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Looting and celebrations begin in Baghdad


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From Al Jazeera: http://english.aljazeera.net/topics/article.asp?cu_no=1&item_no=2196&version=1&template_id=263&parent_id=258

Uniformed soldiers and police have completely disappeared from some areas of Baghdad leading to an outbreak of looting, as US forces continue their advance into the city.

Journalists watched young men and boys sack the United Nations headquarters in the Canal Hotel to the east of the city centre. One witness saw looters ransack sports shops around the bombed Iraqi Olympic Committee building, formerly the headquarters of Saddam's elder son, Uday.

Residents threw flowers at the armoured column as it swept past, just three kilometres east of the central Jumhuriyya Bridge over the Tigris river. Joy at the apparent removal of Saddam Hussein was tangible, with one man beating a canvas portrait of him with his slipper.

Crowds threw flowers at the Marines as they drove past the Martyrs' Monument, just three km (two miles) east of the central Jumhuriya Bridge over the Tigris river.

Young and middle-aged men, many wearing soccer shirts of leading Western clubs like Manchester United, shouted "Hello, hello" as Marines advanced through the rundown sprawl of Saddam City and then more prosperous suburbs with villas and trim lawns.

"No more Saddam Hussein," chanted one group, waving to troops as they passed. "We love you, we love you." One young man ran alongside a Marine armoured personnel carrier trying to hand over a heavy belt of ammunition. An older man made a wild kicking gesture with his foot, saying "Goodbye Saddam".

Women waved from balconies, girls threw flower petals at young Marines leaning across gun turrets. One woman held her baby aloft. Tank crews picked the flowers from the tops of their fighting machines, smelt them and grinned.

Other signs of a breakdown were also apparent. Journalists at the Palestine Hotel confirmed that their minders had disappeared. US military officials said the Republican Guard continue to receive instructions but were not following them.

Al-Jazeera correspondent Maher Abdallah said he could hear tank fire from his location in the city centre but that it appeared to be intermittent and much less intense than Tuesday.


Iraqi looters wave to a passing convoy of US Marines

Speculation of desertion amongst the Iraqi military increased yesterday, when British forces described the terrible conditions they found in Republican Guard barracks in Basra.

But US military spokesman sounded a note of caution saying it was too early to talk of the battle for Baghdad and the war to overthrow Iraqi president Saddam Hussein being over, despite jubilant crowds gathering and shouting anti-Saddam chants in the north-east of the city.

“I think it's premature to talk about the end of this operation yet," Captain Frank Thorp told Reuters at Central Command forward headquarters in Qatar.

"There may be many more fierce fighting days in front of us as coalition forces continue to move within Baghdad and within the country." Nevertheless, some young men in suburban Baghdad openly celebrate disappearing Iraqi government control.

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Forget weapons of mass destruction, oil, and whatever reasons we have for going into Iraq. The videos of Iraqis rejoicing and throwing flowers at American troops are enough to show we're doing the right thing.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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