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Glow Stick Ban At Space


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Yo glowmybone,

anyone ever tell you, you express yourself like a " DRAMA QUEEN !!! "....You must be upset that Junior is retiring soon...

Don't take life so seriously, we're only having a little fun here just poking some jokes at each other...

Chill.... DRAMATICA...

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urei - lol i'll give the clueless ones a hint....it's a piece of equipment -

as for my dad being castro - well i have to admit that's pretty damn funny - i'll be sure to call home and tell him that his irish daughter's been discovered - that his plans to invade the US using my connections is foiled...also need to write home for more cigars...

oh yes, and there ARE glostix in cuba - the fisherman use them.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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B> I was wondering why you knew a little Spanish... now it all seems clear to me.


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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K - did you know the spanish word for fox is zorro?

it all starts to make sense now doesn't it?

damnit - these glostix kids ruined my grand scheme to take over the world!!!!

damn damn damn!


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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I am glad to see people here calming down. Damn for a bit there I was going to suggest the guys at Space set up a boxing ring for the Clubplanet met up. Anyhow, I know none of you care but here is my 2 cents. To each there own. Damn as long as your not bringing other people down while you are enjoying your self I am all for it.

Glowstixs held in your hands I have no problem with but when you attach them to strings and fling them around you’re a hazard and should not be on the dance floor. Find a quiet corner to do your thing and if there isn't one then don’t do it. It's that simple. Furthermore it is the clubs right to do what they want. If they don’t want glowstixs you have 2 choices: go somewhere else or try to get them to change the rules. It’s the same with what you wear or with them limiting the amount of guys without girls in the club. Now you know what they expect, you can either conform to their rules or find a new place to go.

And lastly, just because you do not agree with another persons views, music or culture its no reason to bash them. If it is truly stupid as you say it is, time will prove you right and it will fade away.


It would be a awfully boring world if everyone was the same.

[This message has been edited by a-ron (edited 11-28-2000).]

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"it's a piece of equipment."???? Hey, good definition, noira. And Urei, are you an anti-semite too? Or do you just restrict your anger towards gays and lesbians only? Just curious.

Let's see, the average raver spends anywhere from $20-$40 to get into the latest "hip" club about two nights a week. $6-$10 on one drink. Hundreds of dollars annually on a cultural novelty (namely, glowsticks, for those of you having a problem following along), and WTFF and I are Drama Queens? You guys whole life is one big Soap Opera about who can look the best, glow the best, dance the best, not to mention just being the prettiest, fake ass person you can be.

Y'know, recent scientific studies have shown that the designer drug Extasy can cause permanent mental damage after prolonged use. Well, now, that explains a whole lot, doesn't it? But hey, don't take my word for it, do the research yourself...if you can, "Uh, duh, i'm gonna call me self, your-ee, i learnt all about dat in a in-cyclo-pee-dee-ya, huh, huh!"

Later, Losers

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glowmybone proves my point once again about idiots and double posts...here's a clue honey - S A R C A S M - my hint about a piece of equipment was just that - do you know what the purpose of a urei-1620 is??? hmmm?????????? didn't think so... why don't you check out that anger management course next to that mental health clinic you're in -should do wonders for you...

macfunk - i have a WICKED sense of humour - i've been laughing my ass off at this thread for the past couple days - nothing more amusing than winding people up over senseless crap...

and you'll find me and el zorro on this board at blue on friday - house baby - house house house - thought you'd learnt that lesson a while back from el zorro (aka arrakis)


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

[This message has been edited by noira (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Amen, B... and I'll be there with my whip - lashing all the glowstick ravers into submission; any takers? cwm27.gif


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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congratulations arrakis - you've officially turned this post into raver-porn - what an improvement - i'm soo proud of you!

speaking of raver porn - did anyone see that sight that was sent around awhile back - raverporn.com or some such - one of those pix was taken at a party in dc - apparently this girlfriend of a friend of mine was one of those girls - or so the story goes...

anyway - changing the topic cause i'm bored with glostix...


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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Wolves certainly have a corrupting influence on poor, innocent (but hungry) foxes...


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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Mr glowbone,

You forgot to mention the part about "People dying everyday" and "our planet dies a little more with each passing second" on your last post..

Come on man livin it up a little, remember you da clubplanet "DRAMA QUEEN".. We're expecting that from you..Give me some stuff about greenpeace or the ozone layer or something..

Question: Are you really as frustrated and bitter with your life as you sound??

B, can't you see this is just for amusement and havin a good old time with some folks you don't know, thats all..Get a grip..

And by the way, why would you think that I am bashing gays & lesbians? I've been a DJ for over 15 years and most of my gigs have been in gay clubs..I could care less what anyones sexual preference is (including you)cause I got no hangups about it, as long as respect is maintained..

I recomend you listen to the recently released "Lazy Dog" CD on Astrelwerks records. <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.lazydogclub.com" TARGET=_blank>www.lazydogclub.com</A>

Its sure to get you in a good mood like all us other househeads...


[This message has been edited by urei-1620 (edited 11-29-2000).]

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Hey noira, nice cover on the urei "equipment" subject, just proves you still don't know what the hell you're talking about. Also, watch what you say about idiots and double posts, you're buddy macfunk19 did the same thing and i'm sure you'll slip up one day too, oh no wait, i forgot your perfect, you don't make mistakes. how's that for SARCASM? cwm44.gif

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urei69 whatever your name is

glowmybone is right! you exactly that type of follower he is talking about. Who cares how many clubs you can name that you have been to. It's people like you that make this crappy culture so popular. GET REAL!!!!

Be your own person, there is more to music than the hottest new DJ

glowmybone is the only voice of reason on this post!!!!!




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glad someone started respecting my perfection...now if you all can start singing "raindrops on roses..." and "a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down..." i'll feel much better.

as for the urei thing - it's a mixer - sigh -duh - yawn - shall i explain what technics 1200's are too dear? i know that these technical terms tend to confuse ravers -


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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Attn: urine 420 and Bloira

You two losers have proven my point. You can't take music for what it is. I'm an idiot because I don't know what kind of mixer dj's use??

you two posers are missing the point. Music is made to be listened to, it's for enjoyment. NOOO! you two raver posers have to know what mixers they use.

This is a perfect example of your stupid poser raver glowing mentality. You have to wear the clothes, use the hip phrases, go to the hippest spots in town. You're like modern day hippies. You follow trends like the hippies used to follow the greatful dead back in the sixties. Why don't you go hug a tree or trade a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for some beads or crystals. your deadheads who have replaced acid with x, "wanna blow up".

If you idiots are trying to have a good time with this post, don't put anyone down for wanting to use glowstix. Let SOBETON have fun with his stix he doesn't go to "space" with the intention of hurting anyone, THINK ABOUT IT LOSERS!!!!!!!

As for you URINE if you have been a dj for 15 years you must SUCK!!!!!

And BLOIRA if you are that gorgeous blonde, I don't give a F*CK!!!!! There's plenty of pussy in this city, and i'm sure way better lookin' than you.

I know you two losers have been waiting to finish reading this so you can respond, but don't bother, you'll just be digging yourself deeper into that stupid Fuckin idiot hole you're already in.

RAVE ON DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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wttf - you're getting yourself confused - i know it's easy to do - only so many brain cells to hold info

I AM NOT A RAVER - I HATE GLOSTIX...thus 99.9% of your post doesn't apply to me...if you really read this thread you'd get the point that the people who were mad at me were the glostix-happy ones - i'm the anarchist - remember to READ posts before flaming.

you're a loser because your attitude sucks not because you don't know what equipment is what.

and you're right - you're better looking than me - no really - i'm sure you are - really...go ahead - look in the mirror - ignore those teenage zits - say it - I AM BEAUTIFUL - say it as many times as you need to dear.


--"My loathings are simple; stupidity, oppression, crime, cruelty, soft music." V. Nabokov

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Wtff> OK; if you're such an underground hero, than why don't you enlighten us with some of your musical knowledge... for starters, who are your favorite DJs? Labels? And you are just SO tough to be putting those harsh words on a message board; I'd love to see you talk like that in person!


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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noira> Okay, now you've actually offended me personally. I am no friggin loser raver, actually far from it. If you took your own advice to WTFF and actually read these posts, you would've noticed that my first one in this discussion, was very, very, very, very anti-raver. I would tell you about some of the stuff i listen to, but you'd probably never heard of it. After all, this site is called "clubplanet", not "raverplanet" (thank god for small favors).

Laterz, gmb


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3 pages long and full of crap. you people are getting too personal for no reason. but please continue if you like. i find it amusing.

why must anyone be labeled a "raver", or whathaveyou, for listing to a certain kind of music. i see that as a problem with our society. labels for individuals? that's what we are aren't we? individuals? so why must we be put under a label. so what if i like house? does that make me a "houser"? no. i also like d&b. does that make me a d&ber? i also like jazz. does that make me a jazzer? well, you get the point.

you all just need to chill and stop making things so personal. this thread has gone on for too long. just chill the f out, listen and dance to the music. if you really care what other people think of how you dance, or what music you listen to, then you're just a bit insecure. you need to grow up and realize that not everyone is in it for the drugs, the fad, or the glamour.

but hey...that's just my .02




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