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For all the people going to space on sat

Guest saleen351

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Originally posted by saleen351

Yea roland needs work, yea og doesn't play the best sets all the time, but hey, I can say, they are from where I live, and i'm proud of that...

but you people arent, you only post and hype shit up including the space employees when euro trash is in town...

you know Nick you amaze me sometimes. you call OG a friend, yet you sit back and bash the efforts he has made. House Sessions is Oscar’s baby.. he built it from the ground up.. it is his influence that fosters the "euro trash " as you call it; which is a part of House Sessions to be specific.

everytime one of our locals such as Oscar, Ralph, Jimmy, Stryke, etc are playing .. you will find a multitude of post on CP expressing the same. with CP being represented in attendance.. thus your statements make no sense.

instead of sitting on your arse , with a chip on your shoulder, and bashing the scene. why not try coming out, and supporting the efforts promoters and clubs are making to provide quality entertainment. be it local or global talent.

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Originally posted by spacecadet888

or who could forget!!!


evidently you didnt spend your 80 bux (or whatever it is u pocketed) on books or further schooling...because you seem to be as stupid and hypocritical as ever.

He made $80 and I made $80. Now add in MY bar bill @ $240 and I lost $160. It was never about the money. It was all about bringing quality music to Lauderdale.

And. I agree w/ Saleen. I hate it when we pay EuroFags money to spin in our town. I'd rather see a West Coast/NYC-NJ/Philly DJ visit than those assholes who all hate the USA anyway.

And, of course... FUCK THE FRENCH.

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Guest saleen351

Give me a break!

I've seen





70% of the tracks are the same.....

I can understand wanting to see other djs and other sets, but come one, if they are amercian, you guys consider them second rate... and thats the facts.... And i do bash roland and oscar all the time, and i continue to go all the time... Doesn't mean I didn't like their set or have a bad time. Ebert may not like a film but does have a good time:idea:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by guyman1966

He made $80 and I made $80. Now add in MY bar bill @ $240 and I lost $160. It was never about the money. It was all about bringing quality music to Lauderdale.

And. I agree w/ Saleen. I hate it when we pay EuroFags money to spin in our town. I'd rather see a West Coast/NYC-NJ/Philly DJ visit than those assholes who all hate the USA anyway.

And, of course... FUCK THE FRENCH.

mike, they don't get it... And never will. It wasn't about the money, sure we wanted to make some, but god knows its not and never will be our careers...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spacecadet888

Speak for yourself , Mr. "Im gonna need a comp list!"

or the infamous "Saleens winter conference lineup- kissing OG's ass"

or who could forget!!!


evidently you didnt spend your 80 bux (or whatever it is u pocketed) on books or further schooling...because you seem to be as stupid and hypocritical as ever.

That'll do pig...that'll do:hat:

kissing his ass? nope any moron knows it was to support the guy who built space... And carlos, you are a little boy, who tells people he works for space, and only passes out flyers on campus... When i see you, I'll see you..............:blown:

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1. SL, DH, OG, JZ do NOT play 70% of the same music... You gotta be kidding me, u of all people who's fixated on your tracks of the week, id's and what not, you would notice that you would usually find a handfull of tracks that would get played by any of the above mentioned!!!! CERTAINLY NOT 70%!!!!!!!!!!

if your a big name dj, your most probably gonna drop the hottest tracks out - pdiddy - lets get ill, lexicon ave vs depeche mode, lee cabrera shake it, etc.... and why not, those tracks rock!!!

:D and their the tracks u know get response from the crowd!!! REMEMBER THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT,NOT POLITICS!

2. I have NO idea who your accusing of kissing og and rolands ass to get hooked up??? First off, neither of them hook me up w/shit!!! maybe a cd, but that they offered themselves.... other than beats, i dont need shit from any of them!!!! And in no way do i consider them second rate!!! How else would it be possible for 1 club to get me in there for hours and hours on end??

3. You need to relax on this subject nick, your pig headed guidoism is going rampant, and your starting to not make sense!!!! I could understand if he was french, but neither jz or sl is ... their from the uk, the only country that allied w/us against IRAQ, so how bout that for support!!!!;)

PS you could play ANY set of og, sl, or dh in the car, and ill bet you $100 ill know who's playing!!!! I just have to listen to the WHOLE cd though!!!

u up for the challenge????

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Originally posted by saleen351

kissing his ass? nope any moron knows it was to support the guy who built space... And carlos, you are a little boy, who tells people he works for space, and only passes out flyers on campus... When i see you, I'll see you..............:blown:

lmao...ur sources...are EXTREMELY outdated!! lmao

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

and so what if i passed out flyers for space? ive done more to support the"Local scene" than you ever will. and ask your "source" what i got paid for it, and if i aske dfor anything out of it. what you may hear may shock you.

Funny, you asked me to get off your tip...was it just to get on mine? lmao

and besides...little boys can kick the shit out of balding has-beens. ON or OFF campus.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by spacecadet888

lmao...ur sources...are EXTREMELY outdated!! lmao

:laugh: :laugh:

and so what if i passed out flyers for space? ive done more to support the"Local scene" than you ever will. and ask your "source" what i got paid for it, and if i aske dfor anything out of it. what you may hear may shock you.

Funny, you asked me to get off your tip...was it just to get on mine? lmao

and besides...little boys can kick the shit out of balding has-beens. ON or OFF campus.

HAVE SOME BALLS AND COME SAY HI! YOU KNOW WHAT I LOOK LIKE, AND I HAVE ZERO IDEA WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE.. :idea: Be a fucking man... Don't hide in the corner... Come say hi...

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