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So I went to the Commission meeting...


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I attended this meeting, and to be fair, I attended a number of city commission meetings over the past six months.

First off, let me say I fully support the people who work to provide South Beach with quality nightlife entertainment. All the promoters kindly put me on their lists, and I hope it stays that way after you read this (meaning - DON'T BAN ME). In no way am I trying to put anyone out of a job. But there were some misstatements made regarding this hearing and I thought I would bring them to light. At the end of my little tirade, I will tell you I am against this legislation anyway.

First off, I received emails like many of you from opium and crobar and the Guerra brothers.

These emails made this hearing out to be some sort of nightlife Armageddon and that's simply not the case. Quite frankly, I think these guys are being quite disingenuous in making the claims they have made in these emails. But I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they were misinformed, and thus they innocently gave us incorrect information. Who knows. Maybe they lied to get a bigger turnout (which, while not 1000, I thought was still strong and made made a point).

The city commission is NOT trying to pass legislation banning new clubs on the beach. The city commission is NOT attempting to pass legislation to close clubs at 2AM. The city commission is NOT trying to pass legislation banning flyers. The legislation in question regards restriction of NEW outdoor entertainment in the zoning district south of 5th street. Apparently, it stemmed from a single parcel of land between South Pointe Drive and 1st street that is zoned for commercial use. South Pointe residents are concerned about noise that could come from NEW outdoor entertainment built on this parcel of land. Nevertheless, since the ordinance would cover the entire district, it has broader implications.

Opium and Nikki would not be affected by this. This legislation affects NEW establishments south of fifth that would come in after the legislation is enacted.

Statements on this board were also made that this attack is being headed by some small special interest group of high-end condominium owners with high-priced attorneys, and that many of the people complaining are from north of 30th street. Well, if you went to as many commission hearings as I went to, you would see that the people making the complaints are from South Beach, and particularly from south of fifth. In fact, when they address the commission, they give their name and address. Many live in low rise condo units in that neighborhood that go for less than $150,000. I know because I shopped for units in some of those buildings. Many of these people are elderly, on fixed income, and are not part of any "special interest" group. Yes, many are made up from the high rises as well. I'm just saying to you guys to be honest and forthright in your emails. Tell us everything instead of half the story. People will still show up to support you. It's still a good cause.

Now, regarding the proposed legislation:

Should it pass, it will not kill sobe nightlife, but will definitely hurt it.

I agree with another poster on the thread announcing this meeting. I think it was Pod or ogmiami. The less government intervention, the better. It seems to be regulated quite enough. Why enact new legislation banning outdoor entertainment in a space that is zoned for commercial use? We have legislation that regulates these outdoor establishments so they don't get out of hand. Quite frankly, I think the next outdoor place down there, if that was ever to happen, will learn from Opium's mistakes and figure out a way to comply with the noise ordinances. We should NOT have a law that simply says "No new outdoor establishments south of fifth street."

To give credit where credit is due, Roman Jones pointed out that, if passed, "where will it end?" The meaning here is that parcel by parcel, district by district, the commission will pass regulations that will hurt the nightlife business. I agree, and I hope this legislation, however small in scope, SHOULD NOT PASS.

Kudos to Roman, ogmiami, the Guerras and all the other nightlife people who are not directly and immediately impacted by this proposed legislation to gather strong support for the meeting. It shows that you guys are looking out for your fellow bar/lounge/club/restaurant owners and staff, and not just yourselves.

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I don't think they should restrict the clubs, but SOMETHING has to be done.

1. Enforce the god damn noise statute. Escalades rolling around with sound volume so high it rattles my bed in my 2nd floor apartment at 3 in the morning has nothing to do with clubbing and they should be fined on the spot.

2. The excessive amounts of flyers given away outside Niiki Beacg is not necessary and totall trashes the street.

3. Stop the hip-hop infusion once and for all!!! Ok, this last point is not fair and based on my personal preferrence.

Clubs can exist AND not have the South Point area looking like a youth fair in tersm of noise and trash.

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Originally posted by mrjoebudious

I have a question

Did all the people that sent those e mails show up?

If not, who didn't show up?

I showed up but didn't go in, I stayed at the parking lot playing poker with two homeless guys.

I don't mean to be sarcastic but it just so happens that I belong to a small special interest group of high-end condominium owners with high-priced attorneys.

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I didn't go mainly because showing up at a council meeting with hundreds of clubbers is not how good politics are done, especially when you understand the "voting" public vs. club public.

Some of these clubs have made millions AND millions of dollars here. They need to get celebrities, hype, public relations firms on board and there own high powered attorneys. Don't tell me Crobar, Nikki Beach, Opium all the "she she" promoters can't battle this. A room full of non-voting (technically non participating citizens) clubbers does not change things.

How much in property tax does the Portofino towers pay directly to the city of miami beach vs. sales tax, taken from Nikki Beach & Opium , through the state coffers and trickled down, finally to the city. Money talks folks and those clubs that made all those millions need to reinvest in their city if they want to stay. To fight, one must at least be in contention.

Rave on Miami. Rave on!!!

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A valid point made by the director of the Beach Hotel and Tourism Association (David Kelsey I think his name is) is that the City should be doing it's part too...the City encourages the clubs and hotels to attract people, and then the City freaks out when they do show up.

What he requested is that the cops and sanitation departments actually do their jobs for once. I've been saying that all along, that the MB police seriously have to address quality of life issues on South Beach. Bums are very prevalent, and sometimes aggressive both day and night. Example, I was walking down to Tokyo Bowl, and some bum accosted me for a dollar...I told him I don't have any cash, and he said "You're on South Beach, of course you have money!"

I told him to lay off, and he got all agitated, so I made a beeline and got the fuck out of there. Frankly I'd love to see them all shipped out, dropped off on some deserted island, and left to fight each other...they'll either form a functional society or kill each other off...either way we benefit.

Basically, what it comes down to is, that the City wants visitors, they should provide the proper infrastructure to support it, including a dedicated police presence, sanitation, and even a proposed special tax district, where funds from that would directly go right back into the Washington-Collins-Ocean Drive entertainment area.

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While I agree that the e-mails may have been stronger than the proposed legislation, I also think it was necessary in order to attract a crowd to the meeting.

As was stated by Roman, it wasn't really a reaction to the proposed legislation, more a message from the nightlife and entertainment community that it feels threatened, and that it feels the commission are 'out to get' nightlife in some way.

I think what it also showed is that the nightlife community, when motivated to do so, can be highly organized. I was particularly impressed with the fact that representatives had studied past meetings in order to highlight negative comments made by the mayor and commissioners.

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Guest saleen351

damm, I still hope they close up shop, and miami becomes the new home to clubbing..

nicely written mac.....

wish I knew you in college when i had some term papers due...

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Originally posted by funketeer

I don't mean to be sarcastic but it just so happens that I belong to a small special interest group of high-end condominium owners with high-priced attorneys.

well then my friend.. you shall DIIIEEEEEEEEEEE !!!
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Yeah I was on my way to the meeting but got caught up at PUCHI's Pizza then was standing in front of the tanning place on Wash. checking out the fine asssssssszzzzz girls....

Then trying to count the bubbles on the CLub Deep glass front...

Sorry SoBe.... u know how it is.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

Can't you see the bigger picture Saleen? If Miami Beach passes legislation restricting clubs, it'll give other municipalities ideas...

makes no sense...

and even if it did, lauderdale will not change up..... so if the scene dies down there, then i have lauderdale...

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