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Attn.: CP Miami ... Important to Know ...


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lolahotass

:bored: :bored: :bored: :bored:

hey lots of ass, get email your boy dale jr and tell him to teach his pit crew to learn how to put a fucking lug nut on right...:laugh: :laugh:

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It's really not a matter of operating hours. There are plenty of markets with 2AM liquor laws and the clubs there do higher sales than they do on South Beach with a 5AM law. What it is about is a general shift in the perception of voters that this scene is out of control. These are people who don't go to clubs and get their info from the Sun Post and the Herald. When they see a story on the news about Ultra being a drug problem they think the clubs are to blame.

Saleen, I hate to say it but you're wrong again about the "entertainment district". That's one of the ideas that we have been pushing for for the past six years. If the area were designated an "entertainment district", we would have permanent funding for many things we need like adequate police enforcement, litter pick-up, fire and paramedic detail, worldwide promotion, and better parking. It won't happen because as soon as it does, City Hall loses control of that money and they hate that.

As for the "We always have Downtown" mentality and the idea that clubs will, all of a sudden, be springing up to take the place of Sobe....well I'll just say that, your economic thoery not withstanding, that I've lived here a very long time and I don't buy it. South Beach is South Beach because the world sees it as the "American Riveria" and it looks good on the E Channel. Downtown is never going to be a place where people come from other places to go...and the locals can't support that scene on their own. Space is feeling the economic downturn as much if not more than the clubs on the Beach. Not only that, but the Miami City government is now adopting the same mindset as the Beach...remember the Mayor who tried to shut down Ultra?

Bottom line...if the scene dies in South Beach...we all suffer.


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But lets be honest, from a pure sales perspective, some 2 AM markets may do better...but from a quality of entertainment perspective, name 1 scene that shuts at 2 AM and is better than ours? I doubt you can name 1. Don't say Gainesville either because one club does not make a scene.

Clubgoers from other cities come here because of the 5 AM closing time amongst other things.

So I'm gonna take off from my day job early and walk over to City Hall and show my support for the cause.

Dade, is it a public forum where people will get to speak...no don't worry I won't say anything, but I hope they give people like you a chance to say something...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

But lets be honest, from a pure sales perspective, some 2 AM markets may do better...but from a quality of entertainment perspective, name 1 scene that shuts at 2 AM and is better than ours? I doubt you can name 1. Don't say Gainesville either because one club does not make a scene.


Pod, NJ....

Nuff said... its all 2am closing... the shore for years was 2am then 3am and now 330am....

you just show up early... :idea:

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Generally, it is a public forum where anyone can sign the sheet and wait their turn to speak. I will, most likely, speak as I always do. Hopefully the mass of people behind us will force them to listen for once. However, I think that if we show up with 1000 people they will cancel the meeting and re-group...then we know we really made an impact.

By the way, Podster, my young friend, Boston has a 2AM law and the scene there is robust to say the least. Avalon is one of the leaders in the club world and they, as well as Axis and many others routinely host the best DJs in the world. San Francisco also has a 2AM law and they have a great scene for music and clubbing. Don't get me wrong...I agree that the late hours are a part of what makes this a tourist draw...but it does work in other places. Besides, the counter-argument is that people who want to be in a club at 7Am must be doing drugs.

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Originally posted by saleen351

the invisible hand doesn't matter(micro picture). And for you latin HS drop outs, don't bother understanding it.. Its above your Hialeah education....

why must you start everyone of your weak arguments, by trying to put down people? it’s those same latin hs dropouts as you call them; which made Dade County what it is today. your failure to recognize the same perpetuates your ignorance to new levels.
Originally posted by saleen351

This isn't just a micro market, you have to look at the macro market.

Lets look at NJ/NYC, how does NJ keep its clubbers in NJ? Its not easy, but NYC makes it so expensive and hard to get into the city and park and all that bs that the market is in equlibrium but after 9-11, more and more people stay in NJ. Hence nyc sucks..

But Miami and sobe are vastely different than NYC/NJ, its just 2 miles and its free and parking is not an issue and all the clubs are on the same street.

are your freebasing Drano again ? NJ is the armpit of the northeast; know matter how much you blow it up. it will always remain so. a majority of people in NJ live in NJ, and work in NYC. they also go into NYC when they are seeking entertainment beyond the mall.

Even with the problems NY clubs are facing, they still are and will always be above what NJ offers. your comparisons border on delusions of granger, rather then fact. Real Clubbers Don’t Club In NJ ! LOL

Originally posted by saleen351

So how does sobe exspect to compete? Once downtown miami gets cranking up, sobe would die no matter what unless they leveled the playing field. How do they do that? 24 hours... Or at least 7am, but even so, we all know there isn't one club that can pack them in till 7am... NOT ONE. 4am, everyone leaves the club and heads either home, or to space, and hopefully to a new club...

again you know nothing about the economy in Dade County. our you would know downtown has been in development, for some three years now. you can have more then one ,outlet for people to enjoy. Dade County’s survival depends on both miami and miami beach.
Originally posted by saleen351

Now lets get the other economic issue raised on here.

People will loose their jobs? First off thats not true. The invisible hand tells us if you take the supply away, demand should stay the same, and prices rise. Thus, the vacum it creates in the short run means more venues in miami, the alternative to sobe. Thus the short term lose in revenue and jobs is filled by new clubs and venues, and the market will be back at qs=qd where p = pe... As long as Miami is fair with its barriers to entry, then we the clubber win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is how the economy works..

if hotels, restaurants, and nightclubs close on sobe. People won’t loose their jobs? Intriguing.. :rolleyes: what should people who could potentially loose there jobs, do while downtown attempts to grow ???
Originally posted by saleen351 sobetone, your response was non sense. Its called a democracy, and the majority wins... Thus why cities such as lauderdale did the right move, and have entertainment districts to protect the clubbers... Word is miami is doing the same in esance..
you have yet to prove one thing I wrote is in correct. But I’ve come to expect this type of response from you, when your limited intellect prevents you from responding with any type of sensible dialogue. how many times do people have to tell you? Broward never can nor will be a model for Dade County. You have yet to fully comprehend the infrastructure of either county, thus your points are mute. .


Originally posted by saleen351 The problem is, and i see the pt of the residents is that you don't need the clubs.. They are right, all those clus will move to miami if miami lets them have free rein like space. Though space is hammpered by the city, just not like sobe... If miami lets the clubs move in and create a monster entertainment area then no matter what sobe can't win.

How sick would it be we let the thugs have their city, and we take over miami and kick out all that latin trash.....

When anyone gets a degree in qualitative economics, then respond... Adam Smith has been right for 200 years... And continues to be right now...

bravo, a new scene will be born just 3 miles away.... Its closer to my house, better parking etc.... Maybe the guys at nocturnal and the beach aren't so dumb, and maybe just maybe the offical saleen clubbing outlook theory might just be right, that miami will blow up..

let it go sobe is for thugs with credit caddys, and dirty latins with no respect for america...

you know I was going to rip this part of your post apart, as I have the rest of it. but I will leave you with these wonderful words. which seem so appropriate for you "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Nick you wear the badge of humiliation, with like a badge of honor. Just quit while your ahead, because you’re not gaining any ground.

I'm sure my post again, will make no sense to you, but thats okay I understand your limits. :D

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I guess Boston and SF are exceptions...

One of the points I hope is stressed at tomorrow's meeting is the fact that the opposition wants to make us just like the rest of the country, full of repressive laws and ridiculously early closing times.

And Saleen, I can't just show up early...I'm busy as fuck all sometimes until 10 or 11 PM. Same for a lot of other people around here. The industry will be grieviously harmed even if the only thing to happen was a reduction in closing time. Bartenders would have less hours, and so forth...

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Originally posted by saleen351

the invisible hand doesn't matter(micro picture). And for you latin HS drop outs, don't bother understanding it.. Its above your Hialeah education....

Yo Salteeno, be very careful with the invisible hand, because I heard it sometimes slaps you across the face without you even seeing it coming.

First of all, everything you write is highly elaborated bullshit...

and I mean...pompous...fribolous...ignorant...hateful bullshit.

You have no right to insult the residents of Hialeah, I grew up in Miami Lakes, Hialeah and let me tell you...a very nice neighborhood...no guidos with tank tops and gold chains in sight.

Instead of appretiating the acceptation you've so kindly received by the members of this board, you confuse it with adulation and it makes your ego grow to the point that it blocks your understanding of friendship and comradry...things you probably never tasted.

You use racism as a weapon, without even considering how racism has generated so much pain and distress to so many humans around the world...it's very bad karma you are messing with there.

Be more respectful and less of a know it all...hush...listen...read...life it's not about knowing it all, it's meant to be a journey of constant learning.

Welcome to Florida Monkeyboy!



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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by funketeer

all, it's meant to be a journey of constant learning.

you can't even speak english, and you wrote that????????? are you kidding me? Miami caters to euro trash, but the rest of american no longer sees sobe as anything. Its lost its luster and its ova... I would like to walk into any business in sobe or miami and not need to know spanish....

Am I asking too much? Hence sobe going out of the club business is good for me.. Lauderdale will certainly pick up, and downtown miami will rock..

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Originally posted by saleen351

you can't even speak english, and you wrote that????????? are you kidding me? Miami caters to euro trash, but the rest of american no longer sees sobe as anything. Its lost its luster and its ova... I would like to walk into any business in sobe or miami and not need to know spanish....

Am I asking too much? Hence sobe going out of the club business is good for me.. Lauderdale will certainly pick up, and downtown miami will rock..

Saleen, be more respectful of this thread and of the person that started it and take your stupidity elsewhere.



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Originally posted by saleen351

Am I asking too much? Hence sobe going out of the club business is good for me.. Lauderdale will certainly pick up, and downtown miami will rock..

You should look beyond the immediate with this one. if South Beach of all places loses it's nightlife industry, that will be the perfect excuse for other communities to start getting ideas. I'm not looking at it from a "Oh this means everything will move downtown..." perspective...I'm looking at it in a long-term perspective, as other scenes could be threatened as well.

Not to mention that we should show we're not gonna be pushed around by a bunch of condo owners whose properties are not even close to the area in concern.

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Much has been said on this thread about the "rich condo developers"...fact is, there's a whole plan already in effect to take Miami to its next and permanent resting period...first comes the clean up process...South Beach offers an incredible infrastructure for large condos to develope, yes it does...think of the South Beach of tomorrow as you would of today's West Palm Beach...with Lincoln Road and Ocean drive to cater the wealthy future tenants with its international cuisine and designer stores. The bohemian and all creatures of the night will eventually be purged in a sort of exodus, if you will. Destination??? Who knows...truth is...twelve years ago, noone even cared about South Beach...now it has become the object of multimillionaire developement projects...if you only come to the beach to party and then leave...you probably haven't noticed how much construction and renovation is being done...developement??? You bet!!!

Now...I'm not speculating here...I can't reveal my sources but I can tell you that what I write here is true...grow with it, assimilate the change...or the change will eventually absorb you...for the times they are a changin'



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Received this e-mail ... it does bother me ... I believe one of the reasons why we live in South Florida is because of its clubbing alternatives ...

Show some love if you can ... or at least be informed ...

(the following is the e-mail I received from the Crobar peepz ...)


Join us at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting

Wednesday, April 30

at 4:30pm at City Hall.

1700 Convention Center Drive

Miami Beach, FL 33139

South Beach night life is being threatened by a small special interest group composed of high-end condominium owners represented by high priced attorneys. This small group is looking to eliminate night life as we all know it. They are continuing to put pressure on the City Counsel to change many of the laws that govern nightclubs, restaurants and hotels and bring in hundreds of thousands of tourists to this market every year. The hospitality industry generated over $900 million in revenue last year alone. As you all know, the hospitality industry in South Beach supports over 5,000 people and their families and is one of the main reasons that people continue to visit South Beach.

If you care about the Hospitality and Tourist Industry in South Beach, we need your help! Please show your support at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting on Wednesday at 4:30 at City Hall. We need to represent and support our hospitality industry to keep it alive. Your presence will show our voting strength.

Once again, please join us at the Miami Beach City Counsel Meeting Wednesday, April 30

at 4:30pm at City Hall.

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