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New Club to hit Miami Beach


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Did anyone pick up this months MIXER magazine? If you did. . . near the back of the mag where they list where to go on what night and so on, there is an interesting little tid bit about a new club that is to open this coming fall. It's supposed to be called Spin and it will be at the old Liquid space. According to what the paragraph says they are going to try to have an "underground" feel to the club with no dress code or VIP and great talent. Hmmm.... I wonder how long that will last.......????? I'm skeptical because most clubs start out cool and go "VIP" after they realize how much more money they can make. cwm10.gif Let's see what happens with this. What do you guys think?

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It may succeed. It's hard to say...Cal Fortis' new project Rain is supposed to be the same way...I'm not about letting in any old shmoe into a club, but a VIPless place could easily make some money provided it has all the anemities...seating and such smile.gif

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Thats exactly what miami needs. I'm so sick of all this vip shi*. I can't wait to go back to nyc where the people are real and are actually into the club and the music and not so concerned with who has the most money and what everyone is wearing. I go to UM and I love to go clubbin and love house music, but I just can't stand south beach anymore. Sumone please open a club where all that matters is having a good time with lights and drugs. pEacE

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Another fucking whiner. Go back to NJ then, free up some scholarship money for me.

Lights and Drugs? Lighting ok (i'm a photographer/lighting designer by trade)!, but drugs as a determining factor, come on...nothing wrong with the odd pill here and there, but making that the deciding factor on a good time is kinda lame.

VIP is a way of life down here, it's not gonna go away any time soon as long as there are the rich folk to pay for it. Though I honestly do believe a VIPless club will succeed, as long as other elements are maintained as well.

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Hmmmm..... I wonder, Pod.... what kind of people would you try to keep out of a club (since you said you're not for letting just anyone in)? I can't think of place currently open that isn't flooded with a bunch of idiots that have no interest in the music, they just dress well (so they think). A bunch of "classy" chicks with their style-in-a-box outfits that don't dance looking for the "GUIDO" of their dreams. cwm25.gif Don't tell me you don't notice that. A change would be cool. cwm9.gif

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I have to agree with pod "VIP is a way of life down here"; as are dress codes... my philosophy when I go out is to have a good time. I do not care what everybody is wearing or if they are dancing, etc. I want to tear it up on the dance floor or on the speakers; to some banging tunes, enjoy the company of my friends, and hopefully meet some nice people. When these elements come together, you have a great vibe. what I don’t like is clubs not allowing people in, because they don’t have the right "look" if you are dressed in a "reasonable" fashion, and can pay the cover; you should be allowed to come in. vip , no vip;I could care less . just play me some music, so I can dance my A** off... peace, sobeton cwm32.gif



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 04-03-2001).]

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I would have a fairly liberal door policy, comparable to Space. I think most of the time they are decent at the door, and are flexible. A DJ friend of mine from LA bullshitted his way in wearing sneakers, even.

I wouldn't screen based on physical appearances if that's what you are implying. I'm passing ugly and it would be hypocritical for me to do so.

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I love dress codes and VIP treatment. As far as I am concerned if you are wearing jeans and a button down shirt then you should be escorted by security back to your car and told never to come back to the club or you will be arrested by the fashion police and sent to jail to serve a life sentence. As far as VIP goes, I love the feeling of friendlyness and comradely between VIP people. It's almost as if we have this unwritten pact that says we will all get along great because we are better then everyone else in the club.

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the best of luck to that club taking the non vip route.

if they're going to implement an everyone is equal policy than they better have a strict music policy which books top talent from all over. if the music isn't there, eventually the people won't be either.

have to comment that i was pleased with efforts made by the clubs not to enforce the dress code during the conference. it was all about being relaxed & comfy and still looking kewl.

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Good answer!!! It's just that I know some people have something against hanging around other people who don't "look" a certain way. I've got no problem with jeans and sneakers in a club. But I know alot of people do. It's a superficial attitude. That kind of superficiality bugs me. It's the kind of crowd I saw at the MOS party at Opium Garden. ooooohhhhh.....scary! cwm31.gif When I go out, I love to talk to people and make new friends, those people were just plain snobby (for the most part). It was very weird. Not very freindly. I've got some VERY COOL friends who totally dig the music and the scene but don't go to the clubs b/c they refuse to dress the part. One in particular had trouble at space b/c of jeans and a button down shirt. Ridiculous!

[This message has been edited by bbflux (edited 04-03-2001).]

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I don't think we need to change our clubs...we just need to get new clubs that look like warehouses, basements, and garages so that it would be suitable to wear whatever you want...and would kinda have a more relaxed feel.

After that, we gotta make sure the DJs play, and only play soulful house music!




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Yeah, that is pretty ridiculous ...



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Maybe some thing like Space but with lower prices on everything. Drinks need to be waaaaaaaay cheaper. Cover 10-15 bucks. Keep the VIP and stuff just lower the price for it. Dress code ain't bad there.



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Funny how a lot of people like the way the conference was run. Wasn't it mostly run by NYC clubs? Hmmmm...maybe this whole VIP thing doesn't really work. It just gets the rich snobs out thinking they are having a good time :-X Sorry ....I can't stand the Miami club scene....It's all about how VAIN you can be. But to each their own!

Funniest thing is that I've flown over 6 times to NYC JUST to club in less than 7 months. But I HATE spending fifty bucks to spend a night out in Miami. Must be more than just about the money. The crowd blows...they have this holier than thou attitude which they can't get rid of.


..The judge said: "Son, what is your alibi? If you were somewhere else then you won't have to die." Well I said not a word. Though it meant my life, for I'd been in the arms of my best friends wife.

“Be off, you wretch!” cried Aramis, throwing his skullcap in his face. “Return whence you came; take back those horrible vegetables, and that poor kickshaw! Order a larded hare, a fat capon, mutton leg dressed with garlic, and four bottles of old Burgundy.”


[This message has been edited by flippin_e (edited 04-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by flippin_e:

The crowd blows...they have this holier than thou attitude which they can't get rid of.

it is all about choices.. yeah, the crowds suck sometimes. it simply means; you just have to be selective in the places you go to, and the company you keep..

peace, sobeton




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good point there sobeton.



Respect the Floori.d.a. scene!


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As much as I hate to admit it. It IS kinda snobby here. I don't go out nearly as much as I used to. I'm sure part of it is my career but much of it is also that the surroundings just aren't the same anymore. That feeling of community there used to be among clubbers back in the early 90s is gone. I DO have fun with boys at the gay venues, though (that will never change) but the straight clubs.....that's a whole other story. The only time that communitarian vibe comes back is during the conference.


[This message has been edited by bbflux (edited 04-07-2001).]

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