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HipHop Request!


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Well, I'll concede that folk like RUN-DMC, Afrika Bambaataa and so forth had the talent...but today's hip-hop is a sad imitation of the original. Jay-Z and his ilk are just moronic wannabes at best. I've tuned into MTVs Cribs every so often, mainly to steal design concepts for my house...I've noticed the earlier generation of rap stars tend to conduct themselves more modestly, but with the air of "yeah, i've paid my dues, and I've got cash, but I'm not gonna rub it in your face...hey meet my wife and kid!"

Whereas you get the recent generation of rappers "Sheeit dawg look at the Michael Jordans on my H2! Here's my hottub, wavepool, HDTV I have no idea how to use, the 20 room house, and check out this dental work!"

The day after they're in court for writing bad checks, not paying child support, and beating up someone who looked at their girlfriend for more than 10 seconds.

I'm not necessarily an opponent of the music, as much as I am an opponent of the whole current lifestyle it seems to spawn. Years ago, South Beach was the playpen of the truly stylish, as well as the truly innovative...real talented actors, models and so forth actually lived here year-round or most of it as opposed to hopping in on weekends...we've traded our Stallones, Madonnas, Versaces, Schiffers, etc., for Britney Spears, Jay-Z, P-Diddy, and other no-talent hacks. Well, Stallone was a mouth-breather, but you get my point....the crowd has changed too, the real talented actors and artists drew like-minded people from all over the globe...now we get rubes from Peoria, Illinois who think they are the next Eminem, and twats from Atlanta who think they're the next Jay-Z.

Where'd my beach go?

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Well, there's been many factors at work on the reverse-gentrification of South Beach (good term)...

Economy for one: Clubs can't afford to hold truly high-class shindigs anymore...the return isn't there...so they go for the lower-class events...

Celebrities and such get bored easily...the Stallones, Madonnas, Schiffers, Versaces (well, not Gianni...), and so forth have all gone on to other things, Vail, St. Tropez, and so forth. Places like Nikki Beach and Mynt try hard to get them back, but it's hard to nail them down again when they look around and see the lowlifes wandering around in their H2s and credit cars (a saleen term)...

I don't want to see every club go back to the "way things were" though. What I want to see is the places like Mynt, Rumi, and so forth keep their celebrity clientele, and bring in quality celebrities like Colin Farrel, the Farrelly Brothers, various actors and directors of that nature, as well as world renowned artists and musicians. That will draw a like-minded clientele to the beach in general, who will support the economy with their lavish spending habits, and allow the more friendly venues such as Maze, Space 34, Nerve, and Spi to exist without having to resort to low-class promotions to get the people in. The Beach was once like that...posh parties and down-home stuff for the locals and people who don't go for the glitz and glamour...now it seems to be all about "how many drunken college kids can we cram in here, and who's the cheapest hip-hop DJ...fuck it just pipe in Power 96!"

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Sounds like a viable plan to me....you are a great writer! :)

Funny because I was dragged to Bed last night by my girl and there was a huge crowd at the door waiting to get in, becoming irate and LOUD and embarrassing.

"They don't like black people here! They don't want us to come in here!" and on and on.....I cringed in disbelief because not only was it a hip hop night (:rolleyes: ), but that makes it worse for people just standing there minding their business and waiting patiently to get in.

I think this would be a good story idea for the New Times.......

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Guest saleen351

Pod the proper saleenphonics is Credit Caddys....

And hip hop is for losers stuck in highschool when your friend had the badest system in his new accord and he was the rich kid of the school.

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I love Saleen because he just doesn't give a fuck. But honey, hip hop is much more than that. It's a style of music that gave voice to an oppressed people and enabled them to express themselves in many other ways - dancing, DJing, and graffiti. Burgeoned into a $50 billion a year business, but artists and labels have chosen profit over creativity. You cannot deny its influence. Stop being so mean! :laugh:

Pod, you make an excellent point. Thuggery knows no color, but since we are talking about hip hop, I think the assumption would be that we are talking about blacks. Tell me, what incidents have you witnessed that make you feel this way? Just curious, and want to know what the hell I'm getting myself into...... ;)

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I'll be honest and say the majority of thugged out guys on the beach are black...but I see a lotta white folk and Hispanic dudes doing the same or worse.

Incidents, hmmm...

Well, last year, I was sitting at Gino's Pizza IV across from the old Shadow Lounge building (or next to Club Madonna, depending on your outlook) and I had just ordered a calzone or something and a girl I was with had ordered her food, and went inside to use the john...2 minutes later 3 guys and a girl sit at my table...a white guy, 2 black dudes and a white girl (and a priest, and a rabbi, and the Pope!...ba dum ching!) ...the guys were Thug Life to the max and the girl looked like a poor knock off of J-Lo. Wondering what was up, I kindly told them that they were sitting at my table...they were like well, we don't see anyone else here, and you aren't eating...I was like "well, I just ordered my food and my friend is in the bathroom, she'll be out in a minute..."

The white guy responds "Well, what if we don't wanna leave?"

The two black guys are like "yeah, what if?" I'm in shock since I can't believe these people are acting like this...things rapidly deteriorate from there, with them threatening me, the whole bit...to make a long story short, myself and one of the Gino's employees ended up having the 3 guys arrested, and the girl sent on her merry way down Washington...

Other random BS:

Girls I'm with harassed and irritated by 2pac wannabes

Me bothered to the point of real annoyance on the street when going from club to club, because I'm carrying a camera by the same wannabes.

It's sad though...I have plenty of friends of all races, and my black friends especially get ticked off when they hear this, since they feel that it has set back the strides their forefathers had made 30 years ago.

I don't feel any real hostility towards the thug element on South Beach, it's a combination of irriation and a feeling of "man, things used to be better!"

I realise things aren't going to be the same as they were from 97-99, but at the same time I expected progress of sorts, I expected to feel safer walking down Washington at 3 in the morning, not in more danger.

I'm not advocating a total overhaul of South Beach into a Rivewalk/Las Olas type of atmosphere, that sort of rampant commercialism and WASP behavior (rich white folk can be assholes too!) sickens me as much as the whole thug life thing does. South Beach would be even worse if we traded off Books and Books for Barnes and Noble, Cheeseburger Baby for another McDonalds, and Grooveman Music for Sam Goody...What I'd like to see is the cops actually do their jobs, and be a little more proactive on disorderly conduct (within reason...there's moments when even I feel the need to scream obscenities on Washington Avenue!), and spend less time hitting on girls that pass their cruisers and playing Solitaire on their new Dell laptops.

Geez I'm long winded.

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LMFAO....not Frank White..... :laugh:

Pod, what you say is sooo true! I've been here for about three weeks now and while I love it, it is definitely a little more seedier than I thought it would be. And I fucking HATE the fact that I can't be walking down the street at 4 or 5am around here without someone thinking I'm a fucking hooker, like a young woman wouldn't be doing anything else at that time - having fun maybe??? I don't need to fuck for money, I publish books that will hopefully empower women who DO to find something more meaningful to do with their lives. :rolleyes:

The guys you encountered at the pizza shop were some real assholes, it's a good thing they were arrested, maybe that made them think twice about behaving that way for no reason.

I share the same sentiment as your black friends, it's infuriating that a few random idiots wreak havoc on such a beautiful city and cause its residents to make the rest of the law-abiding, peace loving individuals feel unwanted here. For the sake of keeping it gully? Then you get niggas like Saleen that diss the entire culture and talking mad shit(don't get mad baby, I'm fuckin witchu :laugh: ).

Seriously though Saleen, why do you feel the way you do about hip hop? I'm very interested in your response as well....... :)

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Guest saleen351

There is good news out of all the hip hop...

1. it will decline since its at its peak right now, i don't think its gonna get any bigger.

2. Only takes a high profile hip hop club shooting or brawl to scare sobe and the gov will finaly step in..

3. Those hip hop labels are currently targets by the feds for drugs. Trust me they'll get shut down..

4. It was very evident, and hog can back me up on this one, I see more and more blacks and especially hot black chicks rocking to the sounds of oscar g on sat night. You can tell they were loving the tunes but felt a little out of place. (They don't know the guido fist pump yet) but even in NJ shore i've noticed more and more minorites taking to house muisc, and with so many good djs being minorities, i'd like for them to promote it in the minority circles.. (cox, morillo,jeff mills to name a few)

5. Puff daddy will help, so don't hate... Only takes a thug one time to rock to some good house to get hooked..

6. i'd say from 97-2000 hip hop was dead, while house was great, things will change again..

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Doesnt BET have a board, or try Black Planet. Hip Hop clubs suck. Those clubs that play strictly hip hop have a terrible vibe, and draw mostly dudes from North Miami or Lauderdale.

Also, whenever they have an all "urban" event like the Source Awards, the national guard is partolling all of Sobe like its Kuwait or Israel. Nice.

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Originally posted by pod

Whereas you get the recent generation of rappers "Sheeit dawg look at the Michael Jordans on my H2! Here's my hottub, wavepool, HDTV I have no idea how to use, the 20 room house, and check out this dental work!"

U forgot......"and this is where all the magic happens" as they are walking into the bedroom :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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POD - i respect your opinions and the fact that you've been around the beach longer than i have - got love for the ol' school! but anyway, thanks for the input.. i can kinda see why you're annoyed by what the Beach has become.. frankly, so am i.. but you can't blame it on hiphop.. last time i checked hiphop = music.. yes, there's a culture that centers around hiphop, and unfortunately the younger generation has this habit of TAKIN THINGS LITERALLY and tryin to uphold a certain image that reflects the rapper/lyrics.. but you can't blame the music.. and you can't put total blame on the rapper either, they're just tryin to get paid just like the next guy.. and whether their lyrics reflect reality or reality reflects the lyrics, that's a whole other subject.. but hiphop will NEVER die out.. it's been around for a long time and it's still goin strong.. ill give you p.diddy, he's WACK.. but JAY-Z, he's raw talent.. and you can't deny others like OutKast, 2pac, Biggie.. i didn't mean to hit a sore spot with any1 on this board, i just wanted to put in a HIPHOP REQUEST that's all.. and who knows? maybe TECHNO and HIPHOP will merge one day lol


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by georgeacasta2

biggie and 2pac def got skills. :aright:

yea they were both so talented they were both dead before the age of 35.... WAY TO GO..........

in the realm of the world they are nothing but dead thugs...

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its still TALENT.. they'll be remembered more for what they WROTE than how they died - 2pac's still comin out with music!

so what if they had criminal records longer than my dental records - we all fuck up. YOU CAN'T DENY TALENT. period.

why is it so hard for people to admit that they there's a part of them that LIKES hiphop?

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Originally posted by iriechic305

its still TALENT.. they'll be remembered more for what they WROTE than how they died - 2pac's still comin out with music!

so what if they had criminal records longer than my dental records - we all fuck up. YOU CAN'T DENY TALENT. period.

why is it so hard for people to admit that they there's a part of them that LIKES hiphop?

I like hip hop, just feel it's really saturated and over commercialized right now.

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