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wow..u can get VERY LOST reading the new jersey board..

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i simply dont have a clue what the fuck anyone is talking about here.

Its either, tempts djais, merge south park or attn: <your name here>...you know what <your name here>..i think your a big slut cause i saw you hooking up with Guido4lifenj at Sandbar and then later in the night when i was at Abyss.

i mean..forgive my ignorance but....what the hell is the big craze about jersey clubs bars and lounges? i have been to a few of them and they are way trashy and the people are just way fake with all their gawdy ass name brand shit. fuck name brand shirt.....cause thats just exactly what it is..its a name..and a brand...doesn't make u more or less of a person.

i guess some things never change about the jersey scene though...cause my sister is 29 and all these places u guys post about are places she usta hang at 10 yrs ago....sometimes when i look on here i see shit posted and im like damn..thats the same review and/or shit that my sister has told me about that place.

i dont know its weird...maybe cause im not born and raised in jersey (Brooklyn baby) why i just dont get the scene out here.

i mean how can people be driving all the way from Queens to shit like DEKO and ABYSS when yet..i live literally 10 fucking minutes away from those places and have never visited them in my 22 yrs on this earth.

is there more to the jersey scene than tanned jacked guidos and bubbly butt, firm titted tanned guidettes strutting their shit to cheesy house tracks while they wait for Roger, the bartender, to give them another vodka redbull or Long Island Iced tea?

for the love of god...please someone break down this whole jersey scene to me since im strictly into the ny scene....im dying to know what all the hype is about...but im sure thats all it is..is just hype.

haha im kinda a bit fucked up right now and sorta rambling but im very curious and fascinated by how many people love the jersey scene and why do they love it?

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Originally posted by quoth

i simply dont have a clue what the fuck anyone is talking about here.

Its either, tempts djais, merge south park or attn: <your name here>...you know what <your name here>..i think your a big slut cause i saw you hooking up with Guido4lifenj at Sandbar and then later in the night when i was at Abyss.

i mean..forgive my ignorance but....what the hell is the big craze about jersey clubs bars and lounges? i have been to a few of them and they are way trashy and the people are just way fake with all their gawdy ass name brand shit. fuck name brand shirt.....cause thats just exactly what it is..its a name..and a brand...doesn't make u more or less of a person.

i guess some things never change about the jersey scene though...cause my sister is 29 and all these places u guys post about are places she usta hang at 10 yrs ago....sometimes when i look on here i see shit posted and im like damn..thats the same review and/or shit that my sister has told me about that place.

i dont know its weird...maybe cause im not born and raised in jersey (Brooklyn baby) why i just dont get the scene out here.

i mean how can people be driving all the way from Queens to shit like DEKO and ABYSS when yet..i live literally 10 fucking minutes away from those places and have never visited them in my 22 yrs on this earth.

is there more to the jersey scene than tanned jacked guidos and bubbly butt, firm titted tanned guidettes strutting their shit to cheesy house tracks while they wait for Roger, the bartender, to give them another vodka redbull or Long Island Iced tea?

for the love of god...please someone break down this whole jersey scene to me since im strictly into the ny scene....im dying to know what all the hype is about...but im sure thats all it is..is just hype.

haha im kinda a bit fucked up right now and sorta rambling but im very curious and fascinated by how many people love the jersey scene and why do they love it?

Hey homo nobody asked you to come to this board you left brooklyn, now leave jersey, go to the villiage or to san fransico you bone smuggler.

oh yeah go fuck yourself too, if I ever saw you in a jersey club I'd smack you

Justin what up nicca??? You get that Z for your parents yet???

I'll give you a call tonight or tomorrow bro.

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Originally posted by quoth

i simply dont have a clue what the fuck anyone is talking about here.

Its either, tempts djais, merge south park or attn: <your name here>...you know what <your name here>..i think your a big slut cause i saw you hooking up with Guido4lifenj at Sandbar and then later in the night when i was at Abyss.

i mean..forgive my ignorance but....what the hell is the big craze about jersey clubs bars and lounges? i have been to a few of them and they are way trashy and the people are just way fake with all their gawdy ass name brand shit. fuck name brand shirt.....cause thats just exactly what it is..its a name..and a brand...doesn't make u more or less of a person.

i guess some things never change about the jersey scene though...cause my sister is 29 and all these places u guys post about are places she usta hang at 10 yrs ago....sometimes when i look on here i see shit posted and im like damn..thats the same review and/or shit that my sister has told me about that place.

i dont know its weird...maybe cause im not born and raised in jersey (Brooklyn baby) why i just dont get the scene out here.

i mean how can people be driving all the way from Queens to shit like DEKO and ABYSS when yet..i live literally 10 fucking minutes away from those places and have never visited them in my 22 yrs on this earth.

is there more to the jersey scene than tanned jacked guidos and bubbly butt, firm titted tanned guidettes strutting their shit to cheesy house tracks while they wait for Roger, the bartender, to give them another vodka redbull or Long Island Iced tea?

for the love of god...please someone break down this whole jersey scene to me since im strictly into the ny scene....im dying to know what all the hype is about...but im sure thats all it is..is just hype.

haha im kinda a bit fucked up right now and sorta rambling but im very curious and fascinated by how many people love the jersey scene and why do they love it?

I dont get it...is it me or do people actually have 7000 posts.......but i dont get it....is it me or do people waste 4 hours crying about places they dont even go to.....but maybe its just me....and I have this sister who knows this loser who waste his time hanging out in brooklyn typing on clubplanet about nothing....crying about nothing....but he does have 7000 posts......does that mean he is cool!!!!....see you at deko and abyss....I fucken love it there!!!!

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

Wow you're like pretty tough:laugh:

First off, the tunnel was cool in 1997 when you were still going to high school dances, second why would you use the name of a club in your SN, or does it mean tunnel bandit like you like to tak it in the ass??? why do you but into shit thats none of your business, shut the fuck up slinky fag, I'll smack the cum right out of your mouth fruitcake

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Originally posted by carguy19

First off, the tunnel was cool in 1997 when you were still going to high school dances, second why would you use the name of a club in your SN, or does it mean tunnel bandit like you like to tak it in the ass??? why do you but into shit thats none of your business, shut the fuck up slinky fag, I'll smack the cum right out of your mouth fruitcake

Personally I liked 96 better.And gay jokes were funny in 8th grade.

And why do I but into things...for the simple pleasure of seeing schleps like you respond.

Now lets just strap up our red Diesels,get some sauce,and do SICK bumps while Denny rips it.

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

Personally I liked 96 better.And gay jokes were funny in 8th grade.

And why do I but into things...for the simple pleasure of seeing schleps like you respond.

Now lets just strap up our red Diesels,get some sauce,and do SICK bumps while Denny rips it.

Your excessive ignorance entertains me, it's not my fault that you're too much of a loser to do something fun instead of butting into peoples business. Yeah I have red sneakers, and I hit the gym hard and like denny's music, but I get ass. Hot girls that you only dream about my friend. I will actually give you a fashion consultation for a small fee. We need to get you out of those stovepipe jeans and get the passifier out of your mouth. And lets put some meat on your weak cracked out junkee ass so you dont dissappear when you turn sideways. Have fun at the tunnel tonight shitbag.

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Originally posted by carguy19

Your excessive ignorance entertains me, it's not my fault that you're too much of a loser to do something fun instead of butting into peoples business. Yeah I have red sneakers, and I hit the gym hard and like denny's music, but I get ass. Hot girls that you only dream about my friend. I will actually give you a fashion consultation for a small fee. We need to get you out of those stovepipe jeans and get the passifier out of your mouth. And lets put some meat on your weak cracked out junkee ass so you dont dissappear when you turn sideways. Have fun at the tunnel tonight shitbag.

Peoples business..


It's a messageboard you fucking jerk. And stop bragging.You sound like a child. "I get ass"....Wow so do I!! Except it's from the woman I love and not some washed up club slut who's had more dicks in her than Vanessa Del Rio.

And so I was right about the red sneakers. You fucking clone:laugh:

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Originally posted by quoth

is there more to the jersey scene than tanned jacked guidos and bubbly butt, firm titted tanned guidettes strutting their shit to cheesy house tracks while they wait for Roger, the bartender, to give them another vodka redbull or Long Island Iced tea?

thats the beauty of it

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

Now lets just strap up our red Diesels.

....what in fuck!!!!!...............I HAVE RED DIESELS!..........u better tread lightly motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::D :D :D

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Hey , i lived in CT before jersey and i have to say there's nothing like the scene and music and people in the tri state area like in NJ....I think some people are not into it, so they feel the need to bash it...I have to admit sometimes i've seen people acting lke they were celebraties in their own , but it's all good , as long as you having fun, that's all it counts

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Guest hotshit

only good thing about brooklyn, queens, S.I, and long island are the hot chicks. Other than that you people from the boroughs need to stop sweating manhattan because your not manhattan so get over it. Dont be jealous because we have good times in our own area. Go take the train out of your attached apartment to Exit and stay there, fuckin loser.

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NY club scene is and has been on a downward spiral, there is NO denying that fact. It has been eating itself for the past several years now.

You can badmouth the Jersey scene all you want, but the scene still has plenty more energy to offer than half-empty, half-dead NYC clubs.

And that's the bottom line.

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