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To Camilla (from O2).... you broke my heart


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Wow, where do I start? Well, I guess I'll begin by noting this is the first time I have been BURNED by clubland. Ok, I spun at a pool party at Barry U which was fucking awesome and you were supposed to come to for (A) support and (B) to drop of flyers for the afterparty guestlist at O2 on Thursday. Neither happened, which put me in a pickle cause not many people up here know where O2 is. I took care of that because I have a hard time trusting others to do their part. You were the light, the exception, but no more.

We agreed that since most college students are 18+ this would be 18+ with Barry ID. We also agreed the list would be good til 12:30.

Then I came up there with 2 girls (both under 21 and 1 I was out to impress) only to wait in line with everyone else. Then you see us and don't do shit. When I finally talk to you you deny ever saying it was ok for 18+. Do you know how many people got FUCKED over? I do because I have been fielding questions about it all day and will continue probably until school is over. Do you know how that reflects upon me? It dampens any rep I was building as a promoter and a guy that can get things done. More than 50 people were stood up because of the information I gave them. Information I trusted to be accurate because I thought we were friends. There is no weaseling out of this because you knew it was Thursday and you agreed it would be 18+, so don't give me the Monday BS you gave me at the door.

I haven't felt more violated in terms of clubbing since I moved here. How loyal was I to you? I would have been a soldier for you. Blood, sweat and tears, for you... but all that is gone. Even if Edgar V goes back there, I won't because the thought of how fucked I got almost makes me want to vomit. You were the exception, the light, the girl who made me re-assess how others should be in Miami. I guess I am a sucker though, naive to think I could trust someone based on their word and integrity. I was opening another population to O2, and this is what I get? When am I going to learn to to trust anyone period and just be an obnoxious asshole like 98% of other guys? Am I cursed to be eternally optimistic? Jeez, Now I feel I have to get a written contract in order to loan someone a dollar to buy a soda.

Well, the consensus of the students agree that they never want to have another thing to do with Oxygen Lounge as a result and I agree. For once I will follow the rest of the flock

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Guest saleen351

and with that post, the lack of drama on this board comes to a quick end....

ps i blame trance music for the fuck up...

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I think what is happening is these promoters extend their courteousy so far meaning free passwords & comps in order to pack their club and get people to start coming on a regular basis. The final objective of course is for the patrons to start spending some money in order for the club to become a sucess I don't think anyone is doing a better job right now than Eddy Guerra he has called everyone's bluff on MAZE I knew the club had potential the night I saw AVB there even though there was like 20 heads in the joint.

My point is when a promoter see's someone who is just milking them for comps and free admission and never spending a dime of their money the courteousy becomes stagnant ....... plain & simple I have been told this by a few promoters.

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Originally posted by str8upcore

My point is when a promoter see's someone who is just milking them for comps and free admission and never spending a dime of their money the courteousy becomes stagnant ....... plain & simple I have been told this by a few promoters.

That wasn't the case here though. We were friends and we had an agreement. This is an issue of integrity

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:direct: Camilaaaaaaa...come out and plaaaayyyy...:D


Ladies and gentleman, the great controversy generated by this ungrateful incident, which may had already affected Questforsunrise's credibility as a promotor, has yet to come to a hault.

At the moment we still haven't heard from Camila or any of her aquaintances...a situation that leaves us only with nothing but the following 3 questions open:

1.- Was Questforsunrise really betrayed by Camila from Oxygen?

2.- Is Camila the hottest promoter in Miami?

3.- Does she look hot in a brazilian bikini?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

You don't want to miss the ending to what some are already calling "The First CP Drama In Weeks"


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what a wak situation!!!!:(:blown::mad:

get over it bud, find a new spot, make her eat her heart out!!!! Oh, and never totally believe the under 21, cuz in reality, no club wants to really risk getting fined up the ying yang for some youngin getting too wasted.....

shit happens to ALL OF US, and EVERYONE!!!! its what you do after thats important....;)

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