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***danny howells review & pics (from l.a. - attn:cody!)


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welcome back, cody! do you have pics for me? i sure hope so...

here's the link to the review thread, and the link to the picture thread that followed is in there. got some good ones of danny, even with my disposable camera!!!


well, i'll put the pics here, too, but go to both threads for what was said anyway :D .

danny, doing his thing:


danny makes a boo-boo:


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Wow what lovely pics!! Ahh!! The first one is beautiful!! :D

Ok.. I wanna shoot myself because................

I didn't get ANY pictures or even an autograph or ANYTHING from Danny DESPITE the fact that I hung out with him 2 outta my 5 nites there!

Ok.. so here's my Danny Howells' story.. (it's LONG)

Starts on Wednesday when I go to hear him @ the Spundae pool party.. the system was terrible and Steve Lawler was on before Danny and he was pissed at the set up and everyone was in a bad mood, etc.. Danny comes on, and he doesn't give a shit, he throws his best out no matter what.. he just brings life back to the entire party.. and I'm not exaggerating or anything cause I love him, ask anyone that was there how the party was dying and how it suddenly came back to life once Danny hit the tables..

So he spins for a couple hours, ends around midnite.. me and a couple of people leave, we have plans to hit up Level for the LNO vs. Tronic party and then close out the nite at Crobar for Subliminal..

Well all this shit happens and we end up not getting ready to go out until around 2:30.. so we're trying to decide where to go.. I really wanted to hear Hybrid @ Level but I knew I HAD to check out Subliminal.. it was supposed to be one of the best parties of the conference.. so the people I'm with decide they don't care so I make the decision: LET'S GO TO CROBAR FOR SUBLIMINAL.

So we're standing on line and one of my friends goes: hey look there's Danny Howells.. and I look over and he skips the line and heads inside. I'm like: yoooooo..

We finally get in and get some drinks and we're standing in a corner and one of my other friends taps me on the shoulder and says: hey look who it is.. and he points.. and whaddya know.. it's fucking Danny Howells standing right there.. I'm like: OMG.. :eek:

So they're like: go say hi and I'm like: noooooo (cause believe it or not, total shock and shyness came over me) and I started backing away.. so my friend goes over to him, tells him something and points to me.. I'm like: shit.. all embarassed.. next thing I know Danny comes running over to me and gives me a kiss and a hug and I'm like standing there shocked.. my friend's like: GIVE HIM A HUG! cause I'm standing there with a deer in headlights look.. and Danny says: YEAH GIVE ME A FUCKING HUG!!!!!!! AHH.. so I do and he says:

"What's your name"

I say: "Cody"

He says: "Cody.. ohhh CODICA!"

My mouth drops to the floor.. I'm like: OMG.. how'd you know that? And he says he remembered I emailed him about BED and how he definitely put me on his list (just like he said he would) and how he DOES read his message board (on his site).. wow.. I think that made my nite..

So anyways, he asks if I want a drink and I'm like: uhh.. but I have a full Corona in my hand so he asks my friend if he wants a drink and he's like: Sure, you want one, let's go get one, and Danny stops in midstride, turns around and says: NO MUTHAFUCKA! I'M GOING TO BUY YOU A DRINK! So yeah we chill with him at Subliminal and at the end of the nite when he's leaving he hands me a flyer.. I think nothing of it and throw it in my purse..

The next day when I'm sober and normal, I look at it, and HOLY SHIT! It's an invitation to a private invite mix party that he's doing at Albion Hotel with people like Deep Dish, Christian Smith, Desyn Masiello, Omid16B, etc.. so I'm like going crazy of course.

Obviously I head over there with one of my friends and we chill some more with Danny.. talk, ask him why he's not going to be at Vinyl this month, he's working on a mixology so he doesn't have time in his schedule.. I ask him if he wants a drink and he says: I'VE GOT ONE BUT I ALWAYS WANT MORE! Danny is a party animal I tell you! And I go to go get him one and he won't let me go until he hands me comps for drinks.. he's like: Here's one for me, and here's some for you! He hands me like 7 passes, I'm like: LOL.. so go get him a drink, come back, tells me: OHH YOU'RE SUCH A SWEETIE and bam! *smooch* on the lips from him. ;)

My friend got pictures of him and one with him but I was so drunk and still, always, in shock that I completely forgot.. doesn't matter though.. he definitely made my conference better than I ever could have expected..

Unfortunately I didn't make it to the BED party.. I went to Maze first Friday nite and got completely sick.. left abruptly from there and went straight home.. :( My passes went to waste AND Danny put me on his list for no reason.. :(

Wanted to see him at ULTRA and FINALLY ask him to sign the Yoshitoshi flyer for me.. never showed up for his set.. talked to some behind the scenes people and they said to me: "We don't know where he is!" as in, they lost him and couldn't get in touch! LOL..

Then I couldn't hear him at Space on the Terrace like I had planned because my flight left early Sunday morning, and he was doing a set from 7am-10am.. so that sucked..

But it's ok.. :party:

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Ohh.. and by the way.. I regret to inform you that Danny Howells now has a MOHAWK! :mad:

Err.. it took some getting used to..

I dunno if it's like a new fad or something.. cause the singer from Hybrid had one too and I saw shots of other people and they had it too.. err..

Ohh wells.. gotta love Danny. :love:

And I seriously said: "Oh my God.. he's like, right there" to my friends like 20+ times.. no lie.. completely shocked.. ;)

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Ohh one more thing I forgot to add.. though I dunno how I forgot!

When Deep Dish was spinning Danny was up near the booth and he was standing there dancing so I was like: Danny! Let's go dance! And he said: but I'm not all that great with dancing.. and I was like: who cares!! And he was like: well ok let's go! So we went out to the dance floor with some people and he was dancing around with us..

I asked him what it felt like to be on the other side.. as in on the other side of the decks.. and his answer: I LOVE IT!!

Classic Danny Howells. :)

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wow, cody, that's amazing :clap2: . i can't imagaine anything better :D . and a smackeroo on the lips :eek: :eek: :eek: ??????????????????????? woooooooowwwwwww.

i poured my soul in an e-mail to the performer (she doesn't spin - live pa) who changed my life. it took me a very long time to put what i said into words, 'cause most of the words i needed (and still do) don't exist. she was the one who, years ago, set my shy self free on the dancefloor when i didn't think i could dance unless with a group of friends. i went to a party alone for the first time because of another dj and she was one of the first on. only a few people were on the dancefloor, but her music drove me there and set me dancing frenetically, not caring what anyone thought. and ever after that, i went alone to parties whenever, danced where, when, and how i felt like it. she's going to be out here next week (she hardly ever tours, so i'm stoked :spin2: ).

but the only response i got to my e-mail was what looked like a form letter :( . i'm not even sure she read it.

i hope to get her picture next week, but that club is kinda strict about cameras :worry: ...

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Originally posted by weyes

wow, cody, that's amazing :clap2: . i can't imagaine anything better :D . and a smackeroo on the lips :eek: :eek: :eek: ??????????????????????? woooooooowwwwwww.

i poured my soul in an e-mail to the performer (she doesn't spin - live pa) who changed my life. it took me a very long time to put what i said into words, 'cause most of the words i needed (and still do) don't exist. she was the one who, years ago, set my shy self free on the dancefloor when i didn't think i could dance unless with a group of friends. i went to a party alone for the first time because of another dj and she was one of the first on. only a few people were on the dancefloor, but her music drove me there and set me dancing frenetically, not caring what anyone thought. and ever after that, i went alone to parties whenever, danced where, when, and how i felt like it. she's going to be out here next week (she hardly ever tours, so i'm stoked :spin2: ).

but the only response i got to my e-mail was what looked like a form letter :( . i'm not even sure she read it.

i hope to get her picture next week, but that club is kinda strict about cameras :worry: ...

And who might this mysterious she be??

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Originally posted by Codica3

BTW -- weyes.. here is a picture of Danny from BED.. err.. don't ask me.. I dunno.. and I don't really wanna..

from where did you get that pic? he seems all punked out; his belt's studded and whatnot. maybe he's going for a whole new look. when he was here he was wearing a ringer-t with the cover of one of blondie's albums on it (i know you saw the pic). it wasn't from back then, though; it was a brand new, silkscreened one on a retro-looking shirt. how old is mr. howells? i thought he was 27/28. did i actually read that somewhere or is that just some baseless age floatin' in my head?

and the "she" is space girl spacecraft7.gif . even though her music's not really my type of stuff anymore (i'm more mellow than i used to be), you couldn't keep me away from red next friday if ya tried :D .

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Originally posted by weyes

from where did you get that pic? he seems all punked out; his belt's studded and whatnot. maybe he's going for a whole new look. when he was here he was wearing a ringer-t with the cover of one of blondie's albums on it (i know you saw the pic). it wasn't from back then, though; it was a brand new, silkscreened one on a retro-looking shirt. how old is mr. howells? i thought he was 27/28. did i actually read that somewhere or is that just some baseless age floatin' in my head?

and the "she" is space girl spacecraft7.gif . even though her music's not really my type of stuff anymore (i'm more mellow than i used to be), you couldn't keep me away from red next friday if ya tried :D .

I figured it might have been her.. Miss Spacegirl..

I got that pic from Danny's site.. one of the people at BED took it.. he actually has a lot of really good shots up on his site.. I don't remember it right now.. I'll have to get back to you on it.. but if you go to Danny's site, it's in the message board section under the BED thread..

And I do believe Danny is around the age of 35ish.. :blank:

Don't ask me about his punked out clothes.. he wears different things all the time, you can never tell with that man! Ohh wells.. we love him anyways. :D

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Originally posted by Codica3

Hopefully by next month when I see him at Vinyl again, he'll have moved on to something else.. ;)

guys can fix their hair pretty easily - you know how it seems to grow faster than ours does :D .
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Originally posted by weyes

guys can fix their hair pretty easily - you know how it seems to grow faster than ours does :D .

We'll keep our fingers crossed. ;)

Maybe he'll cut it short again because of the hot weather that should be coming with summertime.. ;)

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