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I broke up with my GF like a month ago. She is having a hard time with this. The problem is we have the same friends, and go to the same places. Now i know seeing me would upset her, so i have kind of let her know where I'm going so she is not surprised to see me. This has backfired now she goes where i say I'm going. I just wind up not going. Now I'm kinda sick of this, but don't want to cause all this drama with friends and in the middle of a club.

So should i not go and find other places or just go and deal with it?

If i do go how can it be drama free?

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Why does she want to put herself in that miserable position? Why would she want to run into you on purpose.......when she knows its just gonna ruin your/her night?

Its a tough situation because neither of you should have to change where you both orginially went so that you have a "drama free" night.

Maybe you shouldnt be telling her where you are going....at all. And try to vary the places you go for a while....until she comes to grips with the whole thing...or until you know you can be at the same place and be civil.

Still, I dont think you should even be telling eachother where you may or may not be going.....your not together right!?!?!?

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we are completly broken up

i guess i was trying to be nice and let her know where i would be so she would not be surprised and try and have a drama free night

BUt i've decided to go anyway, if she has the problem she can leave

I will just be civil to her and say hello

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sit her down and talk about over some coffee, set out to let her know exactly what you want her to know. Be blunt, but not rude about it.

You have to make her understand how things are.

There is no point in playing hide an seek with an ex. It'll just hurt everyone involved, as it's already doing.

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Be up front with her b/c she sounds like a borderline stalker(if she "happens" to show up at the same place, after you told her you'd be there) and that isn't cool. She probably doesn't think she's bothering you b/c you haven't said anything to her about it. If the two of you were kickin' it at the same place before you broke it off, then she shouldn't be suprised to see there now.

When you see her there does she confront you?

Does she tell other women not to fuck with you?

Does she stare at you the entire/majority of the time?

Does she break down when she sees you, crying, funky attitude ect?

If she isn't doing any of those things then, say what's up and leave it at that.

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