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Space’s new music format / the untimely death of after – hours ??


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Reliable sources have told me that the new format for Space will be Trance on Friday, and House on Saturday nite. I’ve been told the reason for the change; is to give clubbers a different variety of music. Perhaps I’m naïve, but I believe the previous format of House Until 5:00am, and House and Trance for after-hours, was diverse enough. The one big advantage Space has, is the after-hours. The key to that success was the music format, and the crowd. I was at Space this past Saturday, and the music was problematic, to say the least. At 5:00am in the morning I want to go off. I don’t want to hear abrupt changes in music; which seems to be going nowhere. The music this past Saturday, was constantly enticing me to go home and go to sleep. If people are going to after-hours, they are their to listen to some banging music, and dance their a*ses off. The only area in space going off Saturday, was the patio. If Space is going to go to an all house format on Saturday; then at least have a dj that can bang out, some deep progressive house for after-hours. Oscar G, Egar V, David Padilla, etc; they can throw down banging house. I would hate to see after-hours at space, become an exercise in boredom. Just my $0.02..





[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-06-2001).]

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the following is a email that was sent to me by space regarding this issue..

I appreciate your feedback and your patronage. We listen to what people have

to say and we always take it into consideration. In order to maintain two

successful nights the club cannot offer the same entertainment on both nights. We chose to offer Trance on Fridays and House on Saturdays. You mentioned that w/ the house format.....the blue room vibe is lacking after 10 am and that with trance it wasn't. I don't necessarily agree. There is only so much dancing a person can do after 10 am Trance or House music....numbers are primarily the same after a certain time no matter the sound. As a matter of fact, whenever the "big name" house dj's come down, the dancefloors remained filled later than when the "big name" trance dj's

came down. (Danny Tenaglia closed at 6pm in the afternoon.)Our goal is to provide the best atmosphere and best music for people to let loose and dance. If you have any more suggestions or comments, please feel

free to notify us. See you on the dancefloor !!!

Emi Guerra

Club Space

142 NE 11 ST

Miami, FL 33132

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the issue is really not whether you like trance or house...the issue is that the miami afterhours crowd is a trance crowd...bottom line...the only two afterhours clubs that ever survived were the mix and space.. all last summer and fall space rocked afterhours with trance...lately, ive been there around 5-6am and the progressive house at that time kind of kills the vibe...more people head to the patio...thats why they have been expanding the patio..i hate the patio because it wakes me up to the reality that it is light out, it is the early morning and a normal person should be home bed...the darkness helps me to suspend reality....

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Sobeton, although I disagree with your comment, your point is well taken.

Let me just start by saying that I for one am now enjoying the after-hours vibe at Space till the wee hours of Sun mg because of the format change. Where before had to exit stage left, out of the Blue room around 5ish.

As for your comment on

"If Space is going to go to an all house format on Saturday; then at least have a dj that can bang out, some deep progressive house for after-hours. Oscar G, Egar V, David Padilla, etc;"

The DJ who was spinning the "Problematic" music you were describing on Sat was none other than OSCAR G. Yeah you know, the guy who produced Twisted records biggest sellers and winner of 4 ASCAP awards (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers). Whose had residency's everywhere from Ministry of Sound in London to Tokyo's Yellow and is occasionally DT s guest At Vinyl. And who started producing House music at the ripe age of 19. Yeah, that guy.

As for after-hours being solely trance based?? Let me just make a CD recommendation "Farley and Heller Late night Sessions at MOS" …Yes, outside Miami this is what true after-hours sounds like, today and when it started in the Deep House warehouse clubs of Chicago and NYC. But hey we're still working on it..

The thing I think most of you are failing to realize is that times are a changin, and Space has reputation for being cutting edge. Yeah, last year at this time Space on Friday was packed to the gills, Shadow on Saturdays likewise. What happened? Why is Shadow having guests like Seb Fontaine on a Saturday? And even considered an all House format on Fridays. Why are more and more world renowned DJs starting to sound like DT did 3 years ago. Why do all those top DJs stay till Danny plays his last record just before dinner on a music conference Tuesday?

If I remember correctly, most of the griper's on this thread were the ones who couldn't wait till Fuel opened so Mr. Padilla (much respect, personal friend) could recreate his infamous MIX vibe….What happened? Do members of this board represent such a small fraction of Miami's Clubland?

I say if Trance is what tickles your fancy, you cant get much better than Edgar V and he is at Space every single Friday night like he was last year. Go out and support him the way you used to so that Space stops trying gimmicks to save their Fridays.

Like it or not Sobeton, you are among a growing minority in clubland, take it in stride and go with the flow. I know you can do it cause I've noticed you don't even mention glowsticks anymore…


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Originally posted by Nolimit:

what's wrong with house for afterhours?

im sure u guys wouldn't mind if tenaglia was doing it...

nl> sure i/we wouldnt mind if it WAS tenaglia or even someone of similar talent. the truth is that i have cds that are better than the music they played saturday night. its enough that the crowd varies week to week but aleast have reliable music. not that f'n horn that goes off every 2 seconds and makes you feel like the F train is coming through. ughhh!

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I believe that children are the future. Maybe I'm wrong about this but teach them well and let the lead the way. If you show them all the beauty the posses inside........Trance or House, give them a since......of pride to make it easier. Let the House Music's laughter, remind us how we used to beeeee. I decided long ago, never to listen to Trance or house now, if I fail if I succeed they can't take away my Edgar V........Because the greaaaaatest, afterhours club, is happening to meeeeeee. I found the greatest afterhours clubs inside of space.

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Originally posted by Nolimit:

what's wrong with house for afterhours?

im sure u guys wouldn't mind if tenaglia was doing it...

only if, nolimit




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Originally posted by staceyg5:

that f'n horn that goes off every 2 seconds and makes you feel like the F train is coming through. ughhh!

as per our previous convo, that sure sux




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Originally posted by georgeacasta:

I believe that children are the future. Maybe I'm wrong about this but teach them well and let the lead the way. If you show them all the beauty the posses inside........Trance or House, give them a since......of pride to make it easier. Let the House Music's laughter, remind us how we used to beeeee. I decided long ago, never to listen to Trance or house now, if I fail if I succeed they can't take away my Edgar V........Because the greaaaaatest, afterhours club, is happening to meeeeeee. I found the greatest afterhours clubs inside of space.

that's truly touching, georgie cwm14.gif

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Originally posted by digital7:

as per our previous convo, that sure sux

couldnt escape it. left the blue room; only to find out that the red room was the same.

welcome to club annoying space. where we'll play that damn horn over and over until we get you to leave....

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The same old debate.......

I go to Space on Saturdays almost every week.I have to tell you, I had a blast this past Saturday. Miami is a weird place...here we have an extremely talented DJ like Oscar G. playing for like 10 hours every Saturday on an amazing sound system and what do we say...GIVE US HARD GERMAN TRANCE!!! But yet everyone on this board is constantly praising DJs like Danny Tenaglia, Danny Howells, John Digweed and Deep Dish. It doesn't make sense!!! Don't you see Oscar G. is the closest thing we have to these guys...

So much so that when Danny Tenaglia is out of town he's asked Oscar G. to fill in for him at Vynil in New York. Not to mention all of these guys hold him in high regard and play a ton of his records..

Is it that we rely only on hype when we decide what we like, if Danny Tenaglia would have played the same exact set Oscar G. did last Saturday everyone on this board would be raving about it...Maybe we just can't bring ourselves to respect our own home grown talent...

I have followed Oscar's career since the early nineties and I have even gotten to know him on a personal level.HE IS THE REAL DEAL!!! Inform yourselves, do your homework

and be more open-minded!!

HOUSE IS A FEELING!!! and thank God Space has the balls to give it to us!!!

PEACE smile.gif

BTW:Mr.Acasta ,Bro you are the shit..thanks for your hilarious sense of humor smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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> aztec-mystic:

"The DJ who was spinning the "Problematic" music you were describing on Sat was none other than OSCAR G."

If it was in fact oscar g then; then in my "humble opinion", he was having an off nite. I have heard Osacr g spin dozens of times, and that was one of the worst sets, I have ever heard. perhaps the emotional let down of not hearing trance; clouded my senses. lol

"Like it or not Sobeton, you are among a growing minority in clubland, take it in stride and go with the flow. I know you can do it cause I've noticed you don't even mention glowsticks anymore… "

if that "growing minority"is one, which appreciates good music; then I’m guilty as charged. with reference to glowsticks. well I guess ,I’m part of that "growing minority", that now uses microlights. lol

no offense my friend. But your comments while humorous ,completely miss the essence of my post. diversity is the key, to the success of any club. I have an appreciation for all forms of music, as I sure my fellow "gripers" due. when I to go a club, I go to be entertained, and that is the bottom line..

I have never been good ,at being a conformist.

peace, sobeton



[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-07-2001).]

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Why is Shadow having guests like Seb Fontaine on a Saturday? just for the record...the reason why shadow is having guests like seb fontaine is that acosta is on tour promoting his CD, which is breaking sales records around the world...the question is not which musical variety is better or more significant..to each his own....the only point being made here is...there is very specific club goer that stays out past 5am....there is a vibe they seek, there is a music that they want to hear...in NY the afterhours crowd wants one thing, im sure in california the afterhours crowd wants something else....the miami afterhours crowd is a trance crowd...the only two afterhours clubs that sustained any business are the Mix and Space (both supporting trance formats for aterhours)...you can argue about many things, but you cant argue about facts...the facts are that when Space had a trance music format for afterhours..more people came and more people stayed..bottom line....whether you like it or not...thats the bottom line...the only afterhours club for the last few months has been space...on saturdays with a trance format the blue room was packed until 10am...now 1/2 full at 730am...those are facts....one more thing in regards to the comment made regarding Fuel/Padilla...please..know all of the facts before making comments that end up exposing ignorance....Fuel had 2 weekends that brought anyone to the club...the first was its special pre opening party...padilla was supposed to play the went home because of how Fuel staff was dealing with the door...the second weekend Fuel was completely dead until Padilla took over afterhour then it went off...after that Fuel went to a strictly house format and...well....lets just say the aint opened no more..... the one thing that I still find amazing is that the people on this board that enjoy trance music seem to offer respect to all dance/electronic music..and the so called "househeads" look for every opportunity to encourage trance's demise...wasnt this all supposed to be about fun??

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Bottom line, I'll give you the bottom line...

Bottom line is that the 12 or 13 clubplanet members arguing this topic won't make a wee bit of difference to the 4000+ and growing Sat night regulars at Space.

And Space WILL keep its House format for Sat after-hours. period... punto... finito...

Thats the bottom line....

Later cats......

PS hope you enjoy PVD and his amazing, extended 3 hour set tomorrow...Man doesn't that guy get tired spinning all those hours?

But I'm sure the 15 or 20K he'll make will more than make up for having to spin all those hours..

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Well theirs only one thing left to do now right, lets just wait and see...

Lets say in about 4 months we'll bring the topic up again..

Til then, enjoy your glow...

But theirs just one more thing I'm curious about. Why hasn't anybody commented on supporting Edgar on Fridays like you did last year when Space was gay on saturdays?

I'll be their tonight around midnight, will you? And it won't be for PVD..

Edgars performances when opening for big names are amazing, not that his usual ones aren't also, but he just sounds a bit more inspired on these events..

Oh and SgtFury, don't be surprised if you you here PVD a bit on the progressive house side 2nite. I've heard he's also changed his style a bit, but then again he did make this comment in Mixmag Magazine earlier this year, and I quote.."I don't want to be refered to as a Trance DJ".....Its a little late for that don't you think. specially for the Miami Hardcores.

Shoot man if things keep going like this, by this time next year Oakie will be guest spinning with Francois K at Body and Soul......LOL..OK so I'm exagerating a bit..

Oh I almost forgot, Sobeton you are one of the more sensible ones on the board with regards to personal opinions and tastes.

So just remember that what you may consider to be boring music that will cause you to go into a coma, others might find uplifting and inspiring, just like what you may consider banging and out of hand others may consider wac and annoying.

Food for thought…


[This message has been edited by aztec-mystic (edited 06-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by aztec-mystic:

Well theirs only one thing left to do now right, lets just wait and see...

Lets say in about 4 months we'll bring the topic up again..

Til then, enjoy your glow...

But theirs just one more thing I'm curious about. Why hasn't anybody commented on supporting Edgar on Fridays like you did last year when Space was gay on saturdays?

I'll be their tonight around midnight, will you? And it won't be for PVD..

Edgars performances when opening for big names are amazing, not that his usual ones aren't also, but he just sounds a bit more inspired on these events..

Oh and SgtFury, don't be surprised if you you here PVD a bit on the progressive house side 2nite. I've heard he's also changed his style a bit, but then again he did make this comment in Mixmag Magazine earlier this year, and I quote.."I don't want to be refered to as a Trance DJ".....Its a little late for that don't you think. specially for the Miami Hardcores.

Shoot man if things keep going like this, by this time next year Oakie will be guest spinning with Francois K at Body and Soul......LOL..OK so I'm exagerating a bit..

Oh I almost forgot, Sobeton you are one of the more sensible ones on the board with regards to personal opinions and tastes.

So just remember that what you may consider to be boring music that will cause you to go into a coma, others might find uplifting and inspiring, just like what you may consider banging and out of hand others may consider wac and annoying.

Food for thought…


[This message has been edited by aztec-mystic (edited 06-08-2001).]

all sarcasm aside. ultimately, bro it’s about the music. I think we both can agree on that.your right, other people may not share my taste in music. Variety; is always, what I liked about the old after-hours format. . you had Edgar V, and Oscar tearing it up inside playing two different styles of music.. the patio going off with Belini. incidentally, Edgar V is a member of this board, and I can say without question, we all have mad respect for him. so our support for him is never in doubt. I believe we all care about the music. why else, would we be here arguing so passionately? so let’s just respect everyone’s opinion, and have a slammin weekend..

peace, sobeton




[This message has been edited by sobeton (edited 06-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by aztec-mystic:

Bottom line, I'll give you the bottom line...

Bottom line is that the 12 or 13 clubplanet members arguing this topic won't make a wee bit of difference to the 4000+ and growing Sat night regulars at Space.

And Space WILL keep its House format for Sat after-hours. period... punto... finito...

Thats the bottom line....


well your right to an extent. when space’s after – hours crowd, begins to dissipate. they will switch their format, because it’s all about the $$$$. the after –hours was in trouble, when Edgar V was spinning trance only. this all house format won’t last for long; that is for sure. after hours is about “going off”, not inducing a coma.. Laterz.



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