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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

did i tell you about the phone call i got in miami? i was taking a nap because I was really sick (it was the day after we went to see chris liebing & then to cafeteria) anyhow, my phone rang and the number came up but it wasn't in my phone. so i answer it anyway and the conversation went something like this:

guy: hey! what are you doing?

me: *groggy* um, sleeping. i'm not feeling well.

guy: what's wrong with your voice? sounds like you are losing it?

me: yeah, well partying in miami catching up with me (mind you i

have no idea who this is at this point)

guy: oh okay. anyhow, i'm at the Strokes show at Nation and I just wanted to tell you that being at Nation w/o you is weird! Its not the same w/o you.

me: oh really? that's sweet.

guy: well anyway, I'll let you rest.

me: um, ok... bye.

I had no idea who it was! I always say "hey, its gina" or something along those lines.



maybe it was shady? :shaky:

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Originally posted by joeygk

the gu board is LAME ---- i have a feeling they're the people who just sit around reading mixmag & musak but never actually go out to hear the music ----

yup! especially zabiela, gerrard, louth, etc.

btw, muzik went outta business about 6 months ago!

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Infidelity Stories May Hit Beckham's Endorsements

1 hour, 41 minutes ago Add Sports - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Trevor Datson

LONDON (Reuters) - When England soccer captain David Beckham joined the Spanish team Real Madrid in June last year, he was signed as much for his marketing potential as for his athletic skills.

Reuters Photo

But as the media hype surrounding the state of Beckham's marriage to pop star wife Victoria reaches fever pitch, the board at the Bernabeu might be wondering whether their 35 million euro ($43 million) investment was a wise one.

"This is potentially damaging to the Beckham brand," said John Allert of branding experts Interbrand.

"A large percentage of his earnings are derived in the Far East and North America, where such alleged indiscretions are viewed far more seriously. People like him need to remember it's the public that build their brands, and it's the same public that can easily kill them off by voting with their feet."

Beckham, whose brand value was recently estimated at more than $370 million, has a string of global endorsements to his name, including PepsiCo, Vodafone, Marks & Spencer, Siemens and Adidas.

These image rights have helped him earn a personal fortune in excess of 50 million pounds.

But as tabloids across Europe burrow into allegations of an extramarital affair between Beckham and his former personal assistant, Rebecca Loos, the gifted midfielder's value as an icon of sport, fashion and family values has been called into question.

Despite repeated denials from both of the Beckhams and a public display of family unity on a skiing holiday in France, the couple looked unlikely to stem the flood of media coverage surrounding the affair allegations.


A spokeswoman for 19 Management, the Beckhams' commercial agents, said the stories "should have no effect of any relevance" on ongoing or future sponsorship deals.

And one source close to the matter said none of the corporate backers had made any contact with the Beckhams or their representatives regarding the alleged affair.

This was certainly the official line from the sponsors.

Adidas-Salomon, which recently extended its contract with Beckham until 2008, and has launched a personal logo for the Real Madrid star inspired by his famous free kicks, declined comment on the potential brand impact of the allegations.

"David will of course continue to wear Adidas boots as per the terms of his contract with our company," spokeswoman Anna Putz said, without specifying how much the contract is worth.

Vodafone, which once described Beckham as a "lifestyle icon," said the allegations were a "personal matter," and refused to say whether his two-year television advertising deal would be renewed.

"It's for David Beckham to deal with and respond to, and nothing really to do with us. We would just be adding to the speculation if we made any comment," a spokeswoman said.

Beckham endorses and "has some design input into" the DB07 range of children's wear sold at Marks & Spencer, the British high-street fashion and household goods retailer.

A spokeswoman for M&S said the DB07 range, which hit the stores in September 2002, was selling well and that "anything else he does is none of our business."

"We're very happy with the contract we've got," she said, but wouldn't comment on the value of the deal, which has about a year to run, or whether it would be renewed.

BOUNCING BECKHAM Interbrand's Allerton said the real issue for the strength of the Beckham brand was not whether the soccer star had or had not committed an indiscretion, but how the fallout was handled.

"Whatever the truth, so long as the response is seen as honest, transparent and dignified then the Beckham brand should be able to bounce," he said. "If we look to other celebrity brands like George Michael or even (Australian cricket player) Shane Warne, a crisis well-handled can result in undiminished brand health, but conversely a crisis handled like (Argentine soccer star) Maradona's drug allegations can spin a brand off into a financial black hole."

But for some, perhaps, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Publishers Harper Collins, which will later this year publish an updated paperback version of Beckham's autobiography "My Side," will surely benefit whatever the outcome.

The company declined comment.

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british media always overhypes everything. ever since i started watching football in the late 70's there is always something that the british tabloids must come up with regarding a star player or the english national coach.

kevin keegan, bryan robson, gary lineker, paul gascoigne, sven goram eriksson, kevin keegan, that taylor guy, bobby robson, etc. . .

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Originally posted by rockyblue

dude, are we actually going to go to an Orioles game this year? or are we just going to sit around and talk about it again. :rolleyes:

i went to a couple of games last year, it just takes more work getting everyone to agree to what game to go, than actually going.

i'll start a thread over on GN.

*edit: done.

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Originally posted by vicman

i went to a couple of games last year, it just takes more work getting everyone to agree to what game to go, than actually going.

i'll start a thread over on GN.

which reminds me, i need to get the tickets for the Producers.

i'm down for a game. just let me know when and where. :)

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

did you guys ever go to a hockey game? :laugh:


kinda. i took crank to a game for his birthday. teriaki and Brian (crank's housemate) came along as well. i'm don't really know if that qualifies as all of us going to a game. ;)

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Originally posted by thomar

yup! especially zabiela, gerrard, louth, etc.

btw, muzik went outta business about 6 months ago!

gerrard & louth --- please, why would anyone care what they have to say :rolleyes: --- everyone is staying w/ Paul when BP plays at Fabric --- that's the least he can do since he owes me $50 dollars in Larry from 2 weeks ago at Pooh's. Seriously >> not cool. :mad:

Muzik isn't published anymore -- that really sux - it was my fav. I'm so out of the loop - I guess I should read the GU board more. :laugh:

*Chris does Marick still post over there???? :blown:

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Okay Question:

If you saw "J&J Automobile Retailing" --- wouldn't you assume it was supposed to be detailing not retaling???? Or is that a ridiculous conclusion --- who has ever heard of "retailing" - I mean WTF!!!!!!!!!

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Gina is there anyone in the EDM community that you don't have a picture w/ --------------> and for the record my fav pic is the one of you dancing around w/ JZ w/ an ice bucket on his head. :laugh: so funny!

*you need a pic w/ DJ Thomar --- I think I could arrange something -- he might even autograph it for you too!

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Originally posted by joeygk

Gina is there anyone in the EDM community that you don't have a picture w/ --------------> and for the record my fav pic is the one of you dancing around w/ JZ w/ an ice bucket on his head. :laugh: so funny!

*you need a pic w/ DJ Thomar --- I think I could arrange something -- he might even autograph it for you too!

did i forget to mention, that i was in scene magazine while i was home (think city paper). it was a bit random as the editors just found it and used it for a party i used to play at.

lemme see if i can find it.

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