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Originally posted by ou812

Dude...............where do you find these horsefaced wombats.

OU812, that has got to be the funniest description I"ve ever heard in my life.

Granted, these may not be people worthy of being on 7 Lives Xposed, and there are a lot of faults there:

-girls's tits look like cow udders in some pics

-guy's got no nuts

-between them, you could draw Orion's belt and the BiG Dipper with all the hives, nicks, and zits on her ass and his midsection.

But Darth has always been there to provide us with porn, and over the last year he's been more consistent that anyone else. And in my book, free porn is still porn, whether it's tasteful or not.

Darth, keep it up bro. You've got a believer in me:clap: :aright:

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Originally posted by trueqwest

-guy's got no nuts

-between them, you could draw Orion's belt and the BiG Dipper with all the hives, nicks, and zits on her ass and his midsection.

his lacking in the nut department did kinda freak me out, too, but i didn't notice the bumps both these people had till you pointed them out. but they don't look like zits to me; they look like rashes. and did you notice these blemishes were both in each "actor"'s' lower extremities? i think it doesn't take a dermatologist to say it ain't acne.

and funny that you mention stretch marks, sassa; when i was getting boobs as an early teen, they had such a quick growth spurt in the beginning that i got stretch marks. i didn't know what they were and freaked out. i asked my doctor during a regular checkup, and she actually laughed out loud at my concern (which was unprofessional, but that's another story...) and told me they were just stretch marks. i joked that my career in porn was therefore over before it had begun, and she said, "not necessarily; they do go away ;) ."

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