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Withdrawing from the UN


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Paul Renews Legislation

to Withdraw America from the United Nations

Washington, DC- Congressman Ron Paul, known for his longtime opposition to global government, recently renewed his call for America to withdraw from the United Nations. HR 1146, the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003,†would end all U.S. participation with the UN and expel the organization from its taxpayer-subsidized New York headquarters. HR 1146 represents the continuation of Congressman Paul’s ongoing fight against the loss of American sovereignty.

“Our current situation in Iraq shows that we cannot allow U.S. national security to become a matter of international consensus,†Paul stated. “We don’t need UN permission to go to war; only Congress can declare war under the Constitution. The Constitution does not permit the delegation of congressional duties to international bodies. The decision to send American troops into harm’s way cannot be made by international bureaucrats.â€

“The UN increasingly wants to influence our environmental, trade, labor, tax, and gun laws,†Paul continued. “Its global planners simply aren’t interested in our Constitution and republican form of government. The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. American national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body.â€

Noted constitutional scholar Herb Titus has thoroughly researched the United Nations and its purported “authority.†Titus explains that the UN Charter is not a treaty at all, but rather a blueprint for supranational government that directly violates the U.S. Constitution. As such, the Charter is neither politically nor legally binding upon the American people or government. The UN has no authority to make “laws†that bind American citizens, because it does not derive its powers from the consent of the American people.

Paul’s legislation has attracted support from dozens of members of Congress in past votes. HR 1146 now awaits action in the House International Relations Committee.

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Originally posted by Drunk

Paul Renews Legislation

to Withdraw America from the United Nations

Washington, DC- Congressman Ron Paul, known for his longtime opposition to global government, recently renewed his call for America to withdraw from the United Nations. HR 1146, the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003,” would end all U.S. participation with the UN and expel the organization from its taxpayer-subsidized New York headquarters. HR 1146 represents the continuation of Congressman Paul’s ongoing fight against the loss of American sovereignty.

“Our current situation in Iraq shows that we cannot allow U.S. national security to become a matter of international consensus,” Paul stated. “We don’t need UN permission to go to war; only Congress can declare war under the Constitution. The Constitution does not permit the delegation of congressional duties to international bodies. The decision to send American troops into harm’s way cannot be made by international bureaucrats.”

“The UN increasingly wants to influence our environmental, trade, labor, tax, and gun laws,” Paul continued. “Its global planners simply aren’t interested in our Constitution and republican form of government. The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. American national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body.”

Noted constitutional scholar Herb Titus has thoroughly researched the United Nations and its purported “authority.” Titus explains that the UN Charter is not a treaty at all, but rather a blueprint for supranational government that directly violates the U.S. Constitution. As such, the Charter is neither politically nor legally binding upon the American people or government. The UN has no authority to make “laws” that bind American citizens, because it does not derive its powers from the consent of the American people.

Paul’s legislation has attracted support from dozens of members of Congress in past votes. HR 1146 now awaits action in the House International Relations Committee.

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Any opinions on this?

I say bail.. Here is why.. Just the fact that Lybia is in charge of the human rights commitee proves the governing body is a joke..

How about Iraq being in charge of the disarment comm? if that isn't enough I don't know what is.. What makes me sick to my stomach is that little PUKE Kofi Annan who is pubilcly demanding that we follow the geneva convention which we are but is all hush hush when our boys are getting executed and where was the U.N when Sadam was torturing his own people that s why they are a joke.. No one in the U.N. gives a fuck about me, you, or our country so they can all go to hell.. We don't need them!!

I am sorry I sound agitated but just read an article on BBC about that pussy Kofi Annancomplianing about the U.S and Kevin Moley

tearing him a new asswhole...that little Gary Coleman looking rat ...unfuckingbeleivable the stupidity at the U.N.

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it'd be kind of ironic to withdraw from the UN, esp when the headquarters of it is sitting in our biggest city. ;)

I dunno. As of late, the UN seems to be more of a place for political bickering and posturing instead of a place to actually get real work done. You know, that whole "House divided against itself cannot stand" thing. Plus, we take the most heat for any actions we partake in, simply because we're the biggest and we're the most dominant. I think that diplomats who bitch loudly should get their cars towed. ;) That's punishment enough.

I do wonder why Kofi decided he needed to bring to our attention the need to obey the Geneva convention. That's like telling Santa the day after Christmas to bring presents to the kids. Of course, it's also nice how he was silent about the Geneva Convention when our POW's show up on Iraqi TV looking like they got the shit beaten out of them [which of course, they did.] Or hey, how about Saddam's idea of using the Oil for Food program to build his ass over FIFTY different palaces, and buy a few extra rockets and guns...

Kofi... dude you're slippin', man. Everyone harps on the US to obey the convention but we weren't the only ones that put our signature to it. Other nations aren't excused from it simply because they don't have the world's most kickass army or Walmart stores in every town. It's a pity we always take all the heat, yet it's always a double standard when applied to other nations.

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