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:: Thomas Penton :: May 3 :: Cleveland

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Okay - my sister is a crackhead. She speaks spanish, but not very well at all -- like spanish w/ a Cleveland accent (tragic, i know). Anyway, she has an 8month year old baby girl who she is trying to teach spanish (she read some article how lil' babies can pick up languages very easily from an early age)....so she sets aside like two hours everyday where it's "spanish time" in the house. So I just called her and she was like "hola, jose!" I nearly died b/c the accent is so bad.....and she refused to speak english to me on the phone....it was a disaster. Too funny!

LOL!! I definitely need to practice my spanish more. I only seem to speak it these days with Vic when I'm drunk. Which you know is hardly EVER!

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LOL!! I definitely need to practice my spanish more. I only seem to speak it these days with Vic when I'm drunk. Which you know is hardly EVER!

there is only one solution to this rather perplexing quandary: you must get drunk more often! :pint:

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here's my question about recording a mix --- remember how old tape recorders had "high speed dub" features where you could copy tapes really fast?!?! Is there any way you could record a mix speed up.....cause I wouldn't want to sit there for 70 minutes listening to records....i'd get bored.....i'd have to go dance or sumthin.

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there is only one solution to this rather perplexing quandary: you must get drunk more often! :pint:

let's see, tomorrow i'm attending a "margaritas for Kerry" party at my friend's house. I should be able to throw back a couple and pretend I know what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to politics.

I've also been invited to a bar crawl organized by my roomie's friends on Saturday. 12 bars! I hear there is a prize if you make it to all 12 bars. I hope its a new liver.

Vic - now that you have joined the texting world maybe i'll shoot you some drunk tiny texts in spanish. :pint:

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I've also been invited to a bar crawl organized by my roomie's friends on Saturday. 12 bars! I hear there is a prize if you make it to all 12 bars. I hope its a new liver.

BAR CRAWL ----> seriously, waz up Spring Break 87! Do some keg stands & body shots for me! :laugh:

12 bars, I'd make it til maybe the 3rd bar b4 calling it quits.

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BAR CRAWL ----> seriously, waz up Spring Break 87! Do some keg stands & body shots for me! :laugh:

12 bars, I'd make it til maybe the 3rd bar b4 calling it quits.

i doubt i would make past the first. i'd get jacked on long islands and grab a cab back home.

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let's see, tomorrow i'm attending a "margaritas for Kerry" party at my friend's house. I should be able to throw back a couple and pretend I know what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to politics.

I've also been invited to a bar crawl organized by my roomie's friends on Saturday. 12 bars! I hear there is a prize if you make it to all 12 bars. I hope its a new liver.

Vic - now that you have joined the texting world maybe i'll shoot you some drunk tiny texts in spanish. :pint:


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BAR CRAWL ----> seriously, waz up Spring Break 87! Do some keg stands & body shots for me! :laugh:

12 bars, I'd make it til maybe the 3rd bar b4 calling it quits.

i haven't been on a bar crawl in YEARS! thinking about it makes me feel really old! And I'm pretty sure everyone that is going is older than me! lol

If its actually nice outside in DC this weekend I'd rather be at the pool!

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here's my question about recording a mix --- remember how old tape recorders had "high speed dub" features where you could copy tapes really fast?!?! Is there any way you could record a mix speed up.....cause I wouldn't want to sit there for 70 minutes listening to records....i'd get bored.....i'd have to go dance or sumthin.

you've got ADD. no, not really. you could do it w/ everything pitched way up, but that's about it!

btw, one doesn't get bored, b/c i'm doing the mixing!

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On Thursday, July 29th, free ice cream will be available to all staff

between 2-3pm at the following locations:

* 6th FL: Conf Rm E

* 7th FL: Conf Rm A

* 10th FL: corner location within IT space



this totally rules all things cool -- I hope they have toffee chip b/c that's my fav!

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good evening. :)

be sure to bring vicman a present back. he gets real pissed when you don't. :splat: one time he was squating at my apartment and i went to store and returned w/o bringing him anything and he totally freaked out :2guns:

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yeah, he scares me?

so who is ready for a bar crawl? I know thomar is. He loves to walk around drunk in 100% humidity. Gina we better get sum fone callz tonite!

the dude in my avatar is Chris Liebing! :love2::dj:

I'm not going on a bar crawl tonight silly! that's not until saturday! Margaritas tonight though! I'll probably be passed out after one!

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