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How to smoke in public without getting caught

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Got this in an email hahaha enjoy :

A marijuana connoisseur can smoke a joint anywhere, anytime. But new jacks need a little guidance. Let's say you've just moved to the city from Montana. You're used to smoking in wide open fields with nothing but the local vegetation to keep an eye on you. But this is NYC and you need a little more finesse to smoke on the street.

The Philosophy of Public Pot Smoking

Why smoke in public? Its a free country, right? Maybe you've got to catch a flick with a few friends in fifteen minutes. What are you going to do, run home? Maybe you want to get high on your lunch break to make it through another day of menial labor. Maybe you have to have dinner with your parents and you need to take the edge off the evening. You have to spark. There is no way around it.

Beginners Guide to NYC Pot Smoking

Rule number one: Do not be cool. Stay away from trendy pot spots like Washington Square Park and Thompkins Square Park. Cops love to ticket tourists and college kids toking in the parks. And truthfully, you deserve it if you are silly enough to smoke there. Giuliani's Quality of Life Campaign wants you and your joints behind closed doors. You can expect a minimum $50 fine. And if you are under 18, mom and dad are gonna get a call from Officer Blowhard. Plus if you are caught red-handed and red-eyed the cops can search you. If you have your whole stash in your pocket, you can be arrested for possession with an intent to sell. If you've only got a dime bag tucked in your Levi's, Officer Blowhard will confiscate it and smoke it himself over pizza and beer with Vinnie Bagodonuts. Either way its a buzz kill.

Rule number two: Keep moving. You'll attract less attention if you're not stinking up the same stoop for fifteen minutes while you suck your joint down to the tiniest roach. You'll probably leave a bit of a scent trail behind you, but few cops have a bloodhound nose. You'll catch a better buzz if you are smoking high quality pot while you are on the move - it is harder to hold a hit in white you're dodging tourists and taxis. But this is the sacrifice you'll have to make for a little pot smoking freedom.

Beginners need to start with side streets and toke only at night. Advanced pot smokers can incorporate main thoroughfares and day time toking once they have the technique down.

Rule number three: Show respect for your neighbors. If you see a family walking by, don't blow your hit in their direction, and keep your joint tucked away. Keep your distance from old people, too. They are the first to call the cops, if they know what you are doing.

Rule number four: Don't smoke a pipe in public. People will think you are smoking crack. And you don't want to get sly looks while your getting high. Pipes are only acceptable in large parks and cars.

Where to smoke: No playgrounds, leave them to the crackheads. Don't try to roll a joint on the far east or far west sides of Manhattan—the wind will blow your stash to New Jersey or even worse, Queens.

A few choice toke spots:

-West Fourth between Broadway and Lafayette on the North side of street.

-Union Square Park benches

-53rd Between Lexington and Third Avenue in the driveway of the post office

-Greenwich Avenue between 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue

-Mercer Street, stoop just below Houston on the west side of the street (perfect before catching a movie at Angelica).

-19th between Broadway and Lexington in the service entrance of a furniture store (near 19th Street Sony)

Marijuana Friendly Bars:

-Safire (Eldridge @ Houston)

-Back room of Barramundi (Ludlow below Rivington)

-Vinyl (Varrick and Canal)

-Nation (Avenue A between 3rd and 4th)

-13 (University and 13th Street)

(Look in After Dark for reviews of these establishments)

Do not smoke on 14 Street, 42nd Street, or 57th Street. Too many people with anti-pot attitudes

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Marijuana Friendly Bars: Vinyl (Varrick and Canal)

Vinyl? :confused: this was cute. thanks. :laugh:

i agree with most that was in this email.

it sux to even try to blaze in any establishment here in nyc, let alone smoke cigs!

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We can just about smoke anywhere. If you have a small pipe (like I do) you can walk and smoke. I dont know how to roll a joint, but I know how to roll a blunt. I find nothing better than walking around smoking a blunt on a nice day. I do it all the time.

I smoke alot in the car too, either the bowl or a blunt.

The best time to smoke a blunt is when you are driving down or home from the shore. There is nothing better than a 1 1/2 drive with the windows open and the music pumpin smoking an L.

It reminds me I have to go to my spot and pick some up.

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