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Sales calls Etc... ( VENT )


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Those fuckers call and try to sell you shit on Saturday and Sunday mornings... Or you get that message on the phone.

" Please hold all of our representatives are currently busy. Please stay on the line until one becomes available."

First of all what the fuck are they calling for if they are all to busy to talk. Secondly why the fuck do they call at 8am on Sunday morning...

Usually if they have woken me to the point that I cannot fall back asleep I will usually stay on the line and act interested. Ask questions waste there time. And then when they are finished. I tell them to take me off the list and thank you for letting me waste your time... THOSE FUCKERS!!!

Sorry had to vent... :mad: :mad: :mad:

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I hate those fuckers :mad2:

Sometimes I get calls on my cell phone, that's the worst. I have no idea how they got my number.

The cool thing about CT is that we have this no call list published by the state. If you put your name and number on the list, telemarketers can't call you. If they do, you can sue them for lots and lots of money. I put my name on the list and it actually works. I don't get calls anyore. I used to get alot too. Because my caller ID would track sometimes up to 10 calls during the day while I was at work.

You should see if NY has something like that.

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Originally posted by copahc

I hate those fuckers :mad2:

Sometimes I get calls on my cell phone, that's the worst. I have no idea how they got my number.

The cool thing about CT is that we have this no call list published by the state. If you put your name and number on the list, telemarketers can't call you. If they do, you can sue them for lots and lots of money. I put my name on the list and it actually works. I don't get calls anyore. I used to get alot too. Because my caller ID would track sometimes up to 10 calls during the day while I was at work.

You should see if NY has something like that.

yeah we have this in cali too...
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Originally posted by weyes

could you give me the details on that, sassa, please :) ?

the next time one of these telemarketing bitches call you, ask them to give you a # you can call to place you on this list. they can't refuse. or ask them to transfer you to their manager so you can make sure they put you on that list. BUT, like it was said, if they said they do and you still get calls, sue them.

hope that helped...i used to be harassed by at&t nonstop but i told them to put me on that list and it hasn't happened since...

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Originally posted by sweetie029

What is the big deal ? When they call just hang up

The big deal is when you are hung over... Or you were out all night and they wake you up on the weekend. And then for some crazy reason sometimes you cant fall back asleep. And they wind up ruining most of the day because you are tired...


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Originally posted by elementx

The big deal is when you are hung over... Or you were out all night and they wake you up on the weekend. And then for some crazy reason sometimes you cant fall back asleep. And they wind up ruining most of the day because you are tired...



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Originally posted by sweetie029

I feel for the annoying telemarketers b/c I used 2 do that.....You don't know how many times a day I got screamed or cursed at.....It's not their fault they are just doing their job

No one forced you guys to take that position...

The greatest line I have heard anyone tell a telemarketer...

Telemarketer " Can I speak to Mr. ( So and so )

My Father " He is dead "

Usually followed by a silence... And then...

Telemarketer " Well can we interest you in anything?"

You would think the fucking moron would have just said sorry to hear that.... And just say good bye...

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when i was a retail-broker, i was prospecting a Man in Ggeorgia, and he told me that his Wife recently died... (being a young, ruthless avaricious fool) i replied, fantastic you just came into some money... this is what i have for you and just went into pitch... (funny thing is a week later the guy opened up the accnt.) you gotta love Y2K...

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