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Anyone been through the Lincoln or Holand tunnels????

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Has anyone been through the Lincoln or Holland Tunnel since the middle of last week?

I drove through the other day and it was so scary......National Guards in full army wear with thier hands on the triggers of there semi- automatics.........It FREAKED me out!!!!

Seeing one or two was scary but re-assuring....but anyone who has been through, knows how HUGE the Holland Tunnel Entrance/Exit is......there is one guy at the end of every toll booth, randomly stoping cars/trucks.....stern faced and stone cold. The scariest part is that they have thier fingers on the trigger of this huge gun and when you drive by they only follow you with their eyes....their body position remains the same.

The first time I saw it, it almost made me cry......thinking about how we have to have armed reserves at our entrances to and from New York City.

Anyone else contimplating investing in a gas mask....just in case? Sometimes I think I am crazy to think that I should get one....but it might not hurt just to have one. I hear they are on extremely high demand now, but once you have one...they have a pretty long shelf life if needed in the future????

AM I NUTS????????


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i been throught ever day since last wednesday, and ya they are there but i have yet to see them stop anything but large vans and trucks....now granted they are trying, but i could take a tahoe and load it up with explosives and drive right throught and wave to the gardsman at the toll booth and procede to blow up the fuckin tunnel....

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watching them up there was really so annoying because i felt like they weren't able to do anything to secure our city, until i read an article in WIRED - they are doing much more then randomly stopping vans and trucks.... hidden detectors can flag even traces of nuclear radiation - according to the article, even cancer patients undergoing heavy chemotherapy are being stopped on their way into the city. This is the start of the right approach to security - it is non-invasive and does not threaten our civil liberties any more then random stops would.

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It was like that for about 8-9 months if not longer after 9/11. It's reassuring to me but also as stated, sad that it is necessary. We used to bring them pizzas and grilled cheese and hot chocolate throughout the winter of 2001/2002 when coming back from clubbing.

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