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ATTN: Juiceheads


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

By the way....

I only sign on nowadays to see what sick and twisted pics you have in your sig....

I am very pleased with the current one...

It makes me chuckle every time I see it....

thanks. But really, it is all about lamps.

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Moo - I actually stuck up for you in the past. Wow was I wrong for doing that. You start a thread here and continue the bantering back and forth and then wonder why people fuck with you... You haven't figured it out yet have you?

So what if some guys want to run some juice and carry an extra 15% - 30% of LBM? So what? So what if they want 'attention' by lifting, juicing, working out, being healthy and looking good? That's their hobby right? That's their own personal choice right? Who are they hurting? You! They're hurting your chances of cutting ass because they look good and are competition for you.

I mean think about what you did. You took a poll of ladies and what type of men and body types they like! Isn't that a bit sad and desperate?

Your hobby and way of getting attention is by shoving a camera in people's faces 2 -3 nights a week for hours each night. That's 'ok' for you to get attention that way, but then you point your finger at the brothers who juice and criticize their method.

You both have the same end point, but you have a different approach to getting there then those of that lift for REAL and juice a little here or a lot there.

I think a 'passive' guy who does juice is the better alternative to the guy running around saying look at me! Look at me!!! I have a website and a camera!!! I never got what I needed out of High School so I'll strive for that now! You're one to talk about the High School days brother - you're still livng them!

FYI, the older you get the sillier it's going to look for you having that website and you living your life like you do. What will your next emplyoer think if he sees that you have a website and live your life like you do in the public eye in the 'scene'? That will show them a lot! The IRON BRETHERN here live life for themselves - they don't do it through a website! I don''t agree with a lot of people or opinions on here, but this time you're picking a fight with them.

I've many great friend that lift AND juice. They'd go through hell and back for me. You wouldn't EVER understand the bond that TRUE IRON BRETHREN HAVE!!!!

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Moo - I actually stuck up for you in the past. Wow was I wrong for doing that. You start a thread here and continue the bantering back and forth and then wonder why people fuck with you... You haven't figured it out yet have you?

So what if some guys want to run some juice and carry an extra 15% - 30% of LBM? So what? So what if they want 'attention' by lifting, juicing, working out, being healthy and looking good? That's their hobby right? That's their own personal choice right? Who are they hurting? You! They're hurting your chances of cutting ass because they look good and are competition for you.

I mean think about what you did. You took a poll of ladies and what type of men and body types they like! Isn't that a bit sad and desperate?

Your hobby and way of getting attention is by shoving a camera in people's faces 2 -3 nights a week for hours each night. That's 'ok' for you to get attention that way, but then you point your finger at the brothers who juice and criticize their method.

You both have the same end point, but you have a different approach to getting there then those of that lift for REAL and juice a little here or a lot there.

I think a 'passive' guy who does juice is the better alternative to the guy running around saying look at me! Look at me!!! I have a website and a camera!!! I never got what I needed out of High School so I'll strive for that now! You're one to talk about the High School days brother - you're still livng them!

FYI, the older you get the sillier it's going to look for you having that website and you living your life like you do. What will your next emplyoer think if he sees that you have a website and live your life like you do in the public eye in the 'scene'? That will show them a lot! The IRON BRETHERN here live life for themselves - they don't do it through a website! I don''t agree with a lot of people or opinions on here, but this time you're picking a fight with them.

I've many great friend that lift AND juice. They'd go through hell and back for me. You wouldn't EVER understand the bond that TRUE IRON BRETHREN HAVE!!!!

Is this the beggining of the end for NJguido I hope not. If it crumbles are there going to be houses full of boxes of money and Moo no where to be found. Oh wait that is Iraq sorry moo just kidding. I just love the fact that a guy who has a website built around juice and partying like a Rockstar spreads across the internet a battle over steroid use and clarifies the fact that he is actually a Christian Rockstar. Moo in the end of things you are a great guy. Hey your chest may be small because you choose not to sauce but that is your decision and no on will combat that...

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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Moo - I actually stuck up for you in the past. Wow was I wrong for doing that. You start a thread here and continue the bantering back and forth and then wonder why people fuck with you... You haven't figured it out yet have you?

So what if some guys want to run some juice and carry an extra 15% - 30% of LBM? So what? So what if they want 'attention' by lifting, juicing, working out, being healthy and looking good? That's their hobby right? That's their own personal choice right? Who are they hurting? You! They're hurting your chances of cutting ass because they look good and are competition for you.

I mean think about what you did. You took a poll of ladies and what type of men and body types they like! Isn't that a bit sad and desperate?

Your hobby and way of getting attention is by shoving a camera in people's faces 2 -3 nights a week for hours each night. That's 'ok' for you to get attention that way, but then you point your finger at the brothers who juice and criticize their method.

You both have the same end point, but you have a different approach to getting there then those of that lift for REAL and juice a little here or a lot there.

I think a 'passive' guy who does juice is the better alternative to the guy running around saying look at me! Look at me!!! I have a website and a camera!!! I never got what I needed out of High School so I'll strive for that now! You're one to talk about the High School days brother - you're still livng them!

FYI, the older you get the sillier it's going to look for you having that website and you living your life like you do. What will your next emplyoer think if he sees that you have a website and live your life like you do in the public eye in the 'scene'? That will show them a lot! The IRON BRETHERN here live life for themselves - they don't do it through a website! I don''t agree with a lot of people or opinions on here, but this time you're picking a fight with them.

I've many great friend that lift AND juice. They'd go through hell and back for me. You wouldn't EVER understand the bond that TRUE IRON BRETHREN HAVE!!!!


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Originally posted by pyrrosdimas

Moo - I actually stuck up for you in the past. Wow was I wrong for doing that. You start a thread here and continue the bantering back and forth and then wonder why people fuck with you... You haven't figured it out yet have you?

So what if some guys want to run some juice and carry an extra 15% - 30% of LBM? So what? So what if they want 'attention' by lifting, juicing, working out, being healthy and looking good? That's their hobby right? That's their own personal choice right? Who are they hurting? You! They're hurting your chances of cutting ass because they look good and are competition for you.

I mean think about what you did. You took a poll of ladies and what type of men and body types they like! Isn't that a bit sad and desperate?

Your hobby and way of getting attention is by shoving a camera in people's faces 2 -3 nights a week for hours each night. That's 'ok' for you to get attention that way, but then you point your finger at the brothers who juice and criticize their method.

You both have the same end point, but you have a different approach to getting there then those of that lift for REAL and juice a little here or a lot there.

I think a 'passive' guy who does juice is the better alternative to the guy running around saying look at me! Look at me!!! I have a website and a camera!!! I never got what I needed out of High School so I'll strive for that now! You're one to talk about the High School days brother - you're still livng them!

FYI, the older you get the sillier it's going to look for you having that website and you living your life like you do. What will your next emplyoer think if he sees that you have a website and live your life like you do in the public eye in the 'scene'? That will show them a lot! The IRON BRETHERN here live life for themselves - they don't do it through a website! I don''t agree with a lot of people or opinions on here, but this time you're picking a fight with them.

I've many great friend that lift AND juice. They'd go through hell and back for me. You wouldn't EVER understand the bond that TRUE IRON BRETHREN HAVE!!!!

I need Cliff's Notes on your posts. But you make a good point.

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What is the point?

That someone who doesn't know me takes a bogus post seriously and thinks he knows my life story?

I'd like to fire back at you but "who the hell are you?" NOBODY!

As far as me getting older, I will have other people take the pictures. I already do.

My next employer will think I'm a genius being that I've created a site that after one year gets equivelant traffic as ESPN.com.

Did you ever think that would be the case? Let me answer that for you.....no!!!

Here is why....Your mind is blurred by hate, jealousy and envy. You wish I was small, you wish I was ugly and you wish that I was stupid because deep down inside you wish you were smarter and better looking and bigger. That is the problem...you have to deal with it. I will keep living successfully as a strong, smart, good looking young man that sees clearly through the clouds that blur your vision and keep you envious, jealous, and hateful. Rather than you make a comment, ask most of the women on this board if I am indeed small and ugly and stupid. There will be your true answer.

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Originally posted by themoo

Cracka...which girl are you in the pic? I just like to know who hates me.

Hun, i dont hate you, cant hate someone i dont know

I just like to give credit where credit is due

but as for you other comment on "what is the point" take a step back and think about what this WHOLEEEEEEEEEEEE thread is about...........people judging other people they dont know

You judged the juiceheads, didnt you?????

to be personally honest all that is being proven here is that you look like you are very very jealous of other people. I dont know

I am the girl in the reddish orange shirt, if you ever see me out, we should talk, i rather get to know a person before i begin to judge.

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Originally posted by themoo

My next employer will think I'm a genius being that I've created a site that after one year gets equivelant traffic as ESPN.com.

Hmm not to blow up your spot or nothing bra. But

WWW.ESPN.COM is the 18th largest site on the web based on unique hits.

www.njguido.com is the 62,919th largest site on the web based on unique hits.

Now just out of curiously what’s your idea of equivalent?

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Originally posted by notallthere

Hmm not to blow up your spot or nothing bra. But

WWW.ESPN.COM is the 18th largest site on the web based on unique hits.

www.njguido.com is the 62,919th largest site on the web based on unique hits.

Now just out of curiously what’s your idea of equivalent?





OVERALL RANKING by visits per day

#10,868 espn.com

#22,012 njguido.com

Unique Visitors

ESPN 4,998

NJGUIDO 4,756 ESPN only 132 more people a day


ESPN 5,103

NJGUIDO 4,914 ESPN only 190 more total visits a day


ESPN 10,034

NJGUIDO 9,229 ESPN only 800 more total viewed pages a day



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The numbers I am talking about are based on visits not hits. Where are you getting your numbers from? Besides hits can be really inflated so you can't go by that, it all depends on how many actual visitors you get to your site.

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

isn't it???? Its actually cracking me up people have the time to sit here and argue, but keep going, its entertaining me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hey, you're just as guilty, you took part in it too.

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

isn't it???? Its actually cracking me up people have the time to sit here and argue, but keep going, its entertaining me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i don't like it...can't we go back to the Company Bs bashing...now that was fun

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