands and never looked up. My friend wanted to get off the train and I was thinking about it, but the guy was probably just as afraid of us as we were of him. For all we knew, he had a box of sneakers in the bag. There are a lot of ignorant people out there who abuse some of these innocent people everyday. Dont be one of them. With that said, I'm all for racial profiling at airports and if they dont like it, get the fuck out of the country.

Dont judge a book by its cover. An Irish American girl that works for me dates an Indian kid that looks like he could be from any one of those Middle Eastern countries. She told me that when they are out at the mall, people stare at him and make comments all the time. He is a smart kid and really nice guy, are we supposed to throw him out of the country too because some people think he looks guilty? Fuck that! I'm all for new border and visa restrictions, but this country was built by immigrants and unless you're an American Indian, you're family roots were originally immigrants who came to the United States looking to build a better life for themselves. In Canada, those bastards boo'd the American National Anthem at the beginning of a hockey game in Montreal... are we supposed to kick out all Canadians now too?


This is one of my favorite photos from the war. And lastly, any one of those motherfuckers from any country that burns the American flag, should get their teeth kicked in. Then again, its more like innocense on fire because most of these ignorant people just dont know any better!

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Originally posted by njdionysus

. In Canada, those bastards boo'd the American National Anthem at the beginning of a hockey game in Montreal... are we supposed to kick out all Canadians now too?

Yes!! And not just because they boo'd the Anthem, but more because those bastards ride us on our back. They are the country that doesn't exist. I mean, think about it, when do you ever hear anything from them. Its like they're not even up there. Sometimes I feel like we are the only country in the North American continent...........If there was ever a world war and our continent was attacked do you think they would get involved. Not at all, they left france, and look at them those bunch of back stabbing welching pussies.................


Actually, I really dont give two shits

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Please i can give 2 fucks about some indian kid ur friend goes out with..That not my point...My point is we KNOW who these ppl are in our country that stil have ties....Fuckin sandmonkeys in paterson fucking CHEERED on sept 11!!!!CHEERED in the fucking street!.......As for canada and anyone else fuck them them....When i go anywhere where i am a guest i respect EVERYONE and EVERYTHING...i didnt burn the porto rician flag when i went there.....Nor did i burn the the italian flag when i went to italy.....If ANYONE on this thread is ignorent its those of you who are standing up for these fuckers....I bet NONE OF YOU have anyone in ur family over there fighting for your ass.....thats why u make stupid comments and call other ppl ignorant.....thats all i gota say

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Originally posted by shockwavepromo

Please i can give 2 fucks about some indian kid ur friend goes out with..That not my point...My point is we KNOW who these ppl are in our country that stil have ties....Fuckin sandmonkeys in paterson fucking CHEERED on sept 11!!!!CHEERED in the fucking street!.......As for canada and anyone else fuck them them....When i go anywhere where i am a guest i respect EVERYONE and EVERYTHING...i didnt burn the porto rician flag when i went there.....Nor did i burn the the italian flag when i went to italy.....If ANYONE on this thread is ignorent its those of you who are standing up for these fuckers....I bet NONE OF YOU have anyone in ur family over there fighting for your ass.....thats why u make stupid comments and call other ppl ignorant.....thats all i gota say

I do have loved fighting over there for me, but you know what I'm not so ignorant to believe that all Iraqi's over here are loyal to Saddam, maybe no one is challenging your argument b/c it so ridiculous its not even worth, you didnt burn the Italian flag when you went to Italy, what the fuck does that have do with anything??? Do you want a medal, yeah there are people in this country that are not appreciative & they should get the fuck out, but nor all of them, your statement reminds how fucking dumb some people are

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Originally posted by shockwavepromo

WOW my reply goes unchallenged for once lol

Your reply wasnt worthy of a response. The bottom line is your comments are ignorant. One of my boys from high school is over there right now, so save your breathe. I'm all for getting rid of every fucking person who doesnt stand for the freedom and liberty that this country was originally built on by immigrants. The bottom line is we let everyone and anyone in this country to do as they wish. Most of them make money here and send it back to their home country.

Those fuckers dancing in the streets in Patterson burning flags and chanting anti-American rants should be individually hung like a pinata in Central Park where you can get your whacks in for a $1.00 each with all the money raised to benefit the victims families from 911. The most disgusting thing I've heard since 911 was the anti-American asshole suing to have the Pledge of Allegiance changed. If you dont like what it says, too fucking bad! Go back to your third world country where they'll cut your hands off if they catch you stealing or they can go back to Iraq where you may be tortured or executed for watching something other than Iraqi television. The anti-war protestors should be ashamed of themselves, especially the movie stars who enjoy every freedom offered in this country.

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Is over in Iraq as we speak, front lines... Fuckin 22 yrs old and hes fighting for the country, I already did my time, so fuck anyone who says shit to me for my opinions, if you haven't served, then fuck you... I've seen these sand niggas in action, and they aren't showing us 1/2 the stuff thas really going on.. Kill em all.

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i agree 100% with either deporting all islamic people or putting them in detainment camps here. it is for there own good as well. what if the peeps here turn on innocent islamics?? this way in detainment camps they would be safe and so would we from the ones who are terorrists.:tank:

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