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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

hi guys :)

sorry, i had a dr appt this morning. i had to have blood taken which normally is fine but since I lost 15 lbs caused me to get light headed and nearly pass out! :( I kept telling the dr to use a butterfly needle (for small veins) but he repeatedly poked me with a larger needle and then said "oh, i should really use a butterfly needle!" Who is the dr here? :( Anyhow,it wasn't a very pleasant experience so I'm at home feeling a bit nauseous.

Joey - we will be dancing on saturday night/sunday morning! the danny girls will be making a special appearance and so will my short skirt! :tongue:

ack! why are doctors so pig headed!:mad:

oh and joey, i know what tinyb wear's under her skirt. ;)


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i'm so lost, i missed the show when i was in miami and last week's was a highlights show. i'm just glad amerosa is gone! and that crazy eyed sam guy too!

because of constantly missing shows due to my social butterfly schedule (:tongue: ) my roommate and I are getting dvr - i can't wait!

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

because of constantly missing shows due to my social butterfly schedule (:tongue: ) my roommate and I are getting dvr - i can't wait!

DVR is amazing ---- I don't know about DC but Time Warner Cable in NYC offers a DVR-Tivo like device for $15 dollars a month ---- they're bitchin' ---- I don't have one, but friends of mine do and it RULZ all things cool!

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

i hate living in the DC area. joey, can i move in w/ you? i just need a little space on the floor :(

hahahaha - I have a tiny lil' space that would be perfect 4 ya. I actually feel bad b/c there is just so much going on that you can never take advantage of all the parties --- although, I have learned my lesson - NO MORE of this multiple parties in one night, just commit to one party and bang it out ---- at hate the whole club hoppin' nonsense. <sigh>

Mamma Mia can you even imagine the "pre-parties" we would have if you lived in the City --- :eek: Vicman could make chex mix & everything! :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by joeygk

WAZ UP April 9th?!?! A few days ago Vic was like, is anything going on then.....and now we got AC@Spirit, SK@Cro, and Porter@Sulli - NYC is experiencing a EDM reniassance b/c everyweekend anymore it's ridiculous!

bitch, it's sooooo on for AC.

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Originally posted by joeygk

hahahaha - I have a tiny lil' space that would be perfect 4 ya. I actually feel bad b/c there is just so much going on that you can never take advantage of all the parties --- although, I have learned my lesson - NO MORE of this multiple parties in one night, just commit to one party and bang it out ---- at hate the whole club hoppin' nonsense. <sigh>

Mamma Mia can you even imagine the "pre-parties" we would have if you lived in the City --- :eek: Vicman could make chex mix & everything! :laugh: :laugh:

i would come up with new chex mix recepies that would blow your mind away.

btw, i know thomar is a wimp when it comes to tribal, the phocker better get ready for that weekend. ain't no stopping vicman on the 9th and 10th.

~~~> i'm warming up for that weekend w/ victor calderone this weekend.

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Originally posted by joeygk

hahahaha - I have a tiny lil' space that would be perfect 4 ya. I actually feel bad b/c there is just so much going on that you can never take advantage of all the parties --- although, I have learned my lesson - NO MORE of this multiple parties in one night, just commit to one party and bang it out ---- at hate the whole club hoppin' nonsense. <sigh>

Mamma Mia can you even imagine the "pre-parties" we would have if you lived in the City --- :eek: Vicman could make chex mix & everything! :laugh: :laugh:

aw, thanks joey! :kiss2: living in nyc would rule! :rock:

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sorry i've gone missing again, but i'm in Clevo working and trying to cover the rent. move to nyc, work in clevo-?????? anyway, rocky, the job hunt is on and i think there has been a few breaks so i am now at least hopeful!

vic and gk, ya, i'll do the tribal banger, but i REALLY like crobar and w/ my swanky passes it really pays off to go there. however, it's your call. rents want me home on easter, but that ain't happening- unless they fly me out on sunday for the e-jam!

tiny, drink some o.j. if you feel woooooooozy!

anyway, back to work, keep it real everybody!

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