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What's The Worst Job You've Ever Had?

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Mine had to be in High School working in a meat market. I use to have to scrub fat off the floors with brillo pads. The pads would start to splinter off into my hands and they would start to bleed and god only knows what was in the scrubbing solution he gave me. But it stung like nothing I have ever felt before.

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My worst job was probably working in a warehouse. At one time last summer i worked in an adult video store. It wasnt so bad. Its just that they were open till really late and the place was all dark and sketchy individuals wouldnt come in. It paid damn well and i worked a lot, but nobody likes it when an old skeevy guy comes up to you at the register and asks if Worlds Biggest Gangbang Vol. 10 is out on dvd yet.

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Selling stuff door to door for PAL. It was one of my first jobs and it was horrible. Right after I quit, the guy who drove us around that we worked for ended up in the newpaper for fraud. We only made $1 a booklet that we sold. He was making the booklets in his basement andc keeping all of our money!!!! Bastard!!! :(

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working for 'the man' - an international financial that paid me so well to do such mind-numbing work i had to spend all of my loot on travel, gear and weed just to dull the pain. now that i'm doing what i love but not gettin paid shit, i wish i saved something :P

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In high school, I worked after school at a sherlin(sp?)coat factory in Queens. I had to comb out the fur from the inside seams w/ a heavy metal combs and cut any loose threads. My hands were blistered for a whole week. I worked enough hours to save for xmas shopping.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

Mine was definitely tele-marketing for a chimney sweep company back in high school. (not mentioning my unfortunate stint as a fluffer for Vivid Video. Ha, j/k)

I did telemraketing too, that had to be the worst even though i was making loot.

And working at a supermarket, which I could only endure for three days.. the coupons were buggin me out.

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i have two.....

in college I got a part time job @ Garden Botanika to make some dough in between internships.....I only applied as a sales associate, but they gave me a position as PT Asst. Manager because of my experience. Turns out there was some wicked bitch who was working there that was banking on that position. Things got ugly, my store manager quit, and I closed up one day and never went back.

Then there's my last job...which was just like working in the accesory bowels from HELL! :shake:

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When I was 15 I worked @ a cafe.....I worked from 3 in the afternoon until 3 in the morning....The people I worked for were nasty old Italian SOB's (they didn't like me b/c I'm Italian & didn't speak it) I always had to clean the deli machine.........I would have to take it apart & clean all the blades & stuff I quit after 6 months & to this day I haven't stepped foot in that place

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working at a local A&P/Waldbaums (sp) for 3 years

i started in high school. initially it wasnt too bad. I had a really nice set of store managers when I started. About a year after I began, the managers started changing. The store rotated in an incompetant asshole as general manager. On christmas eve of 2000, he put all the workers that begged for morning hours or the day off on the afternoon to evening shifts. When i called out, he said that I did not have my priorities straight: my job at the store should be my number 1 priority, even over school and family!

i guess thats why he was on his third wife at the time....:rolleyes:

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