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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Attn: Dave

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Originally posted by quoth

Banning people will not do shit.

You can ban people all you want..they are still gonna do and say as they please.

You people are getting way too carried away with "Messageboard Rules"

What makes Clubplanet different from the rest to begin with is variety and not snooby "pinkie-up" people who always think they are in the know 24/7 like on other boards if yer gonna start comparing boards.

Clubplanet SHOULDN'T be like other boards.

it should be itself.

And that's just what it is.

You think DaVe doesn't see most of the shit that's posted??

He does...and he prolly laughs half the time because of how bent up people can get on a bulletin board he created.

Now, YES...the board has definitely "lacked" something the past couple months which is why even i didn't feel like posting nor fucking around cause it just lost its novelty.

But, why would you need to change this board in the 1st place when if you do not like it...u have the other top messageboards to go as an option??

Instead of trying to make Clubplanet like the rest of them...why not keep it unique and let whatever happens happen?

If yer trying to make this board similar to other boards why even bother going through the trouble and money of doing so when u can just go and register at those other boards where u can be in "Messageboard Bliss"?

A bit cliche but, if ya can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen.

But in closing i will say this....i think instead of all these new guidelines that are being proposed....i think its just time to pick up the pieces and do something else with our lives other than post on a bulletin board.

Let's face...

All we were was a new generation of clubplanet members.

Now that shitload of newbies are on here..they are basically the new generation of members.

Sure u can both get along...but we have either all met each other or all run out of topics to talk about.

So its prolly time we do other things.

(like getting a fuckin job Joeg lol)

one of the few on here that makes sense

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i agree with what joe said. i left because there is a bad attitude on this board and the community is gone.

i think what joe is getting at is that he wants to bea moderator but i don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. with all the traffic that the new york board gets, it probably does need more moderators.

i think the policies should be well defined. for example, pm warning before banning someone. i know some of these people know they are being assholes but maybe not all of them.

regardless, something has to be done. CP has sucked for months and it used to be really good (apparently better before i was here)

i think i can safely say that no one cares that you left

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Originally posted by smokesum

yea..if that happened you wouldnt have any more friends

I have friends now??? :confused:

whatever... i'm tired of all the crap on here, as are most people... bottom line is... if its not fun anymore, people won't post...

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Just like a "real world" community degrades (in some people's opinion) when standards of behavior aren't enforced, so does a message board community.

I think the issue here is that many (most?) people don't think that standards of behavior are important on this board. They don't think of it in terms of "community" (ah... the memories).

People who've thought differently have gone off to form their own boards, where they set the standards. It does work, but the admins have to care enough to enforce the standards.

Dave's not that kind of guy (in the sense that his standards aren't as strict as some people would like) so this isn't that kind of board.

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whoa... blast from the past :tongue:

I don't blame DaVe... i mean, when he was around more, and running the boards everything was fine... but i think hes gotten busy with important behind the scenes stuff, and doesn't have the time to waste surfing a messageboard full of chuckleheads like us... plus, back in the day Lainie was around, and she could ban people... so people couldn't get away with as much...

I think we need another Lainie (did i just say that??? :tongue: )

hell, make LM an admin or something... whatever works...

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Originally posted by rackham

Just like a "real world" community degrades (in some people's opinion) when standards of behavior aren't enforced, so does a message board community.

I think the issue here is that many (most?) people don't think that standards of behavior are important on this board. They don't think of it in terms of "community" (ah... the memories).

People who've thought differently have gone off to form their own boards, where they set the standards. It does work, but the admins have to care enough to enforce the standards.

Dave's not that kind of guy (in the sense that his standards aren't as strict as some people would like) so this isn't that kind of board.

where u been?!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

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Freedom to say what you like...

except if other people don't like it......

someone should be kicked off for being an asshole but not for speaking his mind.......

Like the one guy said that some guy should get kicked off for having a palastinian blowing up as his avintar.....

Just cause he doesn't like palastinians doesn't mean he should get kicked off....it is his choice...

I am a forigner myself but everyone has the right not to like me....

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Originally posted by cigz

Freedom to say what you like...

except if other people don't like it......

someone should be kicked off for being an asshole but not for speaking his mind.......

Like the one guy said that some guy should get kicked off for having a palastinian blowing up as his avintar.....

Just cause he doesn't like palastinians doesn't mean he should get kicked off....it is his choice...

I am a forigner myself but everyone has the right not to like me....

Considering this thread started about imposters, couldn't you be creative and get your own name???????

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Originally posted by cigz

Freedom to say what you like...

except if other people don't like it......

someone should be kicked off for being an asshole but not for speaking his mind.......

Like the one guy said that some guy should get kicked off for having a palastinian blowing up as his avintar.....

Just cause he doesn't like palastinians doesn't mean he should get kicked off....it is his choice...

I am a forigner myself but everyone has the right not to like me....

If someone put in their sig American POW's being shot or the WTC coming down with some stupid comment, I am sure that a lot people would want it removed. The point is freedom of speech doesnt mean you can scream fire in a crowded movie theatre. This is a private message board with rules and regulations.

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Originally posted by crobra

point is freedom of speech doesnt mean you can scream fire in a crowded movie theatre. This is a private message board with rules and regulations.


I can't walk into a police station and start yelling "I HATE YOU FUCKING PIGS!!!!"

and if you wanna get technical, anyone ever hear of "Disturbing the Peace"???

D: I have a feeling you're right... :(

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Originally posted by joeg

We gotta start getting on top of shit, and getting rid of some of the "Bad element" thats draining this board or get someone who has the time to...

more specifically... start banning fake names, trouble makers, and the like... as much as we all like the lax policies of cp compared to other boards, its being abused... theres no reprecussion for any actions... and thus, no one thinks twice before doing anything.

If you don't have the time to stay on top of it all (cause you're obviously busy with bigger things) then maybe we need a second admin (a la Lainie, in the old days) who can ban people...

good point, joe... I agree 100%! :aright:

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Originally posted by hotcheme

you haven't even heard half of it baby.


Originally posted by hotcheme

you are now theradjacking your own thread, kinda ironic, isn't it?

haha... well I've done it to everyone else... its about time I get what I deserve... lol...

This thread isn't going to go away until CP gets better... :D

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