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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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Topher has come around to discover the original "JLo" - did you ever see the film Heartbreakers - it was actually kinda funny - and Jennifer Love Hewitt has a bangin' bod - she runs around in flimsy lil' outfits >>>> hemlines up to her coochie-pop! :D

*I also heard Dannii Minogue is runnin' around NYC! ;)

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Originally posted by joeygk

Topher has come around to discover the original "JLo" - did you ever see the film Heartbreakers - it was actually kinda funny - and Jennifer Love Hewitt has a bangin' bod - she runs around in flimsy lil' outfits >>>> hemlines up to her coochie-pop! :D

*I also heard Dannii Minogue is runnin' around NYC! ;)


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Originally posted by joeygk

So I accidentely ended up at Cielo last night shakin' my tiny hiney on the dance floor - I hate when that happens! Um, Vic where were you....and are we doin' Discoteque for the Superchumbo afta-afta-afta party on Sunday morning? :confused:

an event called "trade" + starting at 5 a.m. + mr. chumbo = me probably not attending! ;)

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Originally posted by joeygk

So I accidentely ended up at Cielo last night shakin' my tiny hiney on the dance floor - I hate when that happens! Um, Vic where were you....and are we doin' Discoteque for the Superchumbo afta-afta-afta party on Sunday morning? :confused:

sorry i couldnt get back to you last night but i was stuck in a meeting until 10pm and had an early morning interview to prepare for.

goign to happy ending tonight for a while and possible saeed and palash at centro tommorow. at what time is the superchumbo thingy on sunday? :confused:

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Originally posted by joeygk

I went to the "DJs Gone Wild" party b4 Cielo which was crazy! :eek:

I'm down w/ some S&P on Saturday - count me in ---- Tom doesn't start spinnin' until 5am ---- 5 til noon I think???

mr. stephan plays from 5 a.m. 'til 3p.m. and they'll start to serve alcohol again at noon.

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Originally posted by joeygk


mr. sanchez graced the decks of ole' clevo last evening. it was part of the "big dj, small club" tour, so he played in this bar that holds about 240- and that is completely rammed. the promoter that threw it is an absolute douche, but it's roger and i hadn't seen him since i lived in london, so it was time to get groovin'.

get in about ~10:45 and the place is DEAD. i mean, maybe 80 people in the joint. RS started at 9 and played through 'til the end = 2:45. when i get in he's playing VOCAL HOUSE tunes and i'm just sitting around going :rolleyes: . however, hope was never lost and the night just started to pick up.

about 12 the place was getting busy and the music was getting wicked. he finally got away from CDs that had women telling you what to do, girl, and the bass lines started rolling in! it got tribally, 'chumbo's "revolution" and jaxx "romeo" were highlights.

i did talk to RS (in the tradition of all the others that normally post here ;) ) and told him that i hadn't seen him since london at his "another chance" in-store and he's like "Ya, i do remember you, you've really grown up" and so on. i wanted to explain to him that i really haven't grown up that much, it was just the last time i saw him i was getting off a 3 week viral infection, looked like a friggin' ghost, and weighed about 150-some odd pounds! (any additional enquiries about that stage in my life should be directed towards the GK man.)

back to the night. so, i'm dancing my arse off and having an absolutely amazing time and i look back to see that the place is rammed. it really didn't feel like i was in cleveland, until i saw my ex-girlfriend and some dickhead told me to stop jumping around so much b/c the needles were going to skip. of course, RS was using a CDJ, which i tried to explain to the useless fella, but the owner came over and got him off my nuts, so it was back to the groooooove.

as the night was closing i was thinking, is it going to happen? it's 2:30, i should be getting my coat. would it be too cliche if he played it? was it too old to be brought out? did our earlier conversation give him any ideas? and then there it came out of the speakers . . . da, da . . . ANOTHER CHANCE! :bounce::bootysha::clap::hoparound:party:

i went ape shit. when i realized that he had finished the mix, we simply bowed to one another (tokyo stylee) and he knew that it had made my autumn. so much goes into that tune that i can't properly explain, but it was an absolutely wicked moment. luckily, the night ended soon after. as far as i was concerned nothing else could be played. about 10 minutes later, it was done, we said our goodbyes (i promised not to stay away for such a long time again) and it was off to the BRUTALLY cold clevo night.

i must admit that i had an amazing evening. i hope everyone had 1/2 as much fun as i did! roll on papa, and see you all soon!


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Originally posted by thomar

i wanted to explain to him that i really haven't grown up that much, it was just the last time i saw him i was getting off a 3 week viral infection, looked like a friggin' ghost, and weighed about 150-some odd pounds! (any additional enquiries about that stage in my life should be directed towards the GK man.)

this part of Topher's story is a complete fabrication b/c he in fact gained weight before heading off to the UK for the summer b/c he knew he wouldn't have the time or money to eat ---- Dude you were a good 20 pounds heavier when I meet you overseas --- do I need to post pictures from Paris to prove my point! (*and when don't you look like a friggin' ghost) ;)

I also might add that I opted to skip on the Roger Sanchez in-store appearance b/c I needed to go shopping at H&M on Oxford street -------> D'OH! :doh:

Roger Sanchez does rock - but isn't he a lil' too house fo the mouse for Thomar -- killin me softly w/ house music.

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