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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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I feel so good today! The sun is out, I got in a great workout last night, I got tons of stuff done B4 bed, got a great nights sleep, cooked a yummy breakfast this morning, took a long shower, listened to a killa Jeff Mills set on the subway......... :D:aright:


*btw - I think the DT classics party might be the weekend b4 the closing parties??

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Originally posted by vicman

ok punk.

1. did you go to duke? if not, wtf are you rooting for them? duke sucks.

2. turn off your phone.

3. use another dryer.

4. good morning.

1. no. i also don't work for ferrari, am not from manchester, and have never lived in wales, brighton, or southhampton

2. i did.

3. they were all engaged.

4. i hope it snows where you work and is sunny and brilliant for tiny!

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baseball season started, so i'm excited.

i'm going to try to motivate myself to go to the gym tonight, i didnt go yesterday and i had to be in the office at 7:30 today. i hate working out in the afternoon, there will be 1,000 people in that joint. ugh.

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Originally posted by vicman

baseball season started, so i'm excited.

i'm going to try to motivate myself to go to the gym tonight, i didnt go yesterday and i had to be in the office at 7:30 today. i hate working out in the afternoon, there will be 1,000 people in that joint. ugh.

baseball! too bad you can't have a favorite team, unless the senators decide to start up again.

gk- yes.

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Originally posted by thomar

4. i hope it snows where you work and is sunny and brilliant for tiny!

i guess that is possible considering vic works in silver spring (boo!) and i work in DC (yay!)

thanks chris :kiss2:

i am on the most boring conference call ever. its web training. which is totally pointless because the woman that teaches these things is the worst teacher in the history of bad teachers. so that's why i'm posting here because she's already bored me and i still have about an hour & 15 minutes left on this damn call! :(

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Originally posted by vicman

baseball season started, so i'm excited.

i'm going to try to motivate myself to go to the gym tonight, i didnt go yesterday and i had to be in the office at 7:30 today. i hate working out in the afternoon, there will be 1,000 people in that joint. ugh.

my gym is empty now. LOL I guess all the people who had new year's resolutions with me gave up! i'm still truckin' along :)

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Manchester United ban players from signing shirts

April 6, 2004

LONDON (AFP) - Manchester United has imposed an unprecedented ban on their players signing shirts, footballs or other such items in an attempt to crack down on a lucrative Internet trade.

The new policy from what is generally reckoned to be the world's richest football club was designed to stop commercial football memorabilia dealers from selling signed items for a healthy profit, the Guardian newspaper said Tuesday.

In some cases, the club suspects that dealers had been paying young fans to wait at the team's training ground to get items signed for later sale via the Internet.

On Monday -- the first day of the Easter break for most English schoolchildren, a chance for many to catch a glimpse of their idols -- the rule was displayed on a notice attached to a fence outside the club's Carrington training complex.

Players could still sign autographs on plain pieces of paper or -- at their discretion -- on match programmes or photographs, the Guardian reported.

"Sadly it's the genuine autograph hunters who are made to suffer," a Manchester United spokesman told the paper.

"We regret that fact -- and the players regret it more than anyone -- but clearly action was necessary to stop concerted and organised dealers."

One fan waiting at the training ground was unimpressed.

"It's bad enough this place being designed like a prison. But this is just pathetic," he told the paper.

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

my gym is empty now. LOL I guess all the people who had new year's resolutions with me gave up! i'm still truckin' along :)

even in the afternoon? you usually get a mad rush of people after work, that is why i always hate going after work.

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My gym is slammed from 5-8pm --- I only go in the evening if I'm going to do cardio --- trying to get a bench, use the weights or get a machine is a f-ing joke. It's great in the mornings & weekends though. Friday nights aren't so bad either b/c everyone is at happy hour.

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Originally posted by joeygk

My gym is slammed from 5-8pm --- I only go in the evening if I'm going to do cardio --- trying to get a bench, use the weights or get a machine is a f-ing joke. It's great in the mornings & weekends though. Friday nights aren't so bad either b/c everyone is at happy hour.

thats exactly what happens in my gym. i was going to do legs today, but i think i'll just do 90 minutes of cardio instead.

~~~> weekends are also the best time for "sight seeing" at the gym. :D

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I'm sitting here at my desk w/ tears running down my cheeks b/c I'm laughing so hard ----- my friend just sent me an email w/ an audio clip from Margaret Cho's standup routine where she's talking about terrorist attacks & people receiving Anthranx in the mail:

“Take anthrax. It wasn’t really that big of a deal when it was happening. All that was required was a few small changes in the way we live our daily lives. For instance, MY first instinct when I receive an envelope with white powder.......IS TO SNORT IT! So I just won’t do that this time.â€

:laugh: :laugh: - I don't care how many times I hear that -- CLASSIC. :laugh:

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