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why is it that girls on here


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constantly say things about each other like "awww, your so pretty" "i love your hair" "u got a great body"......meanwhile, if u all were out on person, you'd all be raging animals. like "look at her, shes got no ass". "look at her walk, she thinks she's all that". lol. just curious as to why women aren't as ferocious about other females, as we all know they normally are in person. keep it real, don't fake the funk. not that i wanna see drama, or even i'm trying to brew any. just, the high number of compliments towards each other seem "phoney"

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i give credit where credit is due thats my explanation.. and i know a lot of other girls on here feel the same... trust me there are plenty of girls who prolly feel "ferocious" toward other females on this board but know better than to hurt someones feelings... so we either compliment, or say nothing at all :aright:

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Originally posted by linabina

i give credit where credit is due thats my explanation.. and i know a lot of other girls on here feel the same... trust me there are plenty of girls who prolly feel "ferocious" toward other females on this board but know better than to hurt someones feelings... so we either compliment, or say nothing at all :aright:

Exactly... And many of us here have actually met and hung out with one another, or at the very least, have an idea of each others' personality through our posts... so it's not exactly as though we're talking about complete strangers here.

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I never ever rag on girls, I honestly think girls shouldn't fight with eachother over stupid shit because we really need to stick together. When I go out and I see a pretty girl I give her props, if she is wearing something nice I give her props. I have never once hated on a girl for being pretty, give credit where it is deserved :)

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i don't know where you're from, flipssoe, but the "ferociousness" to which you refer is only found in certain places and cultures. when i've complimented girls in person at clubs in new york, i've gotten only mean stares and nasty, obligatory "thank you"s intended to make me go away, or, at least, stop talking. in clubs elsewhere, however, i always get "thank you"s and smiles. girls give me compliments from time to time, too.

if you're expecting us to start catcalling, don't hold your breath :laugh: .

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i've never met with any of the girls off of this board so flattery would be pretty pointless. i've commented on pictures when i thought the girl was actually cute. if she's not, like lina said, i just keep my mouth shut. i give credit where credit is due and am rarely catty about other girls' appearances (unless they're certain celebrities that are constantly thrown in my face proclaimed as the hottest until it gets to a point where i just cant take it anymore. :D)

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Originally posted by sassa

i have no problem telling a girl if she looks like a heffer or that her face looks like it was ravaged by rhinos in heat.......


life's short, and there's a lot of ugly people in the world.....

:clap:;) right on

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when people post pics on here, it's either to show off or to identify themselves for meetups and the like.

the latter is self-explanatory, and as for the former: people are looking to have their egos boosted, and it seems like most people on here tend to oblige (perhaps in hopes that the next time they put up their pics, they'll get an ego boost in return).

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cuz girls are fake and will say that shit to a person then talk about them behind their back, if ya wanna know something the typically "sweet" girl is usually the biggest backstabbing bitch, give me a girl who has the guts to make enemies over a fucking fake ass hoe anyday.

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as linabina said i also give credit where credit is due but i don't lie to someones face and say nice things about them when i dont feel that way as that saying goes.."if you dont have something nice to say dont say anything at all":D

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