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Palestina and Isreal soullouth to peace.

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Originally posted by aarond

bassbitch, I completely agree with you. The Israeli settlements are one of the key issues behind all this fighting. I support Israel in mostly everything it does, but the settlements have to go.

I also agree that Israel has no intention of addressing the issue, and I find that very disappointing. It's Israel's way of widening the Palestinians' wound, although I don't believe that they don't deserve it.

Israelis at this point don't want co-existence with the Palestinians, this is true. But can you blame them? After 2 intifadas and scores of innocent Israeli mothers, fathers, babies, and school children dead, what do you expect? The palestinians had their chance at peace, and they blew it (up).

The latest middle east plan caleld for a halt to settlements and Sharon stated that the some of the settlements will be dismantled... how do the animals answere 5 attacks in a week and they wonder why t they don't get anywhere....

I just hope 1 of these nutbags doesn't try to blow up his cock aroach ass in a subway then the shit will really hit the fan.......

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Originally posted by mr mahs

The latest middle east plan caleld for a halt to settlements and Sharon stated that the some of the settlements will be dismantled... how do the animals answere 5 attacks in a week and they wonder why t they don't get anywhere....

I just hope 1 of these nutbags doesn't try to blow up his cock aroach ass in a subway then the shit will really hit the fan.......

you make this statement like alllllllll the palestinians are behind the bombings.....why don't you crawl out of your shell and look around....many of them are also tired of the violence and want it to end...blame the radicals, not the whole entire fucking palestinian population. :rolleyes:

can you honestly be so small brained, dude? i really hope not....:blown::blank:

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you make this statement like alllllllll the palestinians are behind the bombings.....why don't you crawl out of your shell and look around....many of them are also tired of the violence and want it to end...blame the radicals, not the whole entire fucking palestinian population.

unfortunately, for every war conversation, there's that one person who thinks that because they support a non violent alternative, they actually know what they're talking about.

sadly sessa, ur that person. maybe ur right, maybe its not the entire palestinian population thats blowing themselves up, but u can bet ur ass that they all want to see dead jews.

because if not, answer me this: why is it so hard to stop these whords of suicide bombers? you people always say that the israelis have forced the palestinians to live in such tiny spaces, so why cant the palestinian authorities find and stop these terrorists?

i'll tell you why. the palestinian authority (PLO) is a very moderate version of the palestinian population. they wont come out and say that they like to kill israelis, but as the mosad and cia found last year, the leaders of the palestinian people have been buying and distributing weapons and bombs to terrorist organizations for years. and this isn't a theory, its a fact.

if the leaders of the palestinian people have been running things for so long, and the majority of the palestinian people don't believe in terrorism, why are these leaders still in power????

there's only one answer: the palestinian people, as a whole, support terrorism. its plain and simple. now go on over to the westbank, put on a yarmulke, and u'll be the one who's getting :blown:

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Originally posted by aarond

unfortunately, for every war conversation, there's that one person who thinks that because they support a non violent alternative, they actually know what they're talking about.

sadly sessa, ur that person. maybe ur right, maybe its not the entire palestinian population thats blowing themselves up, but u can bet ur ass that they all want to see dead jews.

because if not, answer me this: why is it so hard to stop these whords of suicide bombers? you people always say that the israelis have forced the palestinians to live in such tiny spaces, so why cant the palestinian authorities find and stop these terrorists?

i'll tell you why. the palestinian authority (PLO) is a very moderate version of the palestinian population. they wont come out and say that they like to kill israelis, but as the mosad and cia found last year, the leaders of the palestinian people have been buying and distributing weapons and bombs to terrorist organizations for years. and this isn't a theory, its a fact.

if the leaders of the palestinian people have been running things for so long, and the majority of the palestinian people don't believe in terrorism, why are these leaders still in power????

there's only one answer: the palestinian people, as a whole, support terrorism. its plain and simple. now go on over to the westbank, put on a yarmulke, and u'll be the one who's getting :blown:

i suppose the israelis do not turn around and do the same thing...you expect me to believe ariel sharon a former military giant who personally massacred many palestinian refugees, wants peace? you expect me to believe likud and the hassidim want peace?

that is bs plain and simple. both sides have a lot of guilt and shame upon them, and it is senseless and dumb to blame entirely one side for all the violence that is going on. that is all.

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To reply to both of you.. First off the palestinian people have PLENTY of land, and they just want war.. Yes sharon did that shit, but he wants the fighting to end. You think he likes to have to make those commands, No. He has no fucking choice. Those terrorists bastards wont stop killing people , blowing up themselves and everything around them. Israeli people have to be worried everywhere they go, they cant go to a regular fucking coffe shop to chill and relax without the fear of that place exploding. That isnt a way to live, i am sorry but terrorism is coming from the palestinian people, maybe not all of them are terrorists,but they are forced to live that life because of the people in power. No matter who is in power they will always take all the money from there school budget and give it to the military to produce weapons....They are animals, i dont give a shit what anyone says. Please dont defend them..

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i suppose the israelis do not turn around and do the same thing...you expect me to believe ariel sharon a former military giant who personally massacred many palestinian refugees, wants peace? you expect me to believe likud and the hassidim want peace?

holy shit sassa. it says for ur location that u live in "sassaland". im not sure where that is but clearly its just a very big hole with no current events finding their way to you.

let me educate you a little on what I think you're talking about, although that's hard to figure out seeing as you dont even seem to know.

you're talking about the massacre of the palestinian refugees in southern lebanon, correct? You said that Sharon "personally" killed those arabs, but you're wrong. Sharon didn't kill anyone, and neither did a single israeli soldier. if you can muster together the brain cells to find a new york times article from a while back, you'll see that the Palestinian refugees were set up in southern lebanon, and Israel was occupying that land.

The Lebanese government told israel to get the hell out, and Israel being the peaceful nation that it is, abided. So the poor poor terrorists were left all alone to defend themselves (something that any people wanting their own nation should be able to do).

the lebanese christians who run the government, hate the palestinians as much as israel does, so they went in and got rid of a bunch of em. then sharon got shit for leaving and not protecting them, even though he had no moral, legal, or ethical duty to.

so if thats what you were talking about, you're wrong, and if you were talking about something else, you're still probably wrong. go sit in the corner.

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Originally posted by aarond

The Lebanese government told israel to get the hell out, and Israel being the peaceful nation that it is, abided. So the poor poor terrorists were left all alone to defend themselves (something that any people wanting their own nation should be able to do).


poor poor?

Are you fucking serious!, yeah there so poor poor and u feel bad for them. Thats why they fucked up NY , how poor poor are they?

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Originally posted by aarond

holy shit sassa. it says for ur location that u live in "sassaland". im not sure where that is but clearly its just a very big hole with no current events finding their way to you.

let me educate you a little on what I think you're talking about, although that's hard to figure out seeing as you dont even seem to know.

you're talking about the massacre of the palestinian refugees in southern lebanon, correct? You said that Sharon "personally" killed those arabs, but you're wrong. Sharon didn't kill anyone, and neither did a single israeli soldier. if you can muster together the brain cells to find a new york times article from a while back, you'll see that the Palestinian refugees were set up in southern lebanon, and Israel was occupying that land.

The Lebanese government told israel to get the hell out, and Israel being the peaceful nation that it is, abided. So the poor poor terrorists were left all alone to defend themselves (something that any people wanting their own nation should be able to do).

the lebanese christians who run the government, hate the palestinians as much as israel does, so they went in and got rid of a bunch of em. then sharon got shit for leaving and not protecting them, even though he had no moral, legal, or ethical duty to.

so if thats what you were talking about, you're wrong, and if you were talking about something else, you're still probably wrong. go sit in the corner.

your post drips with biased views....please. i know that they're not peaceful. i am a citizen of israel.

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Are you fucking serious!, yeah there so poor poor and u feel bad for them. Thats why they fucked up NY , how poor poor are they?

wow, r u kidding or just dumb as hell? there's something called sarcasm out there, most people with an IQ of above 70 know what it is. track down one of those people and ask them about it.

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your post drips with biased views....please. i know that they're not peaceful. i am a citizen of israel.

for a citizen of israel u dont know SHIT about the country. its people like you who think being a citizen means ur qualified to talk about ur country that gives the country u come from a bad name.

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AA - I told you in my ealier post to pay no mind to these belt bombers....They actually have the P*ssy, not balls, to defend animals who blow themselves up in public places......All muslims should be standing up against such atrocities, but they dont. Not one muslim leader will come out in public and condem the cowardly acts.......Oh yeah, Yasser Arafa (head PLOterrorist), he will say its a bad thing to do, and then double up on the Israeli rhetoric.

Even in the US not one of the so called Muslim clerics/ leaders said sh*t about 9/11.....some of them are still trying to say it was actually Isreal who was responsible......You Sand Monkey, Towel Headz/ Belt Bombers on CP dont belive that one do you?

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Originally posted by aarond

for a citizen of israel u dont know SHIT about the country. its people like you who think being a citizen means ur qualified to talk about ur country that gives the country u come from a bad name.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::aright:

yeah sure. whatever you say.

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Originally posted by beenaround

AA - I told you in my ealier post to pay no mind to these belt bombers....They actually have the P*ssy, not balls, to defend animals who blow themselves up in public places......All muslims should be standing up against such atrocities, but they dont. Not one muslim leader will come out in public and condem the cowardly acts.......Oh yeah, Yasser Arafa (head PLOterrorist), he will say its a bad thing to do, and then double up on the Israeli rhetoric.

Even in the US not one of the so called Muslim clerics/ leaders said sh*t about 9/11.....some of them are still trying to say it was actually Isreal who was responsible......You Sand Monkey, Towel Headz/ Belt Bombers on CP dont belive that one do you?

israel is responsible.
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Guest beenaround

ASSBOY - You just confirmed what every one thinks of muslims, the Quran, your muslim beliefs (assuming your a camel jockey yourself) the way you run your 4th world countries etc....can type forever

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Originally posted by beenaround

ASSBOY - You just confirmed what every one thinks of muslims, the Quran, your muslim beliefs (assuming your a camel jockey yourself) the way you run your 4th world countries etc....can type forever

My Muslim beliefs??:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Now go get your fuckin shine box!

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Originally posted by beenaround

ASSBOY - You just confirmed what every one thinks of muslims, the Quran, your muslim beliefs (assuming your a camel jockey yourself) the way you run your 4th world countries etc....can type forever

who the fuck are you to shit on muslims anyways? i bet you probably don't know anything about them except for the shit you hear on the media.
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Originally posted by sassa

are you refuting my remark.

Them be fightin' words? LOL

No, I think you know that you're are preaching to the choir with me, I was just being sarcastic.

You're feathers get ruffled pretty easily, huh?

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Originally posted by bassboy

Them be fightin' words? LOL

No, I think you know that you're are preaching to the choir with me, I was just being sarcastic.

You're feathers get ruffled pretty easily, huh?

LOL! i didn't expect you to think i was being so serious about that.....oops.

and no, my feathers do not get ruffled easily...

my alter ego on clubplanet is not how i am in person.....

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Originally posted by sassa

israel is responsible.

Are u fucking stupid,

how the fuck can u say israel is responsible



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hey bassbitch, got a question. r ppl allowed to go to cuba and bring back cigars or no? my friends going in a few weeks and i wanna give her a ton of money to get me some presidentes but will she be able to legally bring them back or does she have to like hide em?

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Originally posted by aarond

hey bassbitch, got a question. r ppl allowed to go to cuba and bring back cigars or no? my friends going in a few weeks and i wanna give her a ton of money to get me some presidentes but will she be able to legally bring them back or does she have to like hide em?

First of all chill with the Bassbitch, show some respect.

But to address your question, are they going through a 3rd country? The laws are strange, but you are actually allowed to carry a certain amount of ag products from Cuba if they are for personal consumptionl. So like a humidor full of cigars probably doesn't count.


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