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Serious Question-Do u think businesses should ban

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products that are made in countries that oppose our beleifs on the War in Iraq. The last few months I have watch a lot of CNN to keep up with what was going on with the war and I heard alot about the oposition of certain countries like France. I read yesterday about a French restaurant in NYC that had to close down cause people have boycotted going there. How do people feel about certain businesses not selling any products made in France? For example: How would u feel if Moet was your favorite champagne and u went to a club that didnt carry it cause it was banning it.

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Originally posted by stigeleiro

products that are made in countries that oppose our beleifs on the War in Iraq. The last few months I have watch a lot of CNN to keep up with what was going on with the war and I heard alot about the oposition of certain countries like France. I read yesterday about a French restaurant in NYC that had to close down cause people have boycotted going there. How do people feel about certain businesses not selling any products made in France? For example: How would u feel if Moet was your favorite champagne and u went to a club that didnt carry it cause it was banning it.

I think that is absurd. Just because The government of someones country of origin is opposed to war the person has to suffer by losing business. What about the family he supports with his business what about the jobs that will be lost if say that restaurant closes down and their families.

As far as Moet and banning, I think it wouldn't make a point to any government they will have their issues and stand by their decisions and by banning something like Moet for example all you are doing is limiting the choices of your customers. So in the end we pay the price.

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

unless im reading it wrong:

im opposed to it,

it just seems to be racial discrimination to me

(maybe i think that way cause im black)

im black right?:confused: kosta? am i black?:idea:

Im black too!!! Werd maybe we be bruthas.

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hey guys:) All this "boycotting' crap is starting to take its toll on me. How as a nation are we supposed to create unity in the world if we ourselves stand divided on trivial shit such as whether or not to have the bartender put Grey Goose in our Red Bull because its French!!!!!!! No doubt Ketel does the job too, but its freakin getting ridiculous. This is exactly what Saddam wants, nation against nation. We are feeding the fires of ignorance and discrimination that we are trying to put out. We must pull together as one to create a world without walls. "We must become the change that we seek" - Ghandi

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The decision to boycott french products should be one that is made by each of your individual customers. Its a personal decision, not a business one. Not everyone is willing to give up their fav champagne for a cause that they themselves might in fact support themselves (even though in my opinion..they should).

For example..... I AM MAKING SURE THAT I DO AVOID ALL COWARDLY FRENCH PUSSY PRODUCTS...as a business you may end up affecting your business by not being able to provide goods that satisfies the tastes of all your customers, if u take the same approach. Now if a business was to still carry french products....along with other french products...I will just buy american that's all.

One thing is for sure.... everyone should start doing their "small share" in pumping up our own economy....or we are screwed. Not just because of the war. It is partly because we are so fair and open in our trade policies with other countries, etc. that they flourish. Come time to supports us.....they become "neutral"?!?!

TIME TO START KEEPING SCORE!!! TIME FOR US TO BECOME MORE PRO-AMERICA!! Nothing personal against the french people...... not discriminating the race....just their products.

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what about the fact that the French avoided taking a stand in ending the oppression and tyranny that Saddam evoked on his own people? Didn't they in a way take Saddam's side? Didn't they in a way say...hey...its ok for Saddam to have multiple palaces while his people starve....and on and on.

When the US does something like this, its discrimination...but when others do it to us....its free speech..blah blah.

We are not saying HATE THE FRENCH PEOPLE......we are saying.... promote the economy of those who promote the US in our time of need. If u are nto with us....your against us. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: It wasnt the leaders that started the "Pretzel for Bush" website....or whatever the HELL it was exactly. Hear about that?

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Originally posted by 3rdflfactoria


what about the fact that the French avoided taking a stand in ending the oppression and tyranny that Saddam evoked on his own people? Didn't they in a way take Saddam's side? Didn't they in a way say...hey...its ok for Saddam to have multiple palaces while his people starve....and on and on.

When the US does something like this, its discrimination...but when others do it to us....its free speech..blah blah.

We are not saying HATE THE FRENCH PEOPLE......we are saying.... promote the economy of those who promote the US in our time of need. If u are nto with us....your against us. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: It wasnt the leaders that started the "Pretzel for Bush" website....or whatever the HELL it was exactly. Hear about that?

Gotta love Gil!!!!!

So tru and I was almost against it til I read what you wrote. No offense to anybody thats French but your country sucks!!!They are ingrateful bastards who were all for us when we helped them back in the world war. We even rebuilt their country and forgave them of millions in debt and they always...........ALWAYS turn their backs on us when we need them. Remember the last time we asked for a favor, to use their airspace in the early 90s? They actually said NO!!!!! Thats fucked up!

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Originally posted by aquagirl125

Guys, I'm a lover not a fighter;) !!! I am wishing on every star I see for peace in this world amongst all and that humanity's fate will be favorable:) ALL of you should read what is on this site----- http://www.hark.net.au/articles/gulfwar.htm It will prove true if we don't pray for peace... All of God's people:rainbow:

Ok, maybe I didnt read enough but what I did get out of it was that we didnt turn a blind eye and we got rid of someone in power who is not "safe" to be in power!!! War is useful when it is used to stop forces such as Saddam and Hitler and the likes of them....................As far as wishing for world peace I hear ya on that, but unfortunately it will never happen and since you and I are Gods people we both know the seven deadly sins are usually the cause for why it won't.

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Guest saleen351

Some people don't get it...

The French put our nation and our troops in harm. If they stood up and did the right thing, many of our boys would be able to come home to drink at the bar, instead they are comming home in body bags, why we fight over merge vs temps....

Buying french products is your choose, and having them in your shop is your choice. But i'm working on a new party down here, and NO french products will be sold, or i pull the plug on the project...

And any moron on earth knows GG is no different than the others.. Its slick marketing to a bunch of niggas who watch too much BET, then the white trash emulates the pdiddys of the world. Watch any old school vodka drinker, they don't mix their vodka, they SIP it on the rocks and they don't buy into slick marketing.. Go to vegas and even the old schoolers who drop 5k a hand on black jack drink absoulte... All that mixing of vodka is for children...

Stig i say you don't have any at your parties or clubs..

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Grey Goose was my fav vodka, but I've seriously considered looking into others. The French do not appreciate shit, but you bet your ass if they were attacked that they'd call us first.

McDonald's better start selling fries and not french fries or else their biz is going to go down too. Fuck the French!

Why can they get away with doing it in other countries and not here? If I started burning their flag on my lawn, I'd have the cops at my house. But when those bastards in Patterson were burning the American flag celebrating 911, nothing was done about it. This country has a double standard and its often pathetic.

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Guest bonsolidd

Fuck them! Then don't want to participate in the war but they want to be a part of the rebuilding of iraq!...... they never have our backs...when we attacked libya they made us fly hours around them now they try to politically humiliate us........ in short I will not support any country that will not support us let alone harm us! France is to damm fuckin shady! They need to learn a financial lesson......:mad:

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Originally posted by bonsolidd

Fuck them! Then don't want to participate in the war but they want to be a part of the rebuilding of iraq!...... they never have our backs...when we attacked libya they made us fly hours around them now they try to politically humiliate us........ in short I will not support any country that will not support us let alone harm us! France is to damm fuckin shady! They need to learn a financial lesson......:mad:


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Guest bonsolidd
Originally posted by latinaz


ahhhh zee you know me sooo welll!!!!:laugh:

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It is a Zero Sums Game...much like trading...for every Seller there is a Buyer...When one trader loses money the trader on the other side is taking their money.

Meaning for every French Business/Company suffering there is an American Business/Company prospering...Money is not being lost it is just being allocated differently...

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If it was up to me, I'd give them the Statue of Liberty back.

Those french fuckers are going against us because of $$$ deals with Iraq

I'm not for this war, but now that we're in it, I'm pissed that those French Fuckers can't keep their mouths shut

If it wasn't for America, Germany would own France!

and I hate how they say " Wee Wee"


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Hey guys:)!! I know that everyone is on edge about what is going on in the world today. All of us have different thoughts and beliefs to share with each other here on cp. That is what makes us as American people beautiful, the fact that we all have a spectrum of colors inside our hearts that we don't run and hide from. That is how we are going to win this war, by continuing to have a voice for our present situation and a vision for how tomorrow will look. After the storm of war is in our past I know that the sun will light a rainbow on our future:rainbow: May God Bless us all:) I found this site http://cagle.slate.msn.com/news/FranceBashing3/main.asp you guys will like it , I think we all deserve some levity. It is something we all can share together:) !!!

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It should be up to the owner of the club or bar. It is a private establishment you fucken quacks. The goverment shouldn’t be allowed in. If they want to let people smoke it should be there rite or not smoke for that matter.

But I also believe in legalization of all drugs so don’t get me started... I’m all for keeping the government out of our personal lives. I FUCK them anyway I can.


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Originally posted by aquagirl125

Hey guys:)!! I know that everyone is on edge about what is going on in the world today. All of us have different thoughts and beliefs to share with each other here on cp. That is what makes us as American people beautiful, the fact that we all have a spectrum of colors inside our hearts that we don't run and hide from. That is how we are going to win this war, by continuing to have a voice for our present situation and a vision for how tomorrow will look. After the storm of war is in our past I know that the sun will light a rainbow on our future:rainbow: May God Bless us all:) I found this site http://cagle.slate.msn.com/news/FranceBashing3/main.asp you guys will like it , I think we all deserve some levity. It is something we all can share together:) !!!

What are you a fucken hippie? Fuck everyone else’s beliefs

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