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First of all, I want to say that it was great meeting a bunch of you guys from the board...pod, GA, mimid....and i met stacey g...and digital 7 later at SPACE.....REMIX at level was completely off the hook!! The energy of the place was incredible....however, we really didnt need all the guys dancing aroud the DJ booth...at times it kinda overshadowed padilla

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the remix was excellent. I have never seen level; that jam-packed or with that much energy.David Padilla was excellent, and Eddie S was impressive, he played a mostly progressive house set. very tight set from Eddie. no riot cops at level this weekend , always a good thing..

want to say hello to all the folks from clubplanet, I met last night.

georgeacasta > nice meeting you bro. you should have gone to space, I was in rare form.. the micro lights were in full effect. we should chill again soon, and see what havoc we can create.

pod > you photo "whore"; now I know how to pick up more women. purchasing camera today . Lol next time we have to hang.

mimid > thanks for bringing me back to life. you’re a sweetheart; I’ll see you next time around.

stacey g > so close , but yet so far away. I got caught in the blue room, and did not see

sunlight until 8:30am this morning. I’ll give you a buzz later today.

well good night folks; I need to get some sleep..





[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-03-2001).]

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sgtfury and sobe are the bomb diggidy! I had a blast meeting you people. Sgtfury, thanks for putting us on the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> dude. I was going to go naked but my body was really wrinkled and I didn't feel like using the old iron. Sobe, you were even kewler in person then you are on the board. That's hard to imagine! I'm looking forward to tearing shit up. Padilla was awesome....I wish he had a residency somewhere so I could start going religiously.

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Yeah I had a great night. Ran in to some old MIX regulars and also met areyna98 at LEVEL. Found her with no problem at all due to her perfect clothing description...LOL! It was nice to get some jammin tunes at a different venue away from SPACE or others. Maybe D.P. should tour around like this and have the party in different places..keeps things more interesting.



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I actually made it to the door and got a weird feeling, turned around and went home. It's long and strange story.

Sorry, Stacey.....you must think I'm a freak but I'm SOOOOOO glad I went back home. I'll explain over the phone. My boy needed me. Mama's intuition. cwm1.gif

Glad to hear you all had so much fun. I was really wanting to say Hey to D. Padilla. I haven't seen him in so long. Some other time, I guess. I'll definately be at Crobar for Timo Maas, though. WHO ELSE IS GOING?


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well first of all, i wanna thank sgtfury

for putting me and all of us on the list..thanks alot bro...i would have liked to have met some of you, hopefully next time (maybe for p.v.d @ space on friday)...

but it was definitly off the hook, the music was as good as it gets...hope everyone had fun..peace..



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Hi everyone, for starters, thanx SgtFury for getting everyone on the list. Were you even at the door? I had a GREAT time and yes, the whole vibe was awesome; however, I do wish all those people on stage would've jumped off. Anyhow, I got to meet Atommic that night (you really surprised me but yes, I did think it was funny when you pointed to my skirt and said "AREYNA", cute...) I wish I couuld've met some others but that's cool there's always next time. When is the next event? Perhaps Space? Anyhow, if anyone has <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> info, I most definitely will be interested.


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Hi guys, first off, thanx Sgt Fury for getting us on the list. I had an awesome time. The music, the vibe, the people were all bangin! Padilla was GREAT. I got to meet Attomic (that was cute when you pointed to my skirt and said, "AREYNA"). I hope to meet lots of you next time. If anyone has <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> info for PVD Friday, I would greatly appreciate it. Take care and Thanx...

One Love

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wuz up sarge, it was nice meeting you at Space buddy, the crowd and vibe was outta hand. thanx for putting me on the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> and sorry I wasn't able to make it to Level. I had an all night fiasco at Space with Stacey and Rene and didn't leave until 10 or so, we'll get together another time. Met up with some clubplaneter's at Space, it was cool meeting Pod and Aeroplano, you guy's are a riot. Pod dancing on top of the stage, tearing up the place! Hit me in the coconut with a Korean elbow chop and almost knocked me out cold, outta hand! cwm2.gif .But it was cool meeting you kats, we'll get together sometime




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 06-04-2001).]

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glad to hear that everyone had a great saturday/sunday morning... ahhh

sgtfury> thxs for putting me on the list anyway. yes, that was me you met in wee hours of the morning. nice to put a face w/ the name.

sobeton> almost buddy... next time is a must.

b> follow your gut. no biggie, we'll get together real soon smile.gif

d7> laughing. where's those sexy tracks?

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Yup! I have it for ya. I finally picked up some blank tapes, I was mad hurting in that department, I'll give em to ya next time I see ya




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


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Originally posted by digital7:

Yup! I have it for ya. I finally picked up some blank tapes, I was mad hurting in that department, I'll give em to ya next time I see ya

mwah cwm1.gif i owe you...

btw: how bad were you hurting yesterday?

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Originally posted by staceyg5:

btw: how bad were you hurting yesterday?

it was disasterous, I woke up and the sun was almost set, felt like crap when I was awake and put an ice pack on the old coconut to ease the pain cwm3.gif




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


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Originally posted by digital7:

it was disasterous, I woke up and the sun was almost set, felt like crap when I was awake and put an ice pack on the old coconut to ease the pain cwm3.gif

i was hurting bigtime. went to bed @1:30 and woke up at 6. mind you, i only got 3 hours of sleep on fri night. couldnt even get off the couch to answer the phone. finally, crawled my way across the living room floor into the bedroom. bro, now that took effort!

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Originally posted by staceyg5:

finally, crawled my way across the living room floor into the bedroom. bro, now that took effort!

cwm2.gif I feel ya!




Respect the Floor.i.d.a scene!


Surgeon General's Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregancy.


[This message has been edited by digital7 (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Thank' Fury for the list but i got there around 1:30 .

Padilla was awesome !!!!!!

Everything was awesome till my girlfriend tried to take a rest sitting by the stage and she fell down ! ( broke 1 tooth ) frown.gif

Wish i could stay till the end!



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cwm12.gif Well, what can I say , Sarge, you're the man, I had a blast with you. As for Sobe, you're a party animal buddy, I'm glad I met you guys, could'nt of had more fun. We need to do this more often.I was looking foward to metting bb, but when a mom has a felling she's usually right on the spot!!As for Padilla, WOW!!! cwm4.gif Craziness!!! The sound system was to good, my ears are still ringing. Much love to everyone!!!! cwm4.gif
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Hey all smile.gif

Thanks for the hookup Sgtfury! Sorry I disappeared for a bit, but Jimmy the marketing director at Level grabbed me to shoot some quick photos of the Level staff at work.

David's set was fantastic. The sound system was in top form that evening, reinforced further by the BH-848 subs. Level's low end is out of hand anyway, but the 848's made it positively disorienting. smile.gif

Photos forthcoming, I'm kinda low on cash and need to get paid to develop my film...I shot *a lot* of film, it's gonna cost me close to 100 dollars to get it all processed. Note to self: time to get a Canon D30.

Space was just weird. I wasn't feeling well when I got there, and harsh treatment at the door made me feel worse. The black-haired doorgirl was a total bitch. She cut me off from my friends due to the fact my shirt was unbuttoned. I've worn that shirt unbuttoned at the door at Space many a time...I had to wait 20 minutes while she let other people in after that, even though I had a comp pass. I miss the days of Angel's sarcasm...at least he was fair. Space better not fuck up now...

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Hey guys! Check out the Padilla pics at <A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.clubhoppers.net"" TARGET=_blank>www.clubhoppers.net"</A>

The Master. cwm5.gif

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[This message has been edited by boxerbay (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by mimid:

As for Rudy, I had even more fun!! Love you Chuchi!!! Muh Muh Muh!!! cwm4.gif

whatever you say mimid whatever. peace



Kal-El / Clark Kent

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Originally posted by mimid:

As for Rudy, I had even more fun!! Love you Chuchi!!! Muh Muh Muh!!! cwm4.gif

sure mimid i believe you .




Kal-El / Clark Kent

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