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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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Originally posted by headrushmusic

... and then he's going to wait 'til security lets its guard down and hijack :gang: the the booth for promos out of Sasha's bag

someone leaked my plans:shaky:

so what are the 'rush's plans for nye? is it to be an abbasso stormer?!

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Originally posted by thomar

is it to be an abbasso stormer?!

uh, no. I refuse to attend a party for which we could have booked a headliner but were told "no," or be there like last year where DJ Big Daddy played well past his allotted time of midnight into 1:30am, drunken pink flamingos from parma tossed their highball glasses filled with vodka cran at me, the dress of norm is someone's too tight prom dress from 5 years ago, and the dancing style of custom is the bump-and-grind to Ludacris. i know darb is playing later on, but hopefully he'll crash the afterparty at our crib w/ his records.

we were headed to NYC or toronto, but work and other things w/family and such have come up...will prolly keep it thumpin' in the new crib...trying to get a get-together together since the only other attraction in town seems to be an overpriced halo in that white bar and venom in lorain...maybe a night of raging in the basement studio followed by brunch with mamosas.

hold up a sign for sasha that reads "no cheese." first time I've ever seen him clear out Space was when he dropped coldplay breaks-style at the Conference. Digweed: dark, deep. Sasha: happy happy happy. Digweed: dark, deep. Sasha: happy happy happy. Digweed: dark, deep. Sasha: happy happy happy. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Shoot, I may as well have been listening to tech-house. DOH! j/k

have fun!

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Originally posted by joeygk

I'm so glad Topher is open to options for NYE .... let's just go check out the old Twilo space 'Spirit' and the Low End Specialists! Who's game? :D:tongue:

that would be to much prog. for my tastes. dirty vegas really doesnt catch my attention although goign to spirit would. what is the cover there, or any possibility of getting comped? maybe we could do that and then head over to sander?

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If we time it right we can show up at Spirit just in time to hear Astro&Gylde and LES b/c they'll most likely open up for Dirty Vegas.....then bounce over to ARC for Sander. That way we can just completely avoid the whole Sasha nonsense --- Avalon is going to be a headache and then some.

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Originally posted by joeygk

If we time it right we can show up at Spirit just in time to hear Astro&Gylde and LES b/c they'll most likely open up for Dirty Vegas.....then bounce over to ARC for Sander. That way we can just completely avoid the whole Sasha nonsense --- Avalon is going to be a headache and then some.

i'm game & i agree. i think avalon will be a mob scene, not with standing that you probably have to show up with 20 hooched-up girls so they let you in, regardless if you have a ticket or not.

so should we get tix for Spirit & Arc or just by the mere fact of showing up with the gk-man we'll be automatically comped and ushered into ULTRA-MEGA-SUPER-VIP?

btw, our friend Mr. L needs to know how long he should stick around on NYE. 1 or 2 or 3? ;)

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I'm working on some things this weekend.....if I can't get anything squared away we'll get tickets on Sunday (for what even - I don't know yet).

As for Larry....um, I'll let you know on Friday.

And yes - that was Astro&Glyde @Abaya on Halloween except it was the opening dj droppin' all the tribal anthems....we got too drunk and had to leave before A&G ever took the decks. *derf* :doh::beer: <LongIsland Ice Tea is never a good idea>

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