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I am the average American.....

mr mahs

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I am the average American.....

I'm the guy who sends you grain when your crops fail, and drinking water

when your rivers,streams, and lakes dry up.

I'm the guy who sends hordes of rescue personnel, trucks, and

helicopters to aid you when you suffer earthquakes, floods, and mudslides.

I'm the guy who sends in my sons and daughters to "keep the peace" when

you can no longer do so.

When those relief workers ration out that rice- I probably helped pay for it by

working some dirty job that I really hate.

When that UH-60 Blackhawk hoists your parents to safety from the roof of

your flooded house, it's because I paid for it with my U.S. tax-dollars.

When those Peace Corp members dig that irrigation ditch to help your little

farming village, it is with my backing and my blessing.

And when your neighbor threatens you and your way of life, more often than

not it is I who will stand up and make him back down.

But I weep today....

I weep for thousands of fellow Americans whom I will never know...

I weep for hundreds of brave firemen, policemen, and paramedics who

perished while heroically doing their duties...

I weep for 244 airline passengers who never reached their destinations...

Saddest of all...I weep with the knowledge that I will forever be looking

over my shoulder...

I weep for innocents lost...

I weep for innocence destroyed...

I weep for naivete shattered...

But soon I will weep no more...

I will dry the tears from my eyes...

I will wipe my runny nose...

I will tighten my belt, and lace up my boots..

And I will sharpen my knife...

I will dry my powder... and I will oil my weapon..

And as I do so, I will look, and I will listen..

I will note the kind word, the shared grief, the shocked


I will appreciate the support, and be ever grateful for

any and all aid offered...

But I will also note the gloating, the laughter, the jeers,

and the perverse joy...

And I will remember...

I am an American...

I am resourceful...

I am determined... and I NEVER forget..

Sleep well, I'll see you soon.

God Bless America!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

I got it from Hannity's message board.. Here is the link to the boards I think you will find it interesting.... My screen name is JOHNDFOURSENATE..


That's a scary board I don't know if I want any part of it.. I love Hannity but some of the people on the board are WAY off

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