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Message From Code @ Nation

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Actually, that's incorrect. If he left Chicago at 12:00 EDT, it would be 11:00 CDT. Flight times are listed in local time. So a flight leaving at 9:00 from Chicago and getting in at 12:00 in DC is not a 3 hour flight but a two hour flight. In the same way, a delayed flight could take off at 11:00 CDT and get in at 2:00 EDT.

I'm sure she meant that Mauro left Chicago at 12:00 EDT.

Now would you like me to debunk theories about martians, or are we done here?

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very well, if he left at 12 eastern I will grant that. when I saw that post I thought

he left chicago at 12am centrall which would have him arriving in dc at 3am eastern.

what I was trying get at in my post was that 3 hours of time elaspes when one takes a flight from chicago to DC...2 hour flight plus the 1 hour time change.

then another thing struck me:

leaving chicago at 12am their time which is hard to do given midway and ohare flight restrictions arrive in dc which is equally hard given time restrictions would take get him in the area around 3am eastern. then he would probably have to cab it from either bwi or dullas...adding 30-40 minutes to the trip. since national has even more insane flight restriction laws.

I was just trying to fuel the skepticism in a good natured way because I am at work and really dont want to be focusing on more important matters

I am sure there is a reasonable explanation, and that what you are saying is most likely true.

still, if something messed up happens with deep dish it would be nice of the crew to give accurate information the punters who will be in attendance and not misleading info IE they will be here soon, sorry soon now, umm we mean soon now so forth and so on.

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If a train leaving Chicago carrying Mauro Picotto at 65 mph collides with a train carrying the promotion staff from Code leaving DC, would Buzz return to claim its rightful place at Nation and bring us the top quality jocks every Friday night?

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Originally posted by revaluation

If a train leaving Chicago carrying Mauro Picotto at 65 mph collides with a train carrying the promotion staff from Code leaving DC, would Buzz return to claim its rightful place at Nation and bring us the top quality jocks every Friday night?

how fast would the train from DC with the CODE peeps be travelling at> and where would they colide? :shaky:

anyone has Amtrak's routes and schedule? cookie?

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amtrak goes up to NYC then across thru pittsburg, cleveland, toledo to chicago. brutal train ride. i dont recommend it

anyway kids its been fun. take it easy on magic8ball...she's a nice girl with musical taste bordering on the cheesy side.

not everyone can have musical taste as discriminating as ourselves.

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The real problem is that DJ's time their travel so close so they don't have to sit around in cities, etc... which is why travel problems equate to no shows instead their own inconvenience.

But do the promotion teams not usually bring the DJ's in L?

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

2) I wouldn't worry too much about all the shit talkers. I've seen no shows and late DJs everywhere. Funny how soon people forget. Like Steve Lawler at Buzz last year. Advertised as a 4 hour set or something and he spun like an hour and a half? I also remember a few years back going to Buzz for Donald Glaude only to find out once inside that he was a no show cause he missed his flight out of Seattle or something.

about that there was a sign ( put up sometime before 12) telling the people before they came in that Donald Glaude missed his flight. Response from the people, people really did not care b/c there was not any bullshit about it. See how easy it could have been.


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Originally posted by magic8ball

I understand everyone is angry at that but that brief set he did was better than any 8 hour marathon we've ever had in the Buzz/Code history!

you've gotta be kidding me. That roger sanchez night blew away Picotto's appetizer sized set. I hope Picotto falls into a mulcher one day...........

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by bassboy

The real problem is that DJ's time their travel so close so they don't have to sit around in cities, etc... which is why travel problems equate to no shows instead their own inconvenience.

But do the promotion teams not usually bring the DJ's in L?

thats inexcusable on their part. they need to be responsible. so what if they party all the time, they still have a job and a responsiblity to the people to show up on time. fucking slackers. i wasnt there, but heard he didnt do so hot. its easy, be where you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be there and you'll fuckign be a hero.

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