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A comment about LP and Space....


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We can all bitch on the internet about Space gossip and go back and forth whether LP made the right decision in firing and hiring this person and that person and whether Space should do this and Space should do that.....

but you know what??

(this is the cold hard truth) LP has developed a multimillion dollar business that from the day it has opened its doors has been nothing but successful. Whatever decisions that he makes is based on making sure his business continues to operate sucessuflly..bottom line.

So, very few of us..(if not none of us) has any experience owning and operating such a venture..so...as they say in the airlines..

"leave the driving to the professionals"

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and everytime someone post something good or bad about space.

It's advertising for Space.

and they love the gossip..... nice way to hype up ur venue.

The only thing that could damage a club is hard proof of illeagal activity within the club. Witch alot of people don't have access to.

But they are few that have this hard proof and just hold it for the right moment.


" Let them talk all the shit they want, it's better for us. More people wonder and want to come see it for them selfs"

by a member at space. ;)

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

The only thing that could damage a club is hard proof of illeagal activity within the club. Witch alot of people don't have access to.

But they are few that have this hard proof and just hold it for the right moment.

true dat!

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So what, the guy who developed depends diapers for adults has made millions too, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he is a good business man, so Donald Trump, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he knows how to pander to the masses, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he rakes in the bucks, so does the guy who does the Girls Gone Wild, but I don't give a shit.

Yes we have a very popular club right downtown, but I don't give a shit. I'm not pissed, I'm not jealous, It just is not the place for me, let them do whatever the fuck they want.

When it comes to Space, I just don't give a shit.

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Originally posted by shroomy

So what, the guy who developed depends diapers for adults has made millions too, but I don't give a shit.

Yes he rakes in the bucks, so does the guy who does the Girls Gone Wild, but I don't give a shit.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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shroomy: yours is a adult decision that i can respect...its not the place for you, so, you choose not to go..not to spend your money. case closed.

my little editorial was for everyone who bitches up a storm and critiques louis's every move and then goes and spends 12 hours and over a hundred bucks in Space everyone.

lolahotass: im assuming by your agreement that you dont give a shit about space, so you wont be going there anymore.

nexusgroov: you stated

"The only thing that could damage a club is hard proof of illeagal activity within the club. Witch alot of people don't have access to.

But they are few that have this hard proof and just hold it for the right moment"

ok, so thats the only thing that can damage a club?..is hard proof of illegal activity why shadow, liquid and countless other clubs close????

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Originally posted by sgtfury

lolahotass: im assuming by your agreement that you dont give a shit about space, so you wont be going there anymore.

Actually fucktard, I quoted two things Shroomy said and added the little laughy face cuzz I thought they were *gasp* FUNNY.

So STFU. Thank you, have a nice day:D

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Originally posted by sgtfury


why in the hell would you choose to react that way to me????



Why do you assume I don't give a shit about Space? I quote something Shroomy says and you think I'm not going to Space anymore? Why would you care? I rarely go to Space to begin with.....

Settle down cupcake, I was joking - maybe you should lighten up SgtFury.


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Originally posted by sgtfury

nexusgroov: you stated

"The only thing that could damage a club is hard proof of illeagal activity within the club. Witch alot of people don't have access to.

But they are few that have this hard proof and just hold it for the right moment"

ok, so thats the only thing that can damage a club?..is hard proof of illegal activity why shadow, liquid and countless other clubs close????

Well we are talking about public attack here. we are not talking about Club owners being idiots and not knowing how to run a club.

Are u saying that because of peoples post here, clubs got closed down?

I agree with you 100% about LP, I know his a hard working Bizman. Compared to many other club owners that I have met, he ranks 1 in my favor. But he's also in a public light, meaning it's not an exclusive club (Members Only) so of course people are going to come and talk a little about what they hated more then what they liked. So what, The club loves this attention, it's advertising for them, creating a hype for the venue.

In fact, I really don't see too many attacks on LP here, they are mostly attacks on the employee's and the way some department with in the club are handled. There is a lot of stuff going on that Luis can handle at once and gets over looked.

You can not please the masses in Miami. Just cater to them like Louis has done here on CP, he comes on, reads what people think, and he corrects what he can and tries to level out with us.

We bitch here because it's a place for bitching, its a club board. If it bugs u that people always have something to say, kill ur self. Everywhere u go someone will have something to say about something. That is Life, Louis Knows this.

I don't see the club scene in Miami the same anymore. It has changed into this fashion statement. I think more people go to clubs to be seen then for the reason a club is built, ENTERTAINMENT! MUSIK! FUN! Walk around a club and look at the groups of people in it. Look at the "clicks"

Saleen may go over board with his reviews. But he's human and doing what he thinks is right.

I think the club has some weak parts to, and I come here and say it str8 out. Why? to hurt the club... NOPE.... I know what I would like to see at a club, I know what a lot of people want to see at a club. I'm not too into the DJ's and shit. I'm in to the part most people here never see, the production! the work it takes to make a club work. The sound and the lighting.

People that think I have Hate from them at space;


GREG (Lite Guy)

It's not hate. I just disagree with something they do. something’s can be done better in my eyes. But that my problem with the club.

Notice on this board...

people stay quite until someone with balls comes and makes a statement about something. then everyone comes out of the closet and agrees to some of the issues.

And what I meant by my prior statement in the quote, Only a club can do damage to its self. Not people talking on a message board.

I know about all the little spy’s that come here and read all the post about space and go running to LP or Nick to tell them someone is talking shit.. but its not.THey are Just people voicing their opinions.

Why did Liquid close and other clubs?

Why is Billy S in Jail?



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Originally posted by nexusgroove

You can not please the masses in Miami. Just cater to them like Louis has done here on CP, he comes on, reads what people think, and he corrects what he can and tries to level out with us.

Please rethink this.

My case:

Space 34 is packed every week. a MASSIVE wave of people go there. They seemed pleased and 99% have never heard of C.P., L.P., Biz, or Saleen.

Mynt, Pearl, Opium, and Crobar are packed every week and mulitple nights at that! MASSES attend. THEY have NEVER heard of CP, LP, Saleen, POD or anyone who works for a living.

In short: THE MASSES ARE HAPPY AND VOTE EVERY WEEK WITH THEIR DOLLARZ! Look at what our voting dollar has done to Level.... its a shithole now... LP and all club owners have to ride the wave as long as they can, and try to stay in touch with what clubbers think. While he does post here it is only becase he wants to stay in touch and keep a good thing going. I whish him luck, but still think that the french asshole at the door and the pussy who banned Saleen need to go.

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Guest saleen351

Yea marcus needs to go, not based on his actions as in banning me, but from being a man and not telling me... Maybe Marcus didn't know you and I booked his resident dj.. Maybe marcus doesn't know how many i'd send on biz's list or bring with me, maybe marcus doesn't know, that all the clubs on the NJ shore wanted his resident dj, and they all contacted ME, and asked if i would help.. Though only thing i did was pass along the emails but marcus's resdient is now playing the NJ shore.... I brought space to lauderdale, and I had a tiny role in bringing space to NJ....

But now i'm banned,

fuck em!!!!

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Please rethink this.

My case:

Space 34 is packed every week. a MASSIVE wave of people go there. They seemed pleased and 99% have never heard of C.P., L.P., Biz, or Saleen.

Absolutely correct sir.

Anyone ever notice how quiet Biz is when it comes to important Space questions or matters?????? :shake::shake::shake::shake: He's always around to promote his gig but seems to disappear at times like these?

Come on Biz - my "Miami All Star" - why don't you give us or $0.02??? :biggun::biggrin::biggun:

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The masses are easily swayed by the popular gathering point of the moment. I loathe the masses, but at the same time, I realise that the scene as a whole needs them. Without them, the body of informed clubbers doesn't exist...we need a benchmark with which to compare ourselves to.

The masses also finance us...their insane amount of spending enables Biz and the like to offer guestlists and the occasional free drink or two to the CP community. Sure, you laugh when you hear about some poor sap who just blew 300 dollars at Space 34...but at the same time, that poor sap, and a thousand like him, enable

you guys to keep up your lifestyle.

Let the masses have their Opium, their Mynts, and Rumi-nations.

They are the financial support of the scene, the "informed" set is the spiritual support. I may bash Mynt and Rumi mercilessly, but it gives certain kinds of people a (needed?) sense of superiority...overcompensating for something perhaps. Let them have their VIP areas at crobar, Space 34, and Maze. They look upon it as VIP, I look upon it as wonderful shooting angles. After all, I have quotas to fill. So keep consuming that Powerade, VIP-folk.

Let the masses have their Café Iguanas, their Club Deeps, their 600 Block. It keeps the undesireable elements penned up, and away from the areas where they would cause a lot of trouble.

But I am off the subject majorly.

It is hilarious when I see people bitch and moan about Space, but yet they do show up and blow a wad of cash every weekend. Grant it, some complaints are warranted...it's not only the CP folk who complain about Stefan, he's probably the most notable negative about Space 34....but for the most part, the complaints here seem to take on the tone of personal offences of some sort. A security guard questions someone on here who pops a Tic-Tac into his mouth about having drugs, the person comes on here and goes apeshit, blaming Louis, blaming Biz, blaming Diego...when it is such a minor issue. At 10 yards in the dark, a Tic-Tac looks like a pill...give the security guy some slack...

Realize this. Space 34 is a business. A business needs to make money. Therefore, monetary interests will sometimes take precedence over what a small minority of people want. Think about it...the "CP Mafia" or the "CP crew" is less than a hundred people, of which half go out on a regular basis. The average clubber numbers in the thousands...whose interests do you think Louis will cater to? And when he and Space 34 do toss this board a bone, half the people don't bother showing up, and if they do, they've still got complaints!

Just my thoughts...

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