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Did you guys see the shit about Dolphins?

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

The Moroccan government, according to the Rabat weekly al-Ubsu' al-Siyass, has offered US troops in Iraq "2,000 monkeys trained in detonating landmines" to assist the war effort. Some of the monkeys, it suggested, would come from Morocco's Atlas mountains, while others would be imported. The publication quoted a well-placed source as saying this was "not a scientific illusion but a well-known military tactic".

Holy fuck. We've got dolphins in the water and monkeys on land, and Sadaam says that God is on Iraq's side?!?

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

The Moroccan government, according to the Rabat weekly al-Ubsu' al-Siyass, has offered US troops in Iraq "2,000 monkeys trained in detonating landmines" to assist the war effort. Some of the monkeys, it suggested, would come from Morocco's Atlas mountains, while others would be imported. The publication quoted a well-placed source as saying this was "not a scientific illusion but a well-known military tactic".

What are they going to do? Just turn 2000 monkeys loose in a mine field? Sounds like hoe the cat population in bosnia got reduced dramatically.

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RE:Now fucking greenpeace is going to be yelling about save the fucking dolphins even more. Like they really give a shit about the slimy little bastards anyway. If they ever had a good dolphin steak they wouldn't bitch so much about trying to save them or the whales. ummm ummm good dolphin steaks.

FU and your entire crew.

Sincerely, FLIPPER

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I'm surprised cookie didn't pick up on this. The dolphin you eat is NOT flipper (at least not in the US). It's a fish. Also known as Mahi Mahi and Dorado. Around here it's called Mahi Mahi. Down in Florida, they call it dolphin.




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RE:Fuck you too Flipper.

BTW your mom tasted great. A little fishy, but still great.


I didnt realize people from Manassas posted on here. What time is the next Monster Truck show? Oh, and tell your two sisters that they owe me 5k, I ll dont do toothless inbred underage skanks for free.


the Killer Whale from FREE WILLY

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Originally posted by crank47

I'm surprised cookie didn't pick up on this. The dolphin you eat is NOT flipper (at least not in the US). It's a fish. Also known as Mahi Mahi and Dorado. Around here it's called Mahi Mahi. Down in Florida, they call it dolphin.




No Crank, I am talking about eating DOLPHIN!! A.K.A Flipper.

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Originally posted by crank47

I'm surprised cookie didn't pick up on this. The dolphin you eat is NOT flipper (at least not in the US). It's a fish. Also known as Mahi Mahi and Dorado. Around here it's called Mahi Mahi. Down in Florida, they call it dolphin.




No Crank, I am talking about eating DOLPHIN!! A.K.A Flipper.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by vicman

yeah i heard about the dolphins. they are trying to go after brian griese for QB since he is gonna be released by the bronco's since they already signed jake plummer from the cardinals on free agency. might be the missing peice in the dolphins super bowel puzzle.


you know, i thought this was gonna be a thread about football. the dolphins thing inst new, my friend has been training them in sunny san diego since back in 96. he joined the navy.

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