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Attention Club Spi Managment...

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351















EXPLAIN YOUR SELF CLUB SPI??????????????????

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I agree- except for Stryke and his music Saturday was a complete bust. My crew and I arrived at the club at 2:30. We noticed a couple people on their way out mumbling about the turnout. We asked the door guy before we went in if there was a good crowd, and he said its "packed". So we pay to get in and it looked like there was a SARS scare in the club. There were probably 18-20 people downstairs (including bar tenders). "Packed"? Of those people I would say 5 were on the dance floor. Having come all the way from Orlando, we did not want to waste our night here. We asked 3 club workers (including the admittance collector )if we could talk to the manager about getting half our money back since we immediatley decided to leave. No one would get the manger for us. Its not like we were going to raise hell we just wanted to ask for the hell of it. The music we did here was awesome, but unfortunatley it appears this venue is doomed.

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Heheh I saw you guys on the way out! I was the guy with the camera chatting with the guy at the register.

While I'll grant it the doorguy lied to you if he said it was packed, at the same time you gotta realize that at any club, all sales are final, from booze to cover charge, to tshirts...you took a gamble paying your cover, and you lost...next!

But crowd density shouldn't have been your concern...I've never understood why some clubgoers get all pissed when a club isn't full...full is nice, but if it isn't, there's plenty of ways to enjoy yourself...I saw like six of y'all, I'm sure you coulda came up with something.

BTW, if you checked this board, Spigurl, ronnyvand, and myself were all offering guestlist for the evening...you could have avoided cover altogether...

So, where'd you all end up going, Rumi? :laugh:

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Crowd denisity? How bout a crowd at all. C'mon, who wants to start off the night with 6 people on the dancefloor- and it wasn't like a new crowd of people were going to show up. Christ, after parties in Orlando have more energy. The crowd adds to the energy of the club (of course music comes first) and POD you have to admit there was no one there. I know you want the venue to succeed, but that was a weak night. And actually we ended up at the ONLY place that guarantees a party - Space 34. The music there at 6 AM ( prog. trance) took me back to the MIX days----


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Oh yeah, I ain't gonna lie to ya, the place wasn't full, but at the same time, I've never really been affected by crowd density at all...I'll dance my ass off with 50 people, and I may just be a bump on a log with 5,000 people...or vice versa.

It was a tough night for Greg, a lot of people came in expecting the cheese from Acosta, and they got an earful of quality music and couldn't handle it...some jackoff called his music "garbage", and I nearly shot him on the spot...he coulda said "it's not my thing..." ...but it's got nowhere to go but up, so I expect the next few weekends will see a better crowd in the venue. I've seen Greg play with decent promotion before, and I know it can be done again.

The problem that they are also fighting is that Greg's style is not the flavour of the week right now unfortunately. The flavour of the week seems to be generic progressive house and hip-hop. Trance is commercial, and has been relegated to the cheese venues like Cafe Iguana. Miami is a very trend-driven crowd. Most people down here swear by Ocean Drive Magazine and what they recommend, and that's why you see lines outside of places like Rumi, Mynt and crobar (even on a normal night...)...

Glad you liked Space 34 though, Oscar and co. have a good night going there.

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All i can say is this was the first night. The first is allways important (anyone thats lost their virginity will tell you that one). Next week we impliment what we learned on saturday. As for the people coming out... Things will get better. As for the Spi family, they made us feel at home. Things will be alright. They can't be that bad if they are offering a Free bottle of champaign if you bring 5 girls. when i heard that i was like WTF!? so I expect this saturday things will be much better.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spigurl


We're sorry if any water was thrown, the bartender in question was fired that night by the manager.

Come by next Sat. for Stryke and Jimmy T. and I'll hook you up with some drink tix.!!

Thank You,


won't be there on sat, i need a non clubbing sat night. maybe in two weeks...

but i must say, it just wasn't me that got hit with the water.

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Originally posted by spigurl


We're sorry if any water was thrown, the bartender in question was fired that night by the manager.

Come by next Sat. for Stryke and Jimmy T. and I'll hook you up with some drink tix.!!

Thank You,


Music to Saleens ears " I'll hook you up "

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Originally posted by saleen351

won't be there on sat, i need a non clubbing sat night. maybe in two weeks...

but i must say, it just wasn't me that got hit with the water.

ill take full responsibility for those tix!!!:D

as for the bottle specials, could you elaborate a lil...

this would be the perfect time to check out the spi club!!!!:D

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Originally posted by saleen351
















EXPLAIN YOUR SELF CLUB SPI??????????????????

dude...dont mention people you dont know well...i just spoke to DAEJA and she is a bit mad u even mentioned her on here..she doesnt know you..nor did she have anything to say about the bartenders...and i doubt jimmy or alex have anything bad to say about them either...

by the way...with all this hype on Stryke this and Stryke that...u had nothing supportive to even say how Greg played in the booth...all i have heard to date was about ronny and how Greg is a great Dj. hes a good dj but the headliner and new resident is STRYKE..who in my opinion had a great time throwing down some bad ass tracks and experimenting with different beats and songs.

If you want house...go to Space..(or were you banned from the new one too?)

dude other than that...no offense..u seem like a good guy...saw you bobbin ur head to the music but had nothing to say about it...thats why i was wonderin why u didnt write a review on stryke.

btw- Pod...nice meetin you...AGAIN :cool: lol peace.

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As a promoter, If someone paid a cover and immediately wanted a refund. I would give it. People go to clubs to be around people and listen to music. They need a vibe. No crowd, no vibe. No vibe, no club. I think they should have given your money back. The wanting half was cool. Bummer on Spi. I hope that they learn from their mistake.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spacecadet888

dude...dont mention people you dont know well...i just spoke to DAEJA and she is a bit mad u even mentioned her on here..she doesnt know you..nor did she have anything to say about the bartenders...and i doubt jimmy or alex have anything bad to say about them either...

by the way...with all this hype on Stryke this and Stryke that...u had nothing supportive to even say how Greg played in the booth...all i have heard to date was about ronny and how Greg is a great Dj. hes a good dj but the headliner and new resident is STRYKE..who in my opinion had a great time throwing down some bad ass tracks and experimenting with different beats and songs.

If you want house...go to Space..(or were you banned from the new one too?)

dude other than that...no offense..u seem like a good guy...saw you bobbin ur head to the music but had nothing to say about it...thats why i was wonderin why u didnt write a review on stryke.

btw- Pod...nice meetin you...AGAIN :cool: lol peace.

The truth, I don't think you can handle the truth...

Truth is, its not going to work...

Lets break down what i've would have done differently:

1. ronny as great as his set was, was wayyyyyyyyyyyy out of line. I even told greg that. Too loud and too hard. People need to drink and talk before the tunes crank up... Ronny wore me out by midnight... I told pod to take some pics of stryke choking him out..

2. Nothing was done to promote greg as a dj... Meaning hype it up a bit, do something, create some hype, have a poster, a sign, a plane flying over heard do something. Just putting on a greg dj there won't work.. Me and guyman tripled that crowd in lauderdale. How'd we do it? pure HYPE. We put oscar in a horrible club with horrible sound system with a horrible opening dj that got fired that night... HYPE sells, not djs.. Maybe a few years ago djs sold, but not no more....

3. Bartenders are the worst. What you need to do, is find a female bartender and she'll be the lisason to the cpers... All clubs do it.. The older chick down stairs is really nice, a bit scary at times or maybe too many cups of coffee, but she always takes care of me, but i don't hang down there. And the price of beer went up a dollar in 20 mins...

4. Who represents Spi on here? We all know spacious and biz for space, and eddy for maze and crobar etc...

5. Door guy was nice, that was cool.....

6. If you did 75- 100 dollar bottles of vodka, you get more people in there.. But no one really knows the deal over there. We got fucked under the spacious regime and all have reservations of going back.

Now for that girl, I took her name down, but you are really clueless. I was with jimmy, bugaloo and her at space... We all know each other... :idea: You are just trying to make me look bad, nice try, but you failed way short.. I met her and jimmy the same night a year ago.. And Andrew Thomas...

And why do I have to put up a review? Cause the truth is everyone wants me to hype it, yet when i rip clubs and djs, they cry (see biz's post)...

I had a decent time, but I have my reservations about it.. I've always hated that place, I only went to support greg.... I even went alone... And i don't live in miami, i live 45 minutes north... And i was tired from the night before... I like greg as a dj, but I'm not gonna hype up the party, cause as of now, its not hype worthy...

Truth betold, if it didn't rain I more than likely would have gone to lauderdale to karma.. (ask guyman)

To gregs set, it was great except the fact it wasnt a set, Ronny dropped the hammer, wore us out, and we left...

And it seems you have some issues with me, you constanly ride my jock on here, why? I could care less who you are. What i say on here, i'd say in person. Do me a favor and get off my jock already.... You sound like you are accusing me of bsing the water thing...... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM i guess i made it up:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by pod

Oh yeah, I ain't gonna lie to ya, the place wasn't full, but at the same time, I've never really been affected by crowd density at all...I'll dance my ass off with 50 people, and I may just be a bump on a log with 5,000 people...or vice versa.

It was a tough night for Greg, a lot of people came in expecting the cheese from Acosta, and they got an earful of quality music and couldn't handle it...some jackoff called his music "garbage", and I nearly shot him on the spot...he coulda said "it's not my thing..." ...but it's got nowhere to go but up, so I expect the next few weekends will see a better crowd in the venue. I've seen Greg play with decent promotion before, and I know it can be done again.

The problem that they are also fighting is that Greg's style is not the flavour of the week right now unfortunately. The flavour of the week seems to be generic progressive house and hip-hop. Trance is commercial, and has been relegated to the cheese venues like Cafe Iguana. Miami is a very trend-driven crowd. Most people down here swear by Ocean Drive Magazine and what they recommend, and that's why you see lines outside of places like Rumi, Mynt and crobar (even on a normal night...)...

Glad you liked Space 34 though, Oscar and co. have a good night going there.

Just to let you know, Rumi, Crobar and other clubs like Prive are constantly mentioned on OD magazine because they ADVERTISE ! Others like Space, Tantra, etc ALSO ADVERTISE THERE *******

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Originally posted by Saleen351

Now for that girl, I took her name down, but you are really clueless. I was with jimmy, bugaloo and her at space... We all know each other... You are just trying to make me look bad, nice try, but you failed way short.. I met her and jimmy the same night a year ago.. And Andrew Thomas...

And why do I have to put up a review? Cause the truth is everyone wants me to hype it, yet when i rip clubs and djs, they cry (see biz's post)...

I had a decent time, but I have my reservations about it.. I've always hated that place, I only went to support greg.... I even went alone... And i don't live in miami, i live 45 minutes north... And i was tired from the night before... I like greg as a dj, but I'm not gonna hype up the party, cause as of now, its not hype worthy...

Truth betold, if it didn't rain I more than likely would have gone to lauderdale to karma.. (ask guyman)

To gregs set, it was great except the fact it wasnt a set, Ronny dropped the hammer, wore us out, and we left...

And it seems you have some issues with me, you constanly ride my jock on here, why? I could care less who you are. What i say on here, i'd say in person. Do me a favor and get off my jock already....

:laugh: :laugh:

Dude...dont make me have her come up to you in person and tell you what a "Stupid retard that followed us to Space...that guy has no life..seriously" (-Daeja)

Clueless? the only person who looked clueless at spiclub was you..especially when i stood next to you while u were buying a drink from the "asshole bartender that threw water at us". dont believe me? ask Pod.

Dude just be glad Alex doesnt know ur talking so much damn shit...make you look bad? bro you just made yourself look worse...


Go chill with your 40 year old broads in Karma..ill be one of the 20 people at Spiclub that watch greg build that place the fuck up just like his days at Red. Or if u cant stand the place so much...go see him at Space...where he will be doing afterhours in a few weeks...BUT THEN AGAIN...MISS CLEO PROLLY TOLD HIM THAT ALREADY!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Dude...get a life (and a hair transplant if you have any money)...and do yourself a favor..dont portray yourself as a clubber, because i have never seen a person go through so many menstrual periods aboutgetting promo cd's, comps, free drinks, and vip bands...as you. And it really pisses me off that i have to be associated with people of your kind.

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Originally posted by ronnyvand


btw ronny..u were awesome..great set to open for greg. keep it up!

Ill be seein you 'round. unlike some of the people on this board...i love Spiclub. The crowd will come around soon enough.

Think of it as starting from scratch...Spiclub took a big gamble putting Stryke there...in fact im wagering it was about as crazy as when Oscar G. first got to space...he built that place from the ground up to what it is today...imagine what Stryke and even you could do..

Sky is the limit...look what has been done before..;)

All the best!

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:eek: ok boys.. seriously... no need to bash one another... i am not one to visit the o great message boards yet i hear about me being the topic of convo which of course.. cant resist and must add my opinion...

bartenders at spiclub... being a bartender myself and knowing the old blow fire trick i must say that one in close range will get wet(151..not water).. how else do you expect the flame to be so big.. but i must say congrats because someone obviously feels powered by being able to down an experienced bartender and get them fired while recieving free drinks in the process.. pure genius... and no im not bashing but if it was me that was behind the bar and i was fired because someone complains.. " i got wet... boo hoo" i would be somewhat agitated actually hostile. which i am because i knew both bartenders working that evening.

but i must say this is just my opinion so no hard feelings to you but seriously.. you dont feel bad about costing someone their job?

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Originally posted by strawberygodss

:eek: ok boys.. seriously... no need to bash one another... i am not one to visit the o great message boards yet i hear about me being the topic of convo which of course.. cant resist and must add my opinion...

bartenders at spiclub... being a bartender myself and knowing the old blow fire trick i must say that one in close range will get wet(151..not water).. how else do you expect the flame to be so big.. but i must say congrats because someone obviously feels powered by being able to down an experienced bartender and get them fired while recieving free drinks in the process.. pure genius... and no im not bashing but if it was me that was behind the bar and i was fired because someone complains.. " i got wet... boo hoo" i would be somewhat agitated actually hostile. which i am because i knew both bartenders working that evening.

but i must say this is just my opinion so no hard feelings to you but seriously.. you dont feel bad about costing someone their job?

u must have Saleen confused with a pot smoking retard who cares..daeja..lol the Saleen cares about NO ONE!

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by strawberygodss

:eek: ok boys.. seriously... no need to bash one another... i am not one to visit the o great message boards yet i hear about me being the topic of convo which of course.. cant resist and must add my opinion...

bartenders at spiclub... being a bartender myself and knowing the old blow fire trick i must say that one in close range will get wet(151..not water).. how else do you expect the flame to be so big.. but i must say congrats because someone obviously feels powered by being able to down an experienced bartender and get them fired while recieving free drinks in the process.. pure genius... and no im not bashing but if it was me that was behind the bar and i was fired because someone complains.. " i got wet... boo hoo" i would be somewhat agitated actually hostile. which i am because i knew both bartenders working that evening.

but i must say this is just my opinion so no hard feelings to you but seriously.. you dont feel bad about costing someone their job?

What world do u live in???????????????????????? If a waiter throws food on you while you eat, do u complain? What if that waiter threw food on you three times? Once is grounds for being fired. There were no drink tricks, they were just fucking around.. Hence not doing their job. Maybe next time, they'll realize who is in the crowd... :idea: Remember if you work in the hospitality industry, you have to assume everyone is a important person or big name ceo of some company, cause the day you fuck with the wrong person you loose your job. I dropped 40 bucks at that bar and the I should not have to deal with water all over me... He lost his job for a reason, he wasn't doing it:idea: had nothing to do with me.... Hes lucky I only decided to leave... What if I was on a date or showing some friends a good time? By the FUCKING WAY, I WAS STANDING A GOOD 8 FEET AWAY FROM THE BAR ALL THREE TIMES... THIS ISN'T SEA WORLD WHERE YOU KNOW YOU ARE GONNA GET WET IN THE FIRST COUPLE ROWS, ITS A UPSCALE SOBE CLUB.. NOT FUCKING SEAWORLD. IF YOU KNOW THAT DUDE PLEASE TELL HIM, SALEEN SAID FUCK YOU!

I was accused of stealing at space and word is the bartender got suspended. Your actions have consenquences, and especaily in sobe... not my fault your buddies don't know how to do their job..

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