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Saddam is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by stiffler

Hey Ray, Shut the fuck up!!! Goes to show what a moron you are, I was just joking around with a friend......I know God is capitalized(thats not a spelling error you idiot) but you are right GOD should be capitalized......my bad.......................and yes I know Italian, but Im and Italian American and I say what I want, when I want & how I want.....................THIS IS AMERICA where I pledge my allegience....one nation, under GOD!!!!!!

and who the fuck are you to turn a joke into some psycho-bable degrading me and my intelligence..............Fuck you & Get a life!!!!

I must have hit a nerve~~~~~~~~~~sorry

Actually stiffler, you're the moron for not understanding who I was addressing in my post ya schmuck! The top portion was directed at shockwave if you can see where my remarks were coming from and the bottom part where your name was mentioned was obviously meant for you. Where do you see God uncapitalized in any of your posts anyway? You're apologizing for a mistake you didnt even make so doesnt that set off sensors in your K-head that maybe I wasnt talking to you??? lol If you feel the need to say what you want and when you want, then I feel the same way to say shit back when I see wrong in what is said. My only comment to you was understand that Allah = God = Dios = etc but you showed your ignorance already so its not worth lecturing. I too am an American who pledges his allegiance but refuse to hear shit from ppl that dont know the very principles this country was founded on.

P.S. This joke that you refer to was actually interpreted as NOT a joke by your "friend" and aggrevated alot of ppl so instead of being a good boy and apologizing, you're showing how dumb you are now in namecalling. Dont pick a fight over some retarded post ... this is where you be a good boy and shut the fuck up yourself.... pick up a newspaper once in a while

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Originally posted by technojesus

Actually stiffler, you're the moron for not understanding who I was addressing in my post ya schmuck! The top portion was directed at shockwave if you can see where my remarks were coming from and the bottom part where your name was mentioned was obviously meant for you. Where do you see God uncapitalized in any of your posts anyway? You're apologizing for a mistake you didnt even make so doesnt that set off sensors in your K-head that maybe I wasnt talking to you??? lol If you feel the need to say what you want and when you want, then I feel the same way to say shit back when I see wrong in what is said. My only comment to you was understand that Allah = God = Dios = etc but you showed your ignorance already so its not worth lecturing. I too am an American who pledges his allegiance but refuse to hear shit from ppl that dont know the very principles this country was founded on.

P.S. This joke that you refer to was actually interpreted as NOT a joke by your "friend" and aggrevated alot of ppl so instead of being a good boy and apologizing, you're showing how dumb you are now in namecalling. Dont pick a fight over some retarded post ... this is where you be a good boy and shut the fuck up yourself.... pick up a newspaper once in a while

Now they're gonna call you a gay sand nigger.

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Originally posted by technojesus

I'm more upset at the quality of Scores dancers that have gone downhill over the years more than this war sweetheart. There was a time when Benji used to hire women that can do more than dance and chew bubblegum at the same time but those days are long gone like Atari, old coca cola bottles and Nerf football.... :D

lmao @ Deelite knowing JP's habits... watch out now ;)

You are a fucking idiot IMLAO I think they were talking about Jonathan Peters!! This is the best thing I have heard all day Thanks for the laugh. JP dUURRR :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by technojesus

wtf are you talking about?? we ALL know that was in reference to Jonathan lollll.... Somebody knocked her head in the pole one tooooooo many times lmao

Re..ad..in..g .... is....Fun..da...men...tal..:rolleyes:

Nice cover up ;)

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Originally posted by technojesus

wtf are you talking about?? we ALL know that was in reference to Jonathan lollll.... Somebody knocked her head in the pole one tooooooo many times lmao

Re..ad..in..g .... is....Fun..da...men...tal..:rolleyes:

yes I was talking about the DJ JP:laugh:

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Ahhh yes, yes... Jonathan Peters.. you mean that guy that spins at that big building on 618 w.46th street.... yeahhh ok, now I get it....

Hold up, you sure its not the JP that lives in edgewater who does lines and harbors terrorist leaders while swinging around poles to the sounds of 50 cent and Bon Jovi that we're talking about??? im sooooooooooooo confused lmao

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Originally posted by technojesus

Actually stiffler, you're the moron for not understanding who I was addressing in my post ya schmuck! The top portion was directed at shockwave if you can see where my remarks were coming from and the bottom part where your name was mentioned was obviously meant for you. Where do you see God uncapitalized in any of your posts anyway? You're apologizing for a mistake you didnt even make so doesnt that set off sensors in your K-head that maybe I wasnt talking to you??? lol If you feel the need to say what you want and when you want, then I feel the same way to say shit back when I see wrong in what is said. My only comment to you was understand that Allah = God = Dios = etc but you showed your ignorance already so its not worth lecturing. I too am an American who pledges his allegiance but refuse to hear shit from ppl that dont know the very principles this country was founded on.

P.S. This joke that you refer to was actually interpreted as NOT a joke by your "friend" and aggrevated alot of ppl so instead of being a good boy and apologizing, you're showing how dumb you are now in namecalling. Dont pick a fight over some retarded post ... this is where you be a good boy and shut the fuck up yourself.... pick up a newspaper once in a while

oops sorry, a little overworked and stresssssssssed lately!!!! My eyes can barely see the words on the screen...................

And as far as the bottom part of your reply I did find out today that Dee didn't take it as a joke so I do apologize, but I was honestly joking around. And the reference to Italian came from her joking around with me about Raviolis all the time.

But the bottom part of your first reply made reference to me and jars and I do not appreciate that.............................it seems that alot of people on this board make reference to drugs in arguments to solidify their arguments. And FUCK THAT!!! I work harder than anybody I know and when the time is right and allotted for I party, sometimes hard and sometimes not........................... One thing I cant stand is somebody talking to me like they are better than me.

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yo techno jesus since your so upto date on your social skills why don't you go speak at 1 of those seminars for the family member's of 9\11 and tell them how there ignorant becouse they hate all sand niggers

your an ignorant asshole that thinks your above everyone you aint above shit

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