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WMC 2001 - party reviews


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Winter Music Conference 2001

I’ll bypass how great the weather was and the incredible beaches with clear blue warm water and beautiful people everywhere and get straight to the parties…


Bliss, Therapy Music, and Hope Recordings party @ Crobar

We walked the easy three blocks to the club from our hotel and the first thing I noticed were the hordes of people on the streets and hundreds of flyers covering the pavement. Everywhere we walked we were dodging people on the sidewalk and there was the constant sound of party chatter. Everybody was already in full-on party mode and I stopped to tell my friends that it felt like Twilo; only outside. It was the energy on the streets and the people looking for the next great party with fantastical beats to take them somewhere. Since we already had our destination in mind, we plowed through the crowds. There was quite a huge crowd milling around the front. It looked like they were only letting in VIPs by this time (1am). Thank goodness we had the foresight to but tix in advance (always recommended whenever possible). Every hour, the lineup was phenomenal –

1am - 2am Dave Seaman

2am - 3am Max Graham

3am - 4am Timo Maas

4am - 5am DJ Remy

5am - 6am Slacker

6am - Pete Gooding

The highlights of the night were definitely DJ Remy and slacker. DJ Remy was rocking out with some progressive trance and slacker put out some moody, deep beats then, dropped Kosheen’s hide u – always a fave. The venue was packed, but as always we found a little corner by the ramp with some AC vents. The venue itself was relatively large - one huge space with a wrap around mezzanine along the whole perimeter with seats and VIP table service. The high ceilings allowed for a fantastic view and I think their mirrorball may even rival Twilo’s own treasure. The sound was supposedly Phazon, but my ears were still ringing by the end of the night, maybe it’s time for a tune up (personal note: this never happens at Twilo.) The visuals were excellent. Something new and fresh for every DJ. It wasn’t just computer-generated animation, but stills from film, life and just about everything else. Also, the projections would almost announce the DJs with their names flashing on the screen. Definitely a nice touch with so many DJs lined up. Besides the familiar Twilo DJs, I wouldn’t have known the rest and from my experience the person dancing next to me never has a clue. I'm not sure how long the party lasted; we left sometime after Pete Gooding hit the decks, but what a great start to a wicked holiday.


Ultrafest 2K1

This event lived up to the hype. It was clubber’s paradise. It reminded me of 6th Element in New York x 100. We were hopping from tent to tent, mainly in a circle from Twilo to Gatecrasher to the main stage. We arrived late (5pm), missed a couple of sets but we wanted to save our energy. After all, we still had 8 hours to go. We started off with Josh Wink, but soon got tired. Although I’m not a huge Josh Wink fan, he definitely got the crowd going. Instead, we heard the distant sound of trance calling us and we hustled over to the Gatecrasher tent where Christopher Lawrence (the United States Trance Prince) was spinning a spiraling set of progressive trance. Tall Paul followed him. It was a first for me (although I believe he was in New York during CMJ at the Roxy.) I probably won’t miss him again. He spun it fast and hard. Standing by the decks, watching the DJ never ceases to amaze me. Such seamless effort to create a musical landscape that everybody listening to was completely engulfed. From there, we went to see Pete Tong on the main stage. There had been some sort of technical difficulties during the afternoon, so he was a little late in getting on, but he banged it out. He even dropped Satoshie Tomiie’s Love in Traffic (okay, so this song is getting a little overplayed, but then again, isn’t that always the case with great songs.) Back to Twilo for Digweed’s set, but the deep beats weren’t doing it for me tonight. I needed the Gatecrasher sound and Guy Orandel delivered. We danced on the grass facing the stage. What a wonderful feeling to be dancing outdoors with thousands of other clubbers of all ages ON grass. I kept on thinking, this is what heaven must be like. Back at Twilo, Nick Warren and Timo Maas were on the decks (I think this was a scheduling adjustment), but we had to sit this dance out. We were waiting for PvD on the main stage. He finally took the stage at 12:30am. I wish I could do the scene justice. Imagine an open amphitheater with thousands and thousands of PvD aficionados dancing, flailing their arms, glowsticking and raving it large. PvD’s figure looked small on the huge stage but B&W images of him graced the 10 foot projections and he looked super-cool in black, commanding the masses. There was also a green laser shooting from the stage into the dark, crisp night. The light so clearly penetrated the darkness into the crowd. This is what the lasers were meant for. It was hard not to appreciate the magnitude of the whole event and that something like this could happen in the US with PvD at the helm.


Twilo Recordings Party @ Warsaw Ballroom

With such an amazing lineup of the Twilo all stars I was surprised that the venue wasn’t packed to capacity. But with twenty other amazing parties to choose from how does one decide. For us it was easy – Twilo is always the answer. Justin Scott AKA Voyager was spinning by the time we arrived (12am). The Phazon sound system had been installed and you could definitely tell. Between Steve Lawler, Nick Warren and Sander Kleinenberg, I’m not sure who my reigning favorite DJ is anymore. I read that Sander teared it up at Twilo the Friday before and I’m sorry I missed it. If I was a betting woman, we’ll see a Sander residency by 2002, if not sooner. The venue itself was spacey with a large velvet lounge adjacent to the dance floor, where the Twilo royal court was being held; Mike Bindra, Digweed, Nick Warren... Not too far off, the Twiloites were holding their own court. As always we found each other, once we all started dancing to the beat it’s hard not to. I’ve noticed more and more the distinct style of the Twiloites. Each person has his or her own unique signature style. In many clubs, you get the same movements, sometimes in variation, but there’s not too much distinction. When you look at the Twiloites you see something different. I see this in my friends and every morning at Twilo in the last hour. Everyone going ballistic, dancing to his or her own beat. It’s just you and the DJ and you dance, dance, dance. This was one of those nights. This just goes to show that the Twilo sound and energy travels well. Between the Twilo tent at Ultrafest and this party, I’d say that Twilo represented itself in a huge way. The Twilo world tour begins here, first stop Miami, second stop Gatecrasher (April 13), next stop…the world.


Danny @ Club Space

Again we bought tix in advance. This time they were in the form of plastic cards (i.e. credit cards). This seems to be an ongoing trend as the same type of cards were used for the Kinetic Records party. Back to the party, the line was pretty deep, but we patiently waited our turn, maybe a total of 30 minutes. Once we were inside, we experienced mayhem. I’ve never been to a club like Space. One large main room dance floor, with an adjacent room with the same sound but enhanced visuals. This room afforded more room to dance. Then, a closed off VIP area. There was also another dance room (the basement) with it’s own DJ. The best part of Space though, is the outside terrace. Decorated in a tiki theme with a sunken dance floor with tapestries protecting it from the sky. The tapestries were decorated with flowers and butterflies and evoked a bit of a garden paradise, especially in the morning sun. This is a clubbing must. I imagine Home @ Space in Ibiza is quite similar, if not better. The music was Danny all the way. 2001 has been the year of Danny for me. First NYE @ Vinyl, then President’s Day @ Twilo, now Danny @ Space for WMC. Thank you Danny. 2001: A Danny Odyssey. You have to be there to know, but he creates such a vibe and atmosphere that keeps everybody going. Maybe it’s his booming, friendly voice over the speakers, in an era when the DJ is often voiceless. He just keeps it going and going. At one point he announced that the club was filled to capacity and there were still 1,000 people waiting outside (of course, the crowd went wild.) If you were inside you felt it. At some points, I was caught in a wave of people and felt myself just being carried along. There was a live show at 7am in the main room and Danny kept on hyping it as the best thing we’d ever see, but it was just weird. Maybe I’m taking it out of context and I have to admit I was watching from behind the performers, but it just appeared that a bunch of female dancers were lip syncing and dancing. Maybe there was more to it, I just didn’t get it. We finally left at 8am (hey, it was our fourth straight night of partying.) Rumor has it that the party lasted until 5pm.


HI / RISE Kinetic Records Closing Party @ the Octagon rooftop

A private party for Kinetic allowed us to dance to the sacred beats of the Kinetic family. Sets by Dave Ralph, Hybrid, Sandra Collins, Max Graham, John Graham, Deep Sky…in a semi-intimate setting were a WMC highlight for me. With the South Beach sunset as a backdrop, the beauty and magic that we had all experienced the last couple days were coming to an amazing end. We took lots of photos of all the DJs and footage of Max Graham on the decks. His control over the mixing decks and skillfulness with the knobs and sliders were a show in and of itself. This Canadian will be going far. It’s so exciting to see the next generation of A-list DJs coming into their own. This has already been typified by the NuBreed series and also with Kinetic Records breaking artists and bringing the strains of trance to America. Kudos to Steve Lau (president of Kinetic) and his crew. A must – look for Tranceport 4 Max Graham coming in May 2001 (btw, great cd cover.)

PvD / Carl Cox @ Space

Another night at Club Space. Compared to last night there was a much smaller queue and it was definitely less crowded = more space to dance inside. PvD (12:30am) was playing harder than I have ever heard him. Maybe it’s only because I only ever hear him @ Twilo and rumor has it he tends to spin much more harder abroad. Maybe he thinks the Americans aren’t ready for it, but this night at Space there was no mercy. His progressive trance beats were relentless and I found myself gasping for breath after every long and hard build up, each with its own explosive climax. One particularly fond memory was looking up at PvD and watching him do a little dance. It’s hard to explain, but it looks a little like the Walk Like an Egyptian video. There were lots of arms in different directions and then he would be pumping his fist into the air as the music built up and then exploded. This would deservingly drive the masses wild. Maybe we’ll see some action at the two year.

After PvD, I admit tingly had little energy left for Carl Cox’s (6am) pounding beats and boy! They were booming! Instead I stepped out into the courtyard and spent the next four hours watching the sunlight start to stream through the tapestries into the morning. It was a beautiful scene with clubbers from all walks of life, smiling and dancing (even Danny was there, dancing in his signature cap and some funky jam shorts.) That’s the image that those yellow journalism news publications and magazines should capture. It was a spiritual end to an amazing journey.

Everybody better start planning for WMC 2002 and I’ll see you there.


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Oakenfold @ Shadow was good.

Then went to Crowbar to here Victor. Danny @ Space was and as always the best party in town. Also heard Jonathan @ Fuel he was good. I left before he got noisy. Heard Tall Paul and Lise Bliss @ Amnesia they were good, I like Taul Paul alot. Next was Shadow to here John 00 , Judge Jules and Mauro Picotto. Second best night for me after Dannys party.

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Sunday night:

Pepermint Party

Club Bed (interesting place I liked it) Sven Vath was spinning

Salvation - they kicked everyone out at 5 and had really shitty music. Oh Well!

Monday night:

Got to Club Space for Danny T. at 10:00pm

Stood in line till 11:30 pm when they opend and left at 7:00am. I NEVER EVER EXPERIANCED SUCH CRAZYNESS!!

a) The crowd was RUDE

B) Not able to get to the bathroom in time

c) TOO many people. THEY will NOT let you thru! My best friend is 5" and poor girl was almost trampled! Push shove, WTF???


Slept cuz partying so much.

Wednesday night:

Met some guy at Raddison WMC an he insisted that he was doing the door at Club Level that night.

Me and my guy friend head down and convice the guy at the door to let us in and he hooked us up. It turned out that the guy didn't even work the door but since I'm a girl... smile.gif

Small room sucked balls. Too many guys. Finally realized that there was a bigger room and got in just in time. Amazing preformance!!

Overall, the club-goers that come to the club suck. I was on the steps doing my thing and suddenly realized I was being photographed (sp) and a few guys taking some videos of me. Left around 2:30 cuz a bunch of perverts there. LOL

Well Thursday night I fell asleep in the sun and forgot to put lotion on my face so my face is red as a tomato now.

Till next time! Next time I'm attending the WMC and getting a badge.



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Conference week goes by quicker than any other week of the year.

IMO, it wasn't as good as years before but I managed to have a good time seeing some old friends and meeting new ones.

I think the weather was what I enjoyed the most. The music just wasn't doing it for me. Perhaps a reason for that is that I couldn't be at 100 places at one time. Another factor was the insane covers everywhere.

WTF, im not rich... thank god for my blaggin skills...

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the covers were pricey, but in terms of value it's usually always worth it. especially when you consider the per hour rate qoutient of happy happy dance dance. here's a breakdown of the parties i attended:

Bliss, Therapy Music, and Hope Recordings party @ Crobar (9pm-6am+)

$35 (+ ticketmaster handling charges)

Ultrafest 2K1 (12pm-1am)


Twilo Recordings Party @ Warsaw Ballroom (9pm-5am)


Danny @ Club Space (11pm-4:30pm+)


HI / RISE Kinetic Records Closing Party @ the Octagon rooftop (3pm-11pm)


PvD / Carl Cox @ Space (11pm-10am+)


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Originally posted by Nolimit:

those covers look like they would belong somewhere like manhattan.

i know, although at this point i feel like Twilo has prepared me for high cover charges - get ready for $45. i hope this continuing trend doesn't price out the true musik lovers. the scene doesn't need to go upscale, as long as they keep the musik real.


[This message has been edited by starstuff (edited 03-31-2001).]

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Originally posted by Nolimit:

those covers look like they would belong somewhere like manhattan.

isn't south fl's cost of living supposed to be lower?

$7 for a corona


is it suppose to be lower? went to place called BED on Tues., a drink was going for $11, water $7/10; couldnt complain about the cover though, free to see howells, pappa, cusick, among others, and the setup was sweet as hell.

and yea, high prices are going to start to weed out the musik fans from clubs, at least poor ones. And I aint rich....




Accountz Reeceevin' Ain't For No Candy-Ass Temps

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so let me get this strait, just because someone is taking a few pictures/videos at a party and you happen to be in them that means the guys taking them are perverts?? boy are you overly sensitive or what! excuse them for wanting memorys of their nights in miami! this coming from one wannabe photographer to another.

as for the crowd @ tenaglia...you should be used to it mate, it's not like twilo is any diffrent!! i was there for the 3rd year anniversary last year and i swear the people there were the rudest people i've ever seen in a club! they just as soon run you over as say excuse me! plus what do you expect from a club thats as packed as space was that night?? did you want traffic cops inside directing people as to which way to go?!?!?!?

you go ahead and waist your money on a badge if you want! if you think it will make you specal then you got another thing coming sweetie! you'll still get pictures taken of you, you'll still get pushed around at space and unless you get there really early you'll still have to pay the rediculous cover charges!! because the simple fact of the matter is you're no more special then the rest of us!!


here's my price brake down for the week...

thursday, digweed @ icon in orlando = free

friday, united dj's of america @ level = free

saturday, layo & bushwacka!/pure science @ tantra = $20

saturday, digweed @ crobar = free

sunday afternoon, giant step sunset soiree @ the raleigh hotel = $15 (in advance)

sunday evening, tilnoon/mojo party = free

sunday night, ovum party @ living room = free

monday afternon, naked music party @ the albion hotel = $20

monday night, plastic city party @ living room = free

monday night, danny tenaglia @ space = free

tuesday afternoon, release/crobar poolside party @ the surfcomber hotel = $20

tuesday night, soma party @ blue = free

tuesday night, back to basics party @ fuel = $20

total for the week = $95

not a bad week if you ask me!!!

ps. my review will follow shortly...

[This message has been edited by marick (edited 04-02-2001).]

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well, another conference here & gone...much to fast if you ask me! i'm now home in ft. lauderdale listening to terry lee brown jr's "brother for real" mix, doing some much needed laundry and sorting through all the WMC flyers i got. really trying to chill after a week of maddness!

this year i pretty much did my own thing.

as i've been saying for the better part of the last 6 months, i've really gotten into the deep house/tech-house sound, so this year my conference revolved around these sounds.

my conference started a day early when we went to the airport to pick up our mate Mr. steve gerrard (bedrock resedent wink.gif ) and then headed to orlando to meet chris stella and see digweed @ icon! diggers was really on that night! he sounded like the digweed of '97'/'98'! the crowd was really up for it so the vibe was good! this was the best i've seen digweed in the past 2 years!

after sleeping all day on friday we headed down to sobe and checked into our hotel. then went to meet everyone at the little bar off the lobby, said hello and chated for a bit then it was off to the partys! let the madness begin! most everyone went to the therapy party @ crobar but i just couldn't see myself paying $35 to go see anyone dj for 45 minutes!! so i headed over to the united dj's of america party @ level which was free for me. it was alright. nothing special. doc martin was really good as was david alvarado (but not as good as the next time i would see them!). stayed til about 7am then went to get home made pancakes & fresh OJ at this little cafe i found! boy did that hit the spot!! got back to the hotel at around 8am and slept til about 2:30pm.

sat. i was going to see U2 but ended up not having the cash so i went flyer hunting insted! good thing to because when i stopped by grooveman records, i ran into the most beautiful russian girl (now living in israel) i'd ever seen!! her name was sveta. we chated for a while then ended up hanging out for the rest of the afternoon!! she was a really sweet girl! after dropping her off at her hotel and promising to meet up again sometime before the end of the conference i was off to meet james s. & steve g. for lunch/dinner. after which i went up to the radisson deauville to hang out for a bit and look for sveta. to bad i was to late to catch her (she had gone there to register for a WMC badge and was done and gone by the time i got there) so i got the next bus back down to the beach. while on the bus i saw this hot girl and was checkng her out. her boyfriend was sitting next to her so i disgarded any possabillitys and started looking at a mag. i picked up @ the hotel. i saw an add for a mix cd by a dj roog from holland. well, guess who the hot girl's boyfriend was...thats right, none other the dj roog himself! i had to do a tripple take to make sure i saw him correctly!! we chated til it was time to get off the bus then said our goodbyes and went our seprate ways (i would see them and hang out with them again on sunday night). i ran back to my hotel and got changed for the night out. i stopped by crobar to see who was in the que and ran into the promoter for the digweed party that was going on that night @ crobar. we chated and he asked if i was going in. i said yes and he escorted me through the ropes!! i wasn't really planning on going because i wasn't going to spend $45 to see digweed! especially since i'd just seen him 2 nights ago in orlando! but since it was free i said what the hell!! stepped out at around 10:40pm to go check out the layo & bushwacka!/pure science live party @ tantra...now i must say that tantra is QUITE an interesting place to say the least!! i really wanted to see these guys! they were supposed to start at 11pm but for some reason they were late (or didn't show at all, i don't know as i left after an hour and a half of waiting) so there went $20 down the drain!! back to digweed! hung out in and around the booth all night and larged it to diggers who was brillant! saw/chated with/met quite a few people that night! among them were anthony pappa, bela (from boxed/global underground) & his wife, james boxed (who was completely pissed!!), jimmy van m, simon & rowan AKA breeder, cass & slide, sharen norden (bedrock label manager), sasha's girlfriend's sister, stef lees ( US press agent for boxed & sasha plus others), satoshi tomiie, erick morello, pete tong, rob dowell & meghan, chris stella, tara and more!! ran into sveta late in the night and chated for a few minutes! i closed the place down and then headed off for some sleep.

woke up at 2:30pm and got ready for the giant step poolside sunset soiree which was a really nice party! stayed for about 3 hours and listened to the sounds of gilles peterson & ron trent before leaving to go back to the hotel and change, then head over to bill patrick & nolimit's party. saw everyone from the board and said my hellos! stayed for a half hour then went down to the ovum party at the living room. i had never been to an ovum conference party before much less the living room and i must say, up til this point this was the best party of the conference for me! small, intement venue with plush couchs and a lived in feeling! david alvarado, josh wink, boo willams, king britt, pete moss & doc martin were just sick!! all of them rocked the house with all forms of house music from deep house to acid house to tech house to techno!! the crowd was totally up for it! the place was so packed that the fire marshell had to come and start pulling people out! luckly i wasn't one of the chosen!! the vide was amazing!! closed this one down as well then went back to the hotel for some much needed sleep!

monday woke up at 3:00pm and got ready for what was to be the best party of the conference by far!! it lasted from 6pm til 1am and feat. some of the best deep house music i've ever heard by dj's such as attaboy, miguel migs, aquanote, sven van hees, amalgamation of soundz, monte la rue, dj dixson, rasoul, julius papp, franky boissy etc...! the party i'm refering to was the NAKED MUSIC PARTY @ the albion hotel! the ambience of the place was amazing! when you first walk in you go down this little hall at the end of which is paradice!! the hall openned into a court yard with palm trees surrounding a little patio which had speckers and torches all around it and chairs around the outer rim. then you walked up a narrow flight of stairs and you found yourself by the pool which over looked the court yard and was open to the stars! as you looked around at the building surrounding you, you saw projections of the naked music art with little sayings underneath being flashed from wall to wall! there were more palm trees and lounge chairs & speackers all around! as you go up to the next level you have a big long dance floor over looking both the court yard and the pool with was also open to the stars! the court yard & pool levels were set up like giant steps while the dance floor level ran above and to the side of the pool level. the dj tent was in the corner of the dance floor level and a mob of people dancing, networking and having a good time were surrounding it! the music was amazing and the vide was chilled with an air of friendlyness! i can't say enough about this party! it was simply brillant!! there wasn't another party (including danny t. who really didn't do much for me) the whole week that could come close to touching it!! left at 1am when the party was over (because the miami beach police shut it down due to the sound ordanince).

from there i went down to check out terry lee brown jr., timewriter & E.B.E. at the plastic city party...there was hardly anyone there but those that were there were there to see terry! good vide and awesome deep house but the party ended to early! the club security stopped terry & timewriter right in the middle of their set (at 5am) and closed the club! i was pissed but what can you do? talked to terry for a bit and found out that terry's cafe 4 is in the licensing stages and should be out in may!! i can't wait!!

after the plastic city party i headed down to space to get my tenaglia fix! the place was ramed and danny was doing his usual, Wipping the crowd into a frenzy!! really the only reason i went was because i had a free pass and because i was hopeing to run into sveta (which i did and from there after hung out with her for the rest of the night/morning)...we chated and spent some good time together then left together @ around 9am. we went back to my hotel where i gave her a rose. it would be the last time i would see her in person but she gave me a kiss to remember her by and her phone # so we can keep in touch!! hopefully we'll see each other again soon!

after i woke up at around 3pm on tues. i went to the release/crobar poolside party with LTJ bukem & conrad, julius papp, miguel migs & kruder & dorfmeister which was a nice way to end my last day of the conference! K&D were great as was LTJ & conrad!!

after, i got changed and went to the soma party to check out slam, gene farris, h-foundation, funk da void, silicone soul, master H and a few others. this party was good! gene farris & master H rocked as did the slam boys!

at about 3:20am i left and headed down to fuel to the back to basics party! this was a great closing party for me! i met ralph lawson, although i missed his set (he's a class bloke!). i walked in right in the middle of lottie's set and she really impressed me! i have never heard her before and she is living proof that there are women out there that can dj and dj well!! chated with her for a while and she's a class girl! very nice and sweet! she doesn't seem to realize there are people outside of the UK that know who she is and really like what she's doing! i think shes a bit aww struck about this fact and she really apreciates it!! i'll def. go see her again when/if she ever comes back to miami!! i also saw steve lawler who only spun for about 45 minutes. then junior sanchez came on and rocked it before derrick carter tore the roof off the place! he was really good! spot on mixing and great tracks!! seemed like he was having a load of fun as well! left at around 9am so i could get a bit of sleep before checking out of the hotel at 12pm.

well, that's it for this years conference...now it's time to recover! i really had alot of fun this year even though i was by myself for most of it. i really wanted to see dj's i hadn't seen before insted of the same prog. dj's i've seen a million times! and i feel i accomplished this! i got to see everyone i wanted to except layo & bushwacka! & pure science. hopefully next year more people will be into house and want to join me!

it was really nice to meet everyone and see all the old faces again! this really needs to happen more often! hope everyone had as good a time as i did! til next year mates!!


oh, and i forgot to tell everyone about my little adventure on sunday night....

while at the ovum party i had my eye on a hot british girl who was dancing on a little stage near the dj booth. i got up on the stage and started dancing with her...this lasted for about 5 minutes until she got down and sat on one of the many couches near the stage and within eye shot of me...i noticed she didn't look well so i got down off the stage and asked if she was alright. she said she could do with a cab home so i asked if she wanted me to take her outside and get her a cab...she shook her head yes so after she sorted out her belongings i guided her to the door where she said she'd be alright from there...i took my hand off her sholder and started to turn away. she almost fell in the door way!! so i decided she wasn't going to be ok and i escorted her out the door. she made a bathroom stop by a tree where she proceeded to fash me every party of her body while she releaved herself as she couldn't hold it anymore! then she tried to get up but fell so i picked her up and carryed her accross the street where i put her down and we sat on the curb waiting for an empty cab to come by. we chated for a while and i found out her name was beca and she was from bermingham...i told her our friend steve garrard was from there and she said she new him (the next day upon asking steve if he knew her he said yes, that she was a hard house dj/model from bermingham and was currently on the cover of the new UK version of maxum mag.!! figure my surprise! i've got to get my hands on that issue of maxum!). so anyway, a cab came by and i picked her up and put her in it...got in myself and took her back to her hotel where i had to carry her from the cab to her room. i put her on the bed, took off her shoes and went to go pay the cabby. then went back to her room to make sure she was ok and tuck her into bed. as i opened the door i found that she had fallen off the bed onto the tile floor (that had to hurt) where she was laying half naked! so i went and picked her up, put her back in the center of the bed and sat down next to her so i could take off the watch and braclet...i asked her if she was going to be alright and she said yes so i said my goodnights and left her on the bed asleep in a drunken stuper. she was really pissed!! she was only like 5'6 and 100 or so pounds and she said she'd had 5 or 6 drinks so she was really fucked up! i asked her if she was at the club with anyone and she said she had been by herself...in the cab she started crying and when i asked what was wrong she said her boyfriend was an ass. were her boyfriend was i have no clue but she really needed looking after because she def. wouldn't have made it back to her hotel alone! i hope she's all right! if any of you brits know her please ask her for me if she's ok...


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Friday night I went to various little pre-parties. Can't remember which one exactly because I was way drunk.

Saturday went to Ultra very briefly. There were too many glowsticks there for me. The went and had dinner with Anthony Pappa, owners of Choo Choo Records, and some other industry people. Then we all went to Space for Deep Dish and had a blast. Spent Sunday laying out by the Shelbourne Hotel's pool rolling. Then took a disco nap that evening. Got up in time to go to the Nervous Records party at Denny's. That was just too much fun and it was FREE! Then we went to the pool again all day until it was time for the Naked Music party. That was a lot of fun too. Those guys threw the best parties in San Fransico and it was great to be at one of their's poolside in South Beach.

Then I had to hope on a plane so i could return to work on Tuesday. Next year, I'm going to be there for the whole time.

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Yeah; the Naked party was dope - Marick, what about that Attaboy set??


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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yeah kevin, that attaboy set was off the hook! it was the second time i'd seen them and both times they were amazing!! i really wish they'd put a mix cd out or something!

i really enjoyed going to all the house partys this conference! it was a nice bit of fresh air and i really needed that! i think next year it will be more of the same!

it's really funny cause last year i was really tired throughout the conference and it took me like a week to recover. but this year i got almost the same amount of sleep (within an hour per day) and i was fine the whole week! i had plenty of energy each day and it only took me 2 days to recover!! bonnie says it's because i didn't go to that many big clubs and i stayed away from the prog. stuff and was around the house stuff more...i wonder how much truth there is to that??

[This message has been edited by marick (edited 04-03-2001).]

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Damn George looks like we did the same thing!! cwm27.gif

Well almost, instead of rolling I floated. (got mad Drunk)

Originally posted by georgeacasta:

Winter Music Conference 2001


Smoked weed


Smoked weed and rolled


Smoked weed


Smoked weed and rolled


Smoked weed

I hope everyone likes my reviews WMC


Peace & Blessings,


"The DJ From Another Planet"™

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From the looks of the first post by starstuff...that was basically my week down there! biggrin.gif...Great time had the ENTIRE week...The highlight of course was Danny's party but Slacker kicked me arse on Sunday morning afterhours at Fuel. It was after the Warsaw Ballroom shingdig (convinced the door guy to let me in free cwm32.gif ) and since that place closed early (in my partying standards), took a cab downtown for some more partying. Slacker was definitely on point that night. Yes the prices were crazy but thats what partying is all about. I so wished I made that party at BED on Tuesday night but the general consensus of the group was to rest. I bet it was a great time though. I didn't make Ultra but I heard it was the best vibe ever there. Can't wait till next year!!!

-Jamms "allovathepolace"


jamms on hiatus...more news at 4:20 face50.gif

AIM: ynicholas

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Well this was the first WMC I ever attended and it was a total blast and can't wait for next year!!!! All the parties/venues were great and all the people were fabulous!!!

Marick, I was at the Ovum Party Sunday night. I personally know King Britt, he's my cousin's boyfriend (Dozia) roomate here in Philly. He's a cool guy, very down to earth, not to mention a great dj. Did you catch him at People Monday night??

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no, the only time i saw him was at the ovum party. i really wish those guys would come down here more often! the vibe at the ovum party was great! i'll def. be going to that party every year from now on!

it's to bad we didn't meet. then again with all the people that were there it wuld have been next to impossable! maybe next year we'll have to meet-up for that party.

by the way, do you know a guy named tom amoroso? he's a friend of mine that lives in philly.

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Ahh; Marques Wyatt's party - heard that was off the hook! And surprise guest, Mr. Migs... NICE!


"House music... it can change your soul."

"The second most popular game that we played as children... is house."

"Not everyone understands house music... it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing."

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