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Originally posted by jimk29

You know what boggles my mind... how do you know that he has these bombs? Shit, if we know that he does, then why can't we prove it? And why couldn't we tell inspectors where to find them...

I am not saying they definitely don't, it is in fact quite possible they do. But do you see my point?


it boggles my mind that someone could even think that he might not have WMD's....

no one has made the argument that he does not....even france, russia, germany, and china will agree that he is in possesion of these weapons...

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Originally posted by underwater

Peace only came about in the event that Iraq would immediately and fully disarm after the Gulf war. That did not happen. This is the result. Funny how people never focus on the fact that Saddam brought this upon himself.

Who is the US to arbitrarily take matters into their own hands? They didnt' get the votes they needed to disarm Iraq. Wether this is a just cause or not is besides the point IMO. The U.S. is going about this the wrong way, that's why many countries are not supporting us. A war that doesn't have U.N. support paints a very ugly picture of this country to the middle east. I guess world opinion doesn't matter to this administration :confused:

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I hate it when the bush administration starts mentioning 9/11 and insinuates Iraq had something to do with it. IMO that's disrespectful to the people that died in 9/11. HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED ANYTHING WITH 9/11 TO JUSTIFY HIS ATTACK ON IRAQ. They are NOT the same group. To me it's really obvious in all his speaches he's taking advantage of the emotions we all felt as americans when 9/11 happened to get us to support his administrations war in Iraq.

George Bush has publicly stated time and time again that there is no definitive connection between Iraq and Al Queda. The fear is that if Iraq is allowed to continue its program of WMD's that they will eventually sell or pass on a weapon that will be used against us. Same thing with North Korea. The fear is that they will sell Nuclear Weapons to rogue groups to help preserve their regime.

Sounds like a pratical enough argument to me.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Who is the US to arbitrarily take matters into their own hands?

In our defense it could be argued that the US does 90% of the fighting in all UN enforcement actions. So being that we are the "police force" we could just go ahead. I also believe that blocking us came down to a lot of other reasons other then morality. Oil contracts, Trade Agreements, and keeping US power in check. Thats probably why the administration went ahead with it. I do agree with you that this has radically altered the structure of world politics. The US has to do this right or we are FUCKED. That I will agree with completly. This war can either be the greatest or worst political move in history. There is no gray area. Black and White.

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"We will stay on task until we've achieved our objective, which is to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, and free the Iraqi people so they can live in a society that is hopeful, democratic, and at peace in its neighborhood," Bush said as he met with congressional leaders.

What is so flawed in this argument?

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Originally posted by underwater

"We will stay on task until we've achieved our objective, which is to rid Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, and free the Iraqi people so they can live in a society that is hopeful, democratic, and at peace in its neighborhood," Bush said as he met with congressional leaders.

What is so flawed in this argument?

it's whats called "rhetoric".

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Originally posted by underwater

I do agree with you that this has radically altered the structure of world politics. The US has to do this right or we are FUCKED. That I will agree with completly. This war can either be the greatest or worst political move in history. There is no gray area. Black and White.

If they pull this off the U.N. may lose credibility comprimising a governing body for world stability.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

how can you say something like that? so many new yorkers saw the planes hit and watched hundreds of people die. how can you take that so lightly and hope that happens to anyone in america? shows how much you love this country


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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

You war mongers tell the families of those 2 kids that died in operation iraqi freedom how much the war was worth it. They died thousands of miles from home and will never see there families again.


War is terrible and we should only put american lives at risk if we are being attacked. There was NO weapons of mass destruction found by the inspectors. We are attacking a country based on a suspicion they have weapons of mass destruction :confused:.

I hate it when the bush administration starts mentioning 9/11 and insinuates Iraq had something to do with it. IMO that's disrespectful to the people that died in 9/11. HE SHOULD NEVER HAVE MENTIONED ANYTHING WITH 9/11 TO JUSTIFY HIS ATTACK ON IRAQ. They are NOT the same group. To me it's really obvious in all his speaches he's taking advantage of the emotions we all felt as americans when 9/11 happened to get us to support his administrations war in Iraq.

Now that the troops are there I sincerely hope not one more dies but I do NOT support our goverments foriegn policy in Iraq.

You make a great point here GA2. It makes me sick to think how George Dubya plays on the public's emotions to justify his war machine.

Bottom line the U.S. failed in getting the job done in Afghanistan, and believe me, I'd like to have seen Bin Laden brought to justice just as much as the next guy. But we didn't, we've still never found him, and now Bush has to take the attention of Afghanistan and put it elsewhere.

If he's got a vendetta against Saddam because of what happened with him and his father, let GW go over there to settle his own battles instead of sending the sons and daughters of this country over there to fight and die under ther guise of "Liberating Iraq".

Really sad.

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Originally posted by underwater

George Bush has publicly stated time and time again that there is no definitive connection between Iraq and Al Queda. The fear is that if Iraq is allowed to continue its program of WMD's that they will eventually sell or pass on a weapon that will be used against us. Same thing with North Korea. The fear is that they will sell Nuclear Weapons to rogue groups to help preserve their regime.

Sounds like a pratical enough argument to me.

Ohhh, I get it..................so we're going over there and blowing people up on a presumption, OK that makes sense then.

And of course we have North Korea who has openly stated that they have nukes (no presumptions necessary), that could be pointed right at us..............guarantee you we won't be headed in that neck of the woods any time soon. Hmmmmm, can someone explain this to me???

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Originally posted by sassa

just a point. i will NEVER NEVER respect a gov't who has allowed education to deteriorate in this country, who has allowed the assassinations of 8 foreign leaders because the CIA felt it was in their benefit for these men to be out of office. i don't respect a gov't who does NOT have the goodwill and security of their people in their agenda. i do not respect people in a gov't who lie, cheat, steal, embezzle, and kill to get the paper bills that are so important to them...

no, if anything i have great respect for this country. it makes me sad and sick to see the gov't doing this to the people....and they believe everything that these assholes say.

i understand why this is the way it is though...and wish it could be rectified...but people will take my words to mean dissent of the american way and that is wrong...take it how you will, i cannot stop you...but curse, taunt, and call me whatever you want...i will never respect this country's government.

I f you hate the US government then why don't you become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. You are willing to sit back and talk shit about the govt but are you doing anything to make it better? You could be involved in your town and state politics, organize marches on Washington or whatever. Instead of sitting behind your computer why don't you put all your words into action and try and make a difference.

I am not picking on you or anything but talking shit like this on a message board will get you no where. If you want to see a change then you need to get out there and help make a change.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Who is the US to arbitrarily take matters into their own hands? They didnt' get the votes they needed to disarm Iraq. Wether this is a just cause or not is besides the point IMO. The U.S. is going about this the wrong way, that's why many countries are not supporting us. A war that doesn't have U.N. support paints a very ugly picture of this country to the middle east. I guess world opinion doesn't matter to this administration :confused:

There have been 12 years of peaceful options being exercised by the US/UN. Sadaam has played the peaceful options card for all its worth. Bottom-line, he and his sons are a threat to our nation's safety, and after 9/11, I wouldn't want anyone who so openly hates Americans and all that we stand for to be in control of WMDs or a country. If ridding Iraq of Sadaam will mean a safer future for my 3 year old son, which I am sure it will, then I am all for it.

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

There have been 12 years of peaceful options being exercised by the US/UN. Sadaam has played the peaceful options card for all its worth. Bottom-line, he and his sons are a threat to our nation's safety, and after 9/11, I wouldn't want anyone who so openly hates Americans and all that we stand for to be in control of WMDs or a country. If ridding Iraq of Sadaam will mean a safer future for my 3 year old son, which I am sure it will, then I am all for it.

I've got a newsflash for you, there's plenty of other nations out there that hate the U.S. and are much more capable of being a threat to us than Iraq is. Iraq is on the other side of the planet.

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Originally posted by ou812

I've got a newsflash for you, there's plenty of other nations out there that hate the U.S. and are much more capable of being a threat to us than Iraq is. Iraq is on the other side of the planet.

Ok, well at this point in time, Iraq and the Hussein regime are being taken care of.

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Originally posted by ou812

I've got a newsflash for you, there's plenty of other nations out there that hate the U.S. and are much more capable of being a threat to us than Iraq is. Iraq is on the other side of the planet.

everyone who hates us is on the other side of the planet, well everyone with the capability to hurts us at least.

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Originally posted by kaligirl

I f you hate the US government then why don't you become part of the solution instead of part of the problem. You are willing to sit back and talk shit about the govt but are you doing anything to make it better? You could be involved in your town and state politics, organize marches on Washington or whatever. Instead of sitting behind your computer why don't you put all your words into action and try and make a difference.

I am not picking on you or anything but talking shit like this on a message board will get you no where. If you want to see a change then you need to get out there and help make a change.

and what makes you think i don't....you don't know me....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :blown:

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