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Attn - Cessy & Karisma


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Originally posted by eccentricmofo


What if I said I never ever been in a sex shop before, would that fact constitute the honor to accompany three wonderful ladies?:laugh:


You are welcome to join us... but who said anything about the rabbit being a sex toy.. :tongue:;)

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

You are welcome to join us... but who said anything about the rabbit being a sex toy.. :tongue:;)

Id love to...hilarious way to meet three CPers for the first time, on a sex toy hunt.

To be honest, I have may accidentally walked into one before (probably for directions to church) on occassion.

As far as the rabbit being a sex toy. Just a guess... Even still though, to be honest again...

If three women were shopping for an actual rabbit...aka bunny.

Id still enjoy such a mission, three ladies saying awwwww as the pet and play with a fuzzy creature...DAMN>...

Im down..

I made my bed, and walked MY talk...

call my bluff..lol

Im curious to wonder if you think Im serious, and to ponder the actuality of this occuring...

hmm... coincidentally, after this talk, I feel as if I should bathe... I feel dirty...lol:eek:

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Originally posted by naughtybabe


hey, my apoligizes..

usually Im a gentleman, honest..but you really drew the line in the sand there....which I give you credit..

but the same time, when I see a line drawn... of course Im going to take a running start to jump over that mofo...ya know what I mean....jelly bean..?:hat:

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Originally posted by karisma

:jawdrop: i'm speechless

please see apoligy above...lol

But ladies on a serious note, and most definately from a chivalric angle, if you needed an escort (pardon the punn) Id be happy to accompany...

Would be kinda fun in a wicked semi-sinful way...lol.

But I know Im a stranger, of course, so with that point made, at least consider bringing a guy if you would..

I know I know, gals can handle themselves indeed....

Its the perverted guys hanging around out front that Im sure cannot handle THEMselves...ya know.

It looks like your bringing your man or something instead of them thinking ......

Ok...I need to chill... Im just realizing now that Im over-concerned for three complete strangers that I never met...

Ya, Im ok....

DO I get out much...?

sure..every other thursday to blockbuster....lol..:hat::blown:

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Originally posted by karisma

of course you can come :D

after your postings on this thread, it wouldn't be the same without you

as long as you are coming for pure chivalric reasons :shaky: LOL

Of course, being chivalric I assumed was a mandatory issue with such an outing.

Well, you do know, to be honest..

I also would be doing it for bragging rights...I mean... some events....like previously stated... are kinda priceless as far as experiences go. ya know..


Besides, now that I think about it...I do feel like furthering my knowledge of sextoys...wait..sorry..rabbit pros and cons...and what better way then to go shopping..

This is the one and probably only time I feel secure with saying...

(being a heterosexual and all)

"I'd love to go shopping with the gals..":laugh: :laugh:

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Guest gabo

I had a rabbit once, it felt so good!

... when I pet it, it was so cute and furry, I loved that lil thing

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