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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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Originally posted by joeygk

It has 3 different colored beaches - a red beach, a black beach & a white beach -- from the volcanic activity --- fokkin' cool. The water was the exact same color as the sky - you couldn't see the difference --- even in the caribbean the water is still really pretty but it's a light/light green not so much blue. I think I would like the mediterenean.......

ya, you can get black beaches in hawaii, but the red beaches are rather unique. the water is pretty clear too, but i didn't spend much time swimming around, i was on the prowl for the hot girls in the american express commercials!:eek:

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Originally posted by vicman

so i'm looking to find a new place to live since my rent would be going up if i extended my lease . . . it would go up to almost $1000, which for a studio, i am not willing to pay.

so i am looking to either stay where i am now, silver spring, or go over to bethesda. i looked at a place there recently, it's a great house. of course i would have roomates, i would be saving arounf $300 in rent. only catch is that i would have 3 female roomates. they seem nice enough, and they would not mind 1 guy living there. I would have to take the room in the basement because it has it's own b'room and stuff . . . I've roomed w/ 2 girls before (twice) but . . . 3 . . . I dunno if I could do it. But the place is nice and the dates they are looking to fill the room fit in perfectly w/ the dates I'm looking to mov out.

Any advice?

wow, i'm not even sure I could handle living with three girls! What were your experiences rooming w/ girls before? good? bad? I say if you are comfortable in that situation and everything seems to meet your needs, go for it!

i have a friend who just moved to bethesda and he is seriously missing VA. LOL its really hard to make the adjustment!

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Originally posted by joeygk

I've been to Cancun -- it is amazing - prettiest beach I've ever seen ---- Cozumel too!

i love cozumel. i once went on a fishing boat from panama to cozumel . . . i don't think i've ever :puke: so much in a 1 week span as i did during that trip.

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

wow, i'm not even sure I could handle living with three girls! What were your experiences rooming w/ girls before? good? bad? I say if you are comfortable in that situation and everything seems to meet your needs, go for it!

i have a friend who just moved to bethesda and he is seriously missing VA. LOL its really hard to make the adjustment!

overall the experiences have been good. in one case one of them was kind of a hermit and a bit wierd, but we just let her be.

i could also count all the male roomates i've had and all the fingers on my hand would not be enough to count how many of them have ended up being a pain in the ass. . . . like the two i had last year. :blown:

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Originally posted by vicman

so i'm looking to find a new place to live since my rent would be going up if i extended my lease . . . it would go up to almost $1000, which for a studio, i am not willing to pay.

so i am looking to either stay where i am now, silver spring, or go over to bethesda. i looked at a place there recently, it's a great house. of course i would have roomates, i would be saving arounf $300 in rent. only catch is that i would have 3 female roomates. they seem nice enough, and they would not mind 1 guy living there. I would have to take the room in the basement because it has it's own b'room and stuff . . . I've roomed w/ 2 girls before (twice) but . . . 3 . . . I dunno if I could do it. But the place is nice and the dates they are looking to fill the room fit in perfectly w/ the dates I'm looking to mov out.

Any advice?

the fact that you have your own bathroom should make everything peachy keen. if you had your own little kitchen downstairs, it would be even better. my only real concern would be making the adjustment from living alone to living with three other people. do you know anyone who you could share a two bedroom apartment with?

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Girls are great roommates as long as there is adequate bathroom time/availability --- I've found that living w/ girls is almost never an issue w/ guys b/c all the problems that arise comes up between the girls ----- sorry about the sweeping generalization --- but they tend to fights amongst themsevles.

The only advice I have about roommates is avoid living w/ your really good friends who you hang out w/ alot ---- it's always better to live w/ people you're not as good friends w/ ---- so much easier this way. Trust me.

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Originally posted by vicman

overall the experiences have been good. in one case one of them was kind of a hermit and a bit wierd, but we just let her be.

i could also count all the male roomates i've had and all the fingers on my hand would not be enough to count how many of them have ended up being a pain in the ass. . . . like the two i had last year. :blown:

you like living with hermits, don't you? haha, i just thought about that night i got really drunk at sonar and was all turned around in your house! :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by joeygk

The only advice I have about roommates is avoid living w/ your really good friends who you hang out w/ alot ---- it's always better to live w/ people you're not as good friends w/ ---- so much easier this way. Trust me.

'cept if you are talking about me... 'cause i'm an awesome roommate and i know you want to spend as much time w/ me as possible ;)

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Originally posted by rockyblue

the fact that you have your own bathroom should make everything peachy keen. if you had your own little kitchen downstairs, it would be even better. my only real concern would be making the adjustment from living alone to living with three other people. do you know anyone who you could share a two bedroom apartment with?

yeah, right now i can walk around in my skivvies and watch tv on my couch when i want to :D thats pretty tuff to give up.

it's got hardwood floors, a renovated kitchen, w/d, A/C, a large back yard, deck, fireplace. although i just remembered the basement room is available july 1. i would have to shell out $1000 for 1 month to stay in my studio . . .wouldn't be that bad if family come visit in June (they could help me pack :D )

unfortunately i don't know of anyone else looking for housing at the moment & i wanna stay in MD, I don't wanna move to DC nor VA. not especially since I just got my new MD license plates. . .2 years after I actually moved to MD. :eek::D

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The one great thing about NYC is no one is ever home ---- I have 3 roommates and I never see any of them (granted one of my roommates is on mood elevators and only leaves his room to harrass Thomar)---- people just don't really hang out at home b/c there is so much going on --- it wasn't so bad in Miami either but we were always hanging out at the Pool.

Ick - roommates do suck - I want my own place - I need a new job. :(

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

you like living with hermits, don't you? haha, i just thought about that night i got really drunk at sonar and was all turned around in your house! :laugh: :laugh:

lol. yeah, one was a hermit and the other one . . .well we all know.

i liked that place, it's just that it wasn't all that conducive to having parties especially with the downstairs neighbor. she actually called the cops twice on us and guess who had to deal w/ them. :(

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living with girls can be alright depending on who they are. i agree w/ the GK about close friends to a point- it has worked alright for me and it has ended the relationship at other times. it all depends on the person.

also, don't live in VA, bastards don't let you have radar detectors!

man, do i miss glenn:blown:

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Originally posted by joeygk

Girls are great roommates as long as there is adequate bathroom time/availability --- I've found that living w/ girls is almost never an issue w/ guys b/c all the problems that arise comes up between the girls ----- sorry about the sweeping generalization --- but they tend to fights amongst themsevles.

girls are always cleaner than guys, that is the #1 thing i do like about living w/ girls. having 20 boxes of pizza and empty 6-pack cases of old milwaulkee thrown all over the living room is not cool. :mad:

i've never had trouble w/ the bathroom issue. since i'm out the door at 5am to the gym. i shower there and come to work. only time i use the shower @ home is when i dont work out, or i come back from partying & drinking, which in some cases i can spend quite a bit of time in there before coming out . . . i tend to get very cozy w/ the toilet. :puke::(

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Originally posted by thomar

living with girls can be alright depending on who they are. i agree w/ the GK about close friends to a point- it has worked alright for me and it has ended the relationship at other times. it all depends on the person.

also, don't live in VA, bastards don't let you have radar detectors!

man, do i miss glenn:blown:

& they are kinda cute . . .and cute girls know more cute girls . . . :D

another bonus!!!! :tongue:

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Cherry trees, and tourism, bloom in D.C.

2 hours, 20 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Chicago Tribune to My Yahoo!

By Kristina Herrndobler Washington Bureau

After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, D.C. cabdriver Assefa Feleka parked his taxi and went to work as a mechanic. He didn't want to quit driving, but he said he had no choice--there weren't enough tourists around.

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Slideshow: Cherry Blossoms

"Everything almost came to a standstill," Feleka said. "We didn't have an income for four or five months, and some people needed assistance just to pay the bills."

But the city's famed cherry trees are in bloom this week, and Feleka is driving his cab again because of a resurgence of tourism in the capital. The visitors are a welcome sight in a city that depends on tourism to sustain 260,000 jobs but became almost desolate after the 2001 terrorist attacks and a series of sniper shootings in 2002.

Nearly 19 million visitors are expected to travel to Washington this year, said Victoria Isley, a spokeswoman for the D.C. Convention and Tourism Corp.

"Immediately following Sept. 11 we certainly saw a tremendous impact on the tourism industry," Isley said. "Now I've heard from our tourism partners that they are seeing an increase in visitors, and that is very important to everyone from a hotel chain that is national in scope to an individual business operator such as a tour guide."

According to Justin McNaull, a spokesman for AAA, Washington is not the only city that is expected to experience a welcomed surge of visitors in 2004.

"After more than two years of domestic tranquility, Americans are feeling good about getting out and traveling again within the United States," McNaull said. "Additionally, what you are going to find this spring and summer is a significant increase in international travelers to the U.S."

McNaull said the weakness of the dollar--and the strength of the Euro--is motivating many Europeans to visit the United States.

Many visitors

Washington is expected to have 1 million international visitors this year. Chris Bender, spokesman for the D.C. Office of Planning and Economic Development, said the city expects a record number of Japanese tourists to visit for the National Cherry Blossom Festival, which runs through Sunday, and the May opening of the World War II Memorial. Bill Line, a spokesman for the National Park Service's Capital Region, said the service is recruiting Japanese-speaking volunteers to translate for the visitors.

Over the past two weeks, tourists have flocked in for the annual celebration of the blossoming of the capital's 3,000 cherry trees. This year's festival also commemorated the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Amity between the United States and Japan, which officially opened diplomatic relations between the countries.

The blooming of the cherry trees marks the beginning of the travel season in Washington, and according to Diana Mayhew, executive director of the Cherry Blossom Festival, a million visitors are expected for this year's event.

"We've had fabulous attendance so far," Mayhew said. "Tourism is back."

Jack Speake of Dayton, Ohio, came to Washington on business only months after the Sept. 11 attacks, but he wasn't about to bring his family to the city so soon.

After seeing the increased security in the capital during later business trips, though, he felt it was safe enough for a family vacation. Although heightened security helped ease Speake's mind, it also has been a bit burdensome.

"You used to be able to go into the White House more easily and walk all the way around the perimeter of it and you really felt like you had open access," said Speake's wife, Sandy. "Now you don't have that, and it is a shame for [our children] that they can't have that access that I can remember."

The Speakes said the security has resulted in longer lines at museums and ugly fences in their photos, but it also has reduced their concerns.

Bender, the D.C. economic development official, said the attacks provoked a strong sense of patriotism in many Americans, prompting them to plan their vacation in the nation's capital.

Wanting to learn

"People now, because of what happened, are more interested in learning about and experiencing what our leaders keep talking about," he said. "And there is nowhere else you can go and see the Constitution or stand on Pennsylvania Avenue."

But for now, the prime segment of Pennsylvania Avenue is closed to visitors. Until next January, the block of street in front of the White House is behind construction fences and protection barricades. But it should be a beautiful and secure walkway in time for the January Inaugural Parade, said Patti Gallagher, executive director of the National Capital Planning Commission.

Not afraid to visit

Paulo Flenrique Caixeta, a student from Brazil, just completed a work exchange in Virginia and visited neighboring Washington with two Brazilian friends. Caixeta said he was not afraid to come to America.

"Brazilians are much more likely to not come here because they can't get a visa than because they are scared of terrorism," he said. "People are crazy about coming here, but they can't get a visa."

Caixeta, who had a bag of souvenirs in his hand, said he and his friends were going to take advantage of their trip and tour the East Coast before they head back to Brazil in a few weeks.

But they may run into some long lines, as 56.6 percent of Americans said they were planning to take a vacation within the next six months, according to a forecast by AAA.

And that is just what tour guides, restaurant and hotel owners, and cabdrivers such as Feleka, are eager to hear.

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Girl's apts smell better too -- apartments w/ girls in them always smell good --- apartments w/ a lot of boys = frat house - you really have to work at keeping it fresh n' clean. Febreeze is key.

I'm a slob so I have to live w/ neat clean people otherwise it spirals out of control ---- :D ---

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Originally posted by thomar

did anyone else notice we have surpassed 20k views and are rapidly approaching 4000 posts!

yup. and next month will be the 1 year anniversary of this thread!

we must party to conmemorate that date!!!

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Originally posted by joeygk

Girl's apts smell better too -- apartments w/ girls in them always smell good --- apartments w/ a lot of boys = frat house - you really have to work at keeping it fresh n' clean. Febreeze is key.

I'm a slob so I have to live w/ neat clean people otherwise it spirals out of control ---- :D ---

agreed... im a neat freak, and my br always smells like yankee candle clean cotton or frebreeze fresh ( i spray it onthe curtains this way when the wind blows it blows with a scent) carpet powders as well.. just not all of these at once or youll have a potpurri of ass going around... lol

Originally posted by vicman

yup. and next month will be the 1 year anniversary of this thread!

we must party to conmemorate that date!!!

im down... where and when~!?

Originally posted by vicman

looookie who is here . . . :shaky:

im always here reading just dont always post, feel like im self-inviting myself in on the convo...

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