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Hope everyone is training hard!

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100mcg's of T3??? wow... how long have you been on that regimen for and what were the titrations before that dose if you dont mind me asking? The cardiac sides of any thyroid compound pose too great a risk in my opinion and can cause major damage to the H-P-Thyroid axis as well if you're not careful. If you've seen anyone with Graves Disease, you'll know what I'm talking about. Be safe

Bristol Meyers filed an IND for an obesity drug 2 yrs ago that targets the thyroid receptors for the metabolic enhancing effects you get with T3 but without the cardiac effects. If that gets FDA approval, buy stock.... not just drug stock but company stock as well.

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Tempt's is 50/50....

I will keep you guys posted either way...

If I go.. I will be sure to hang with the Iron Brethren...

Slinky Kicking 2003 will begin this weekend!!!!


I love kicking slinkies...

It all starts off the same way...

"Yeah meathead.. well.. the bigger they are... the harder they.."

The statement, typical of a slinky, is usually cut short by my size 9 nikey boing being stuffed down thier throat....

Hee Hee...

It must suck to be small.....

I am seriously thinking about making up those T-shirts...

"Hold my protein shake while I dance with your girl...."

I might have to add in the...

"Hey Slinky..." at the beginning...

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Techno...I am completely aware of the T-3/T4 Suppression. I ramped up from 12.5mcg for 2 weeks to 25mcgs for 4 days to 3 days at 50 to 5 days at 100....Today I am ramping down...75mcgs...then 50 then 25...then stay at 12.5 for a few weeks.

No ....Tommy not into making new friends.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

Dude, you really need to up your protien & start lifting harder. How much do you weigh??

LOL... i'm a gurl. i really do have 12" guns, and additionally, i've noticed i've got big traps for a girl. i'm 5'4" 127lbs. bf is 5% higher than i want it to be :D

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

anyone doing the traditional, "air type" as they ask..

Are you Shortbus??

Will also eat my nikey...

oh yeah tough guy? i'mma gonna be air typin' my whole convo to you when i see you next. u man enough to mess wit me and ma smith and wessons?

didn't think so :nono:

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Originally posted by dani672

i have such bird arms.. have a hard time training them cause i have REALLY bad shoulders... so my pythons are 9inches!

hm... bad shoulder's really shouldn't prohibit u from working ur arms well... if you're getting too much excess motion when you're working bi's... try standing with your back against the walls (db curls, or barbell curls). that will force you to use only those muscles to lift the weights. as far as tri isolation... any type of push down type of exercise on the cables should be good for you. none of these should bother ur shoulder too much...

but ur bf's a PT right? i'm sure he can tell u much better than me :D

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Originally posted by dani672

yeah i only train arms with him.. b/c he helps me isolate the movement.. and he also does shoulder exercises to stregnthen them.. but they still look like little chicken arms:) he calls them chicken wings! haha... :laugh:

hehe, u been working too much? starting to look like the food you serve :eek:

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Originally posted by dani672

:laugh: yup.. hopefully i will start looking like a martini soon form working at voodoo.. huge on top.. tiny on the bottom:laugh:

as long as you don't turn that shade of lime green like the apple martinis! :D

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