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i really fuckin hat school

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Originally posted by berniec

screw all of u, i gotta get like all A's on 3 of my finals so I dont fail out cause i'm already on academic probation :mad:

that being said, the after finals party will be held at factory on the 17th lol

maybe if u didnt live inside factory ur grades would be better

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Originally posted by Ronin

maybe if u didnt live inside factory ur grades would be better

I dont - lets see you try working two jobs, going to school full time, and having a host of problems in your family life and see how well you do :bigfinge:

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Originally posted by berniec

I dont - lets see you try working two jobs, going to school full time, and having a host of problems in your family life and see how well you do :bigfinge:

I work full time and go to school full time. I don't understand why anyone would waste time and money getting mediocre grades if they can't handle the workload? What good is a college degree is you have a C- grade point average? :confused:



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There is more to life than school, and one may fall behind academically at one point or another during undergraduate as well as graduate work. Working full time and pursuing education is a difficult task, especially in light of increasing economic demands.

Fucking up in school is human, and it's not the end of the world. Coming back from those fuck ups and bringing yourself right back up to par in light of social / familial problems requires true intelligence.

All individuals do not have the ability to pull off A's and B+'s throughout college, and their failure to do so is hardly a "waste of time." Labelling such a failure as nothing more than a "waste of time" just shows how utterly clueless you really are.

Don't write about other people's fuck ups being a waste of time until you are able to redeem yourself from the stupid, uneducated, misinformed shit you often post here.

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Originally posted by iliana

I work full time and go to school full time. I don't understand why anyone would waste time and money getting mediocre grades if they can't handle the workload? What good is a college degree is you have a C- grade point average? :confused:



well for one I've already got a job offer that will pay me 90k+ a year to start as soon as i get a degree- any degree- i could walk away with a D average in plant watering and they wouldnt care as long as its a degree, so i really dont give a shit what my GPA is. Contrary to what most people believe, most employers, espically the big ones (unless ur talkign about busineess or law degrees) dont even look into what your transcript looks like - they just care that you got a diploma...

now please go shove something in your ignorant mouth and go ride your high horse out of here ;)

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Originally posted by berniec

well for one I've already got a job offer that will pay me 90k+ a year to start as soon as i get a degree- any degree- i could walk away with a D average in plant watering and they wouldnt care as long as its a degree, so i really dont give a shit what my GPA is. Contrary to what most people believe, most employers, espically the big ones (unless ur talkign about busineess or law degrees) dont even look into what your transcript looks like - they just care that you got a diploma...

now please go shove something in your ignorant mouth and go ride your high horse out of here ;)

just wondering?? what job offer is that??




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Originally posted by rudeboyyouth


There is more to life than school, and one may fall behind academically at one point or another during undergraduate as well as graduate work. Working full time and pursuing education is a difficult task, especially in light of increasing economic demands.

Fucking up in school is human, and it's not the end of the world. Coming back from those fuck ups and bringing yourself right back up to par in light of social / familial problems requires true intelligence.

All individuals do not have the ability to pull off A's and B+'s throughout college, and their failure to do so is hardly a "waste of time." Labelling such a failure as nothing more than a "waste of time" just shows how utterly clueless you really are.

Don't write about other people's fuck ups being a waste of time until you are able to redeem yourself from the stupid, uneducated, misinformed shit you often post here.


To clarify my response to berniec, I was inquiring why would anyone overburden themselves with two jobs AND full time school? Why set yourself up for failure in one area of your life that takes up so much time and money?

Rudeboyyouth, stop trying to pull some evil dark cynical hidden message from my post. Please get a hobby. But thanks for the inspirational speech on redemption! LOLLOL:laugh: :laugh:

And, berniec, kudos to you for your 90K/yr job you will land after you obtain your degree. But if I were you, I'd cover my ass. The IT field is at its lowest point right now and who's to say a more experienced IT professional won't snatch that job from right under your nose?? You think they are going to higher some

d-average novice to work in a 90/K position? Especially someone who's majored in plant watering?? Honey, someone is pulling the wool over your eyes. So keep doing what you do. At 35, you'll find yourself with your dick in the wind with 50k in debt for college loans and a useless degree that can't get you into grad school or EVEN ANOTHER undergraduate degree if you wanted. :rolleyes:

Just a little friendly advice bro!




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Originally posted by iliana

I work full time and go to school full time. I don't understand why anyone would waste time and money getting mediocre grades if they can't handle the workload? What good is a college degree is you have a C- grade point average? :confused:



WHAT YOU DONT UNDerstand is that it doesnt matter what your gpa or major is nowadays

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thanks for your advice, but what you fail to understand is this, i've been working for this same company part time since my froshman year in high school - the position I speak of is already filled, however I have been told by every single one of his managers that they want me in that position and the day i have a degree in my hand he'll have a pink slip in his ;) Not a nice thing for him, but i'm pretty dam happy. I hear what your saying about the IT field - but this aint some .com company that mite not be around tomorrow, its a broadcast network that will be aroudn as long as there is radio/television...

And as i said before and someone else mentioned, employers rarely even check to see if you even have the degree you say you do on your resume - let alone inquire about what your GPA is/was. And on top of that, most employers (at least in the field i'm in) could care less about school as long as you can produce - mostl of the Senior VP's at the two companies I work for graduated from just HS if even that!! But they are following corporate policy to look for college grads...even tho they dont agree with it- so they sure as hell aint gonna care about one's GPA. Many people go through college worried like hell about what their transcript looks like, but in all reality most times the student is the only one outside of the university that ever see's the dam thing (excluding if you want to go on to grad school, etc.)

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Originally posted by berniec

thanks for your advice, but what you fail to understand is this, i've been working for this same company part time since my froshman year in high school -

that explains alot.....

but have you seriously been checking job search websites recently? many postings have mininum GPAs, as well as SAT and GMAT scores...

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

that explains alot.....

but have you seriously been checking job search websites recently? many postings have mininum GPAs, as well as SAT and GMAT scores...

not all of us are as cool as you and get around to check them cool job sites

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Originally posted by berniec

thanks for your advice, but what you fail to understand is this, i've been working for this same company part time since my froshman year in high school - the position I speak of is already filled, however I have been told by every single one of his managers that they want me in that position and the day i have a degree in my hand he'll have a pink slip in his ;) Not a nice thing for him, but i'm pretty dam happy. I hear what your saying about the IT field - but this aint some .com company that mite not be around tomorrow, its a broadcast network that will be aroudn as long as there is radio/television...

And as i said before and someone else mentioned, employers rarely even check to see if you even have the degree you say you do on your resume - let alone inquire about what your GPA is/was. And on top of that, most employers (at least in the field i'm in) could care less about school as long as you can produce - mostl of the Senior VP's at the two companies I work for graduated from just HS if even that!! But they are following corporate policy to look for college grads...even tho they dont agree with it- so they sure as hell aint gonna care about one's GPA. Many people go through college worried like hell about what their transcript looks like, but in all reality most times the student is the only one outside of the university that ever see's the dam thing (excluding if you want to go on to grad school, etc.)

Not to burst your bubble, it seems that you are relying on corporate loyalty to help you maintain that nice cushioned job, but companies will hand out their most loyal employees a pink slip..even after many years of service. There's no such thing as job security.

Don't brush off the search for college grads as "corporate policy". Employers are pushing their standards higher than ever before. It's a fact that college grads are more multi tasked and are better at handling stress. It's true that many companies don't look at grades, but those that do want to see how focused, thorough and devoted a future employee can be with their work. They also want to see what your strength and weaknesses and how they will apply to the workplace.

Your job may be specialized so it doesn't really matter if you graduate Harvard summa cum laude. Whatever the case good luck with your future endeavors and keep your grades up. It doesn't hurt if you do. Plus you're paying hefty money for those golden letters.



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