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I have a rant!

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Aaaaaaaaaaah!! DamNATION… Oh man… I am so mad… It’s… rage-time.

Ok, so I’m driving home and all is well. Then suddenly, this dipshit comes up behind me, starts waving his finger out the window at me, cause he wants to change lanes and I have to speed up a little....

Well, no way fucker, no way at all, you stupid asshole fucker, I’m not moving for you, in fact, I’m slowing down now, cause you know what , I’m not your friend , cause you fucker, you flicked me off, now it's on!!!!!

So yeah, I slow down and trap the fucker in traffic. We finally get to the light, and so I stop. The fucker is honking his horn at me the whole time and when I look in the mirror, he’s swearing visibly at me :cuss: …. And wow, now I’m MAD, and this being a single lane road, the light goes green, and I sit there… THE FUCKAGE OF QUEEN HUNNIE! :hat2:

I know, I’m an asshole, but the green light and me sitting there pisses this fucker off so much, his face turns like turnip red :mad: and he’s like leaning on the horn, and SCREAMING, and I begin to laugh because now I’ve gone from mad to sadistic hate....

So as the yellow light was about to pull over to the red, I speed off like the devil, leaving the fucker trapped oh so much longer at the light. :flame:


Come on, what a ‘tard. I WILL BEAT YOU SAD LITTLE BUNNY!! DIE LITTLE PIGGY DIE! :chainsaw:

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good job!

ok, another thing the left lane is for people who can push the gas paddle, i know its a hard concept to understand but come on, and when I flicker the high beams its not because I like you, its because I want you to move out of the fucking way.

I've pull the slowdown boxed method quite a few times... because of it.

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Hunnie, only because I care...

I want to tell you...


Keep that in mind...

If you are in the passing lane, fucking pass or move out of the way....

People like me, use our big trucks to run people like you off the road when you do this....

Just lookin out kid...

The last ass who did this to me ended up in the grass medium doing 360's....

Happy Driving!!!

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i HATE people that drive slow in the left lane. its the most annoying thing you can do anywhere on any road. i would have done the same thing he did:tongue:

just move over next time and make it easier on everyone concerned. thanx to you he probably went home and beat his wife

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Hunnie, only because I care...

I want to tell you...


Keep that in mind...

If you are in the passing lane, fucking pass or move out of the way....

People like me, use our big trucks to run people like you off the road when you do this....

Just lookin out kid...

The last ass who did this to me ended up in the grass medium doing 360's....

Happy Driving!!!

Grrrr!! :mad:

1st of all i wasnt in the passing lane.. i was a wide street that merged into 1 lane and he was trying to get in front of me before the lane merged! i had the right of way!

also, i really believe that when i am road-raging i could kill someone and get off on a plea of temporary insanity, cause in that moment, i seriously lose my marbles

so you take your big truck and :cuss:!

your supposed to take my side no matter what! im an Iron Sister!

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< I know I am going to get it for this one >

Just get your dancing shoes on and your A-Game ready lady!!

Don't worry about it focker.....its almost time psycho girl!!! Soon enough all this will be forgotten!!! :D

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