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culinary question...

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i put pieces of garlic clove into my olive oil, along with rosemary, thyme, oregano, cracked pepper two dried up chili peppers... now if this is not refridgerated will it spoil??? (also i do not have a cover on the bottle, i use the tops that that have on bottles in bars the quick pour thingies...)

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i dunno why the garlic was sold in the refridgerated section of your market. weird.

my roommate has oil w/ garlic in it in a bottle next to the stove. the other ingredients you put in there are dried spices, so they're all good :aright: .

but tight seals are better than non; i'm just reccommending a cap/lid/cork 'cause it's air and what's floatin' in it :worry: that spoil things faster.

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flavored oils can and will spoil at room temperature, especially if you leave the ingredients in there. i wouldnt use them after a couple weeks, but thats just an estimate, depends on temperature and conditions...once the ingredients have flavored the oil stick it in the fridge, it should stay good in there forever almost. bon appetit an' shit...

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flavored/spiced olive oil is the best... my dad makes a bunch of them, some with fresh garlic cloves and they never spoil (he uses the quick pour thingies too)

williams-sonoma sells this really delicious spicy one with dried chili peppers and peppercorn, it's kind of expensive but it's soooo good... nice to dip with any kind of crusty french/italian/portuguese bread

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so now theres a slight bit of conflicted advice here.. do they spoil and should be kept in the fridge or they do not spoil and can be kept at room temp??? (keep in mind i rarely cook with lots of olive oil, so it will be sitting on the rack above the stove for some time between uses) how about odor will begin to smell odd if it goes rancid or spoils will there be any indications or will explosive diarrhea and tremendous stomach cramps be the final and only inidication lol!??!

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

But did you streralize it?

When I first did it I woke up with a bottle of botulism.

how would one sterilize it??? i simply washed it with hot water... maybe i shouldve poured boiling hot water in it then poured it out first???

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Originally posted by weyes

ah, dg -

i was advised today that virgin olive oil should be refridgerated, and that only processed oil can be left out. if you've got the former, in the fridge it goes.

no prob... thanks again...

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