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do you know anyone with a terminal illness?


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do you know or have you known anyone relatively well who is living in pain and/or will soon die?

i feel that sometimes its easy to joke about, ignore, or use as insults certain illnesses or their characteristics if we haven't actually been in contact with someone who suffers from them.

i personally haven't known anyone really well who was dying, other than grandparents and one woman who was undergoing therapy for leukemia (in high school.)

have you been close to anyone with a terminal illness, and has it changed your perspective at all? does it shock you at first, and then do you get used to the fact and think no more of it?

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Originally posted by wideskies

have you been close to anyone with a terminal illness, and has it changed your perspective at all? does it shock you at first, and then do you get used to the fact and think no more of it?

i had a grandmother, an aunt, an uncle, and a close friend of mine that died of cancer and my cousin had cancer, as did my uncle and both are in remission, and my mom and i both had cancer scares last year. it does shake you up and shock you and makes you look at things that are important. instead of worrying about all the b.s. stuff that i would have worried about before, i found myself appreciating my family/friends a lot more and finding that material objects arent everything.

you never get used to it, you're never prepared for it even if you know its coming, but if you dwell on the fact that it was in your life at one time, you'll never move on

just my .02

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Like destiny, my father, grandfather, good friend (at age 14) , best friends' dad, and mom's friend all had cancer. My grandfather overcame it, but all the other's passed away

It's funny b/c i feel that having gone thru all this at a relatively young age has hardened me and made me value life a lot more. Probably why i always try to stay cheerful and upbeat.

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Man, I must have clicked on the wrong forum. I thought this was the sex forum for a moment.


I was just gonna say, WTF?!

Now if you re-worded this a little you might've been OK, you should've said something like. If you know someone with a terminal illness that only had so long to live. Would you throw them a bone if they asked, knowing it would be the last time they ever get any???

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a friend of mine has ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)...has about 2 years to live. he has a great attitude about it, and just to tie it to the sex board...

he was joking with me that at least he's getting tons of pussy now...hhahaha...and it's mostly true.

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i'm living in pain... ;)

but uhhh... yeah, i've known people with illness', and i've seen people pass.... nothing you can do about it, i guess.... i mean, death invokes initial shock in anyone... but they say time heals all wounds...

either i'm incensitive, or i should start a career in comedy, because i still crack jokes about horrible things, even things i've seen 1st hand... i'm not gonna pretend it doesn't exist just because it sucks... the best way to deal with anything (for me) is to make humor out of it...

people can't be sad or angry while they laugh.... ;)

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Yes, someone very close to me...

I grew up with just my mom, and about 8 years ago, she started dating this truly amazing man....they were absolutely perfect together and I was so happy to see my mom finally happy after being alone for so many years...3 years later they got married....It was so nice to finally have a family

Last year he was diagnosed with kidney cancer and it had already spread to his thigh and lungs when it was found...

While he was sick, and receiving radiation (he had one of very few cancers that didn't react to chemo.) I never once thought he was going to die...He was in his late 40's....

All my mom would stress was to spend as much time w/him as possible...still we had hope.....

Weeks passed, and the cancer continued to spread...and he got sicker and sicker, he became extremely thin, and looked 20 years older than he was.....

He passed away 3 1/2 months after being diagnosed.....

This continues to be so hard for my family...my stepsister lost her father, my mom lost the love she had been waiting for all her life, and they only had 7 years together...it's STILL hard seeing my mom alone.....


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Originally posted by Mystify22

Yes, someone very close to me...

I grew up with just my mom, and about 8 years ago, she started dating this truly amazing man....they were absolutely perfect together and I was so happy to see my mom finally happy after being alone for so many years...3 years later they got married....It was so nice to finally have a family

Last year he was diagnosed with kidney cancer and it had already spread to his thigh and lungs when it was found...

While he was sick, and receiving radiation (he had one of very few cancers that didn't react to chemo.) I never once thought he was going to die...He was in his late 40's....

All my mom would stress was to spend as much time w/him as possible...still we had hope.....

Weeks passed, and the cancer continued to spread...and he got sicker and sicker, he became extremely thin, and looked 20 years older than he was.....

He passed away 3 1/2 months after being diagnosed.....

This would so hard for my family...my stepsister lost her father, my mom lost the love she had been waiting for all her life, and they only had 7 years together...it's STILL hard seeing my mom alone.....


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