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OMG I'm bored..

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I think you should do a poll.... I mean how many of the people on this board post to those - just because you two do..... :tongue:

Vic doesn't count either - he's a message board whore... :D

jk....... :rolleyes:

simply signed.... princess.....

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

I believe Cookie asked: What other 2 messageboards do MANY OF US post on now? (with links)

That wouldn't have to include you :tongue:

What's Sauvee's nickname?

Princess. :nopity:

Who was spinning the night I first met most of the CP'ers?

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Originally posted by sauvee88

I think you should do a poll.... I mean how many of the people on this board post to those - just because you two do..... :tongue:

Vic doesn't count either - he's a message board whore... :D

jk....... :rolleyes:

you should really read those boards before you challenge cookie & me to make a list. You'd be surprised :D

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I stand corrected... I didn't think that many people posted on those other boards... shows how much out of the DC loop I am ;)

And excuse me if the bord police come out.... look out - shit is worse than making fun of PvD

Cookie - Buster!!!!

Who is interested in grabbing a beer after work downtown tomorrow?? I know I keep asking but I'm coming so if I can meet up then cool - otherwise I'll take an earlier flight come back to NYC.

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Originally posted by sauvee88

I stand corrected... I didn't think that many people posted on those other boards... shows how much out of the DC loop I am ;)

And excuse me if the bord police come out.... look out - shit is worse than making fun of PvD

How come when Cookie & I try to make a point and answer people questions we are the "board police" or "pvd police" We were just doing what you asked. :confused:

I guess we aren't allowed to be right around here. :rolleyes:

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Cause I asked a simple question and get pounded on - THAT's policing....

well perhaps not pounded on... but damn I can't help it if your connection at work is faster than mine and I'm still reading the post before you've added another 2....

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Originally posted by sauvee88

Cause I asked a simple question and get pounded on - THAT's policing....

well perhaps not pounded on... but damn I can't help it if your connection at work is faster than mine and I'm still reading the post before you've added another 2....

well I can't help it if you have a slow connection :tongue:

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Sorry - went away for a while - well, it's kinda two actually. :laugh: I met a big chunk of the kids at Buzz in April or May I think (I don't know the answer to my own question since the Buzz archives aren't working :( ) and then another at Top of the Hill for the Buster/Reval nights.

So yes - you're at least half right! :D

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Originally posted by sauvee88

I stand corrected... I didn't think that many people posted on those other boards... shows how much out of the DC loop I am ;)

And excuse me if the bord police come out.... look out - shit is worse than making fun of PvD

Cookie - Buster!!!!

Who is interested in grabbing a beer after work downtown tomorrow?? I know I keep asking but I'm coming so if I can meet up then cool - otherwise I'll take an earlier flight come back to NYC.


Hey, Amy and I could meet you for a drink or two after work.

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

anyhow... let's not "message board" argue :D

Name one of the tracks off of Dave Ralph's new cd "Resident Alien" that was produced by both Dave Ralph & Alex Whalen :D

Perhaps not surprisingly, the biggest "ooohh" in Ralph's mix comes at the midway point with a track he himself co-created with Alex Whalen, his co-resident at Washington, DC's legendary club Buzz. "Full Contact" is a pretty simple track, really -- just a rolling progressive house beat and some subtle synths backing the booming, reverberating notes of a melancholy piano tune. But unlike most house/trance piano tracks, which sound unmistakably jaunty even hitting minor chords, the piano on "Full Contact" is a haunting, heartrending instrument, giving the track a wistful quality more beautiful than a million cooing Ekaterinis could ever sound. It's pure loveliness at about 130 beats per minute, and makes you wonder what Ralph could do behind the decks if there were more progressive dance music out there right now that matched this level of brilliance.

PS - @ work I use a Compaq Deskpro EN 1GHz w/ an EIZO flat-screen monitor.

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

Perhaps not surprisingly, the biggest "ooohh" in Ralph's mix comes at the midway point with a track he himself co-created with Alex Whalen, his co-resident at Washington, DC's legendary club Buzz. "Full Contact" is a pretty simple track, really -- just a rolling progressive house beat and some subtle synths backing the booming, reverberating notes of a melancholy piano tune. But unlike most house/trance piano tracks, which sound unmistakably jaunty even hitting minor chords, the piano on "Full Contact" is a haunting, heartrending instrument, giving the track a wistful quality more beautiful than a million cooing Ekaterinis could ever sound. It's pure loveliness at about 130 beats per minute, and makes you wonder what Ralph could do behind the decks if there were more progressive dance music out there right now that matched this level of brilliance.

OMG! Who wrote that? :laugh: Anyhow, yes the answer is Full Contact or Dancing in Hyperspace. The latter is on his Kiss FM set. If you don't already have it and can't download it, they'll be copies available at Five on May 23 when he's there! Wow, he should really pay me :D

Sauvee - I have a Dell here at work... don't ask me the model or any technical questions becase I have no idea. Its pretty fast though :D

At his Feb. 2003 Arc gig, Danny Howells dropped a remix of a Clash tune... what was it?

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Originally posted by sauvee88

I dunno the answer tini... sowy :(

What kind of computer is everyone using - make - like Dell.. or whatever. This should be interesting.... :D

At home I have a Dell Dimension 2350 2.0 GHz and an IBM Aptiva 500MHz.

At work I use a Sony Vaio 700 MHz laptop and a Dell Dimension 733 MHz desktop.

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I'm not so sure I was still there for that... or I can't remember the title - but it would probably sound familiar :D :D

He remixed a cure song in April - didn't hear it also - but heard it was rather groovin.

I have a Dell.

What time do you all eat lunch??

Cause I eat around 11:30 - 12...

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Originally posted by sauvee88

I'm not so sure I was still there for that... or I can't remember the title - but it would probably sound familiar :D :D

He remixed a cure song in April - didn't hear it also - but heard it was rather groovin.

I have a Dell.

What time do you all eat lunch??

Cause I eat around 11:30 - 12...

No - you weren't there when he played it. I can't remember if he closed with it but it was definitely towards the end. It was Rock The Casbah.

I eat lunch whenever I get hungry.

what's your favority smiley?

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