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US plans death camp

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US plans death camp

May 26, 2003

THE US has floated plans to turn Guantanamo Bay into a death camp, with its own death row and execution chamber.

Prisoners would be tried, convicted and executed without leaving its boundaries, without a jury and without right of appeal, The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported yesterday.

The plans were revealed by Major-General Geoffrey Miller, who is in charge of 680 suspects from 43 countries, including two Australians.

The suspects have been held at Camp Delta on Cuba without charge for 18 months.

General Miller said building a death row was one plan. Another was to have a permanent jail, with possibly an execution chamber.

The Mail on Sunday reported the move is seen as logical by the US, which has been attacked worldwide for breaching the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war since it established the camp at a naval base to hold alleged terrorists from Afghanistan.

But it has horrified human rights groups and lawyers representing detainees.

They see it as the clearest indication America has no intention of falling in line with internationally recognised justice.

The US has already said detainees would be tried by tribunals, without juries or appeals to a higher court. Detainees will be allowed only US lawyers.

British activist Stephen Jakobi, of Fair Trials Abroad, said: "The US is kicking and screaming against any pressure to conform with British or any other kind of international justice."

American law professor Jonathan Turley, who has led US civil rights group protests against the military tribunals planned to hear cases at Guantanamo Bay, said: "It is not surprising the authorities are building a death row because they have said they plan to try capital cases before these tribunals.

"This camp was created to execute people. The administration has no interest in long-term prison sentences for people it regards as hard-core terrorists."

Britain admitted it had been kept in the dark about the plans.

A Downing St spokesman said: "The US Government is well aware of the British Government's position on the death penalty."

Herald Sun

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Give them a "fair" trial instead of a military tribunal. This whole things is BS.

And have 680 johnnie Cohcran fiasco's that all of us have to endure for 3+years? These people don't have rights, once they get free they will not think twice to returning to Jihad and try to kll as many americans as possible..

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Originally posted by raver_mania

Give them a "fair" trial instead of a military tribunal. This whole things is BS.


C'mon man. You are a fair guy--think about it...A "fair" trial. Do you think these guys robbed a 7-11 or got caught dealing K in Exit?

I think the story of one of the animals there sums it up best. To be short, a captured Al-Qaeda member was treated back to health in the US. He had huge health problems, and weighed as much as a small child.

After doubling back his weight, and regaining his health, he thanked one of our military officials there, commented he was a good man and a good Christian BUT......

If he gets out, he would kill him.

And there are many stories like this. A military tribunal is exactly how to handle these people. Unless you want these people and their hate America liberal attorney's to turn their trials into a circus atmosphere ....like the Zacarras Mossuisi (however you spell his name) trial....it is a debacle.....

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There's not only Al Queda there - also the Taliban. Many of those have no direct link to 9/11.

Plus most of these ppl are different nationalities other than US. Is it not illegal under international law to execute a person of different nationality, especially if that country does not have a death penalty?

This is going to cause another international fiasco, and another black mark against the US international reputation...something I'm sure bin Laden could use to recruit new people.

If these prisoners get executed they could become martyrs of sort.

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Originally posted by raver_mania

There's not only Al Queda there - also the Taliban. Many of those have no direct link to 9/11.

Plus most of these ppl are different nationalities other than US. Is it not illegal under international law to execute a person of different nationality, especially if that country does not have a death penalty?

This is going to cause another international fiasco, and another black mark against the US international reputation...something I'm sure bin Laden could use to recruit new people.

If these prisoners get executed they could become martyrs of sort.


The Taliban that willingly fought for and defended Al-Qaeda?

Many Al-Qaeda animals did not have links to 9/11, does that make them any less willing to murder us, or mean they have not tried, and will continue to try?

What "other " nationalities are you worried about?...Arab nationalities?....do you think these countries are worried about death penalties, extradition, and prisoner rights?...or are you concerned about European countries, who have given Al-Qaeda safe haven in their countries?

DO you think that Al-Qaeda cares about nationalities, or is their ideology pan-Islamism?

Militray tribunals is exactly how to handle this.....

BTW, I do not want to see them executed either, but would rather see them convicted in a military tribunal and rot in a cell for the rest of their lives...death is too nice for them...

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Originally posted by igloo


The Taliban that willingly fought for and defended Al-Qaeda?

Many Al-Qaeda animals did not have links to 9/11, does that make them any less willing to murder us, or mean they have not tried, and will continue to try?

What "other " nationalities are you worried about?...Arab nationalities?....do you think these countries are worried about death penalties, extradition, and prisoner rights?...or are you concerned about European countries, who have given Al-Qaeda safe haven in their countries?

DO you think that Al-Qaeda cares about nationalities, or is their ideology pan-Islamism?

Militray tribunals is exactly how to handle this.....

BTW, I do not want to see them executed either, but would rather see them convicted in a military tribunal and rot in a cell for the rest of their lives...death is too nice for them...


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those who are US citizens should, by their rights, have a trial by jury if they so wish.

those who are not US citizens may be tried by military tribunal, without benefit of appeal.

That's the way its been done by many other countries for years and we're making it no different. I don't want to give these fuckers an inch, so that their buddies think they can blow up buildings and kill thousands of us, then possibly get acquitted due to some minor technicality.

you know what signal that sends to the rest of the criminal world?


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Oh boo hoo! The poor terrorists in Guantanamo Bay aren't being treated as nicely as they'd like. Oh how my heart bleeds for them. Although I believe that executing them would be doing them a favor since many of them believe that God will reward them with virgin brides and all that. Let them rot there for all eternity.

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Originally posted by homersimpson

Oh boo hoo! The poor terrorists in Guantanamo Bay aren't being treated as nicely as they'd like. Oh how my heart bleeds for them. Although I believe that executing them would be doing them a favor since many of them believe that God will reward them with virgin brides and all that. Let them rot there for all eternity.

:aright: :aright: :rock: :rock: :clap2: :clap2:

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Originally posted by normalnoises

How else did Hitler handle the jews in concentration camps?

you couldn't be farther off point if you tried.

the *small* difference here is that the Jews didn't destroy a good part of Berlin because they were pissy about the way the germans were handling things.

Go ahead and tell any muslim/arab that they're in the same boat as the Jews were and see if you can get five feet without them beating the shit out of you.

Better yet, walk into a crowded market and announce your opinion with a bullhorn. You wouldn't last a minute.

you are coming down on the side of the terrorists and that's a dangerous viewpoint to have these days.

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Originally posted by cintron

you couldn't be farther off point if you tried.

Only a racist puke like you would say that.

the *small* difference here is that the Jews didn't destroy a good part of Berlin because they were pissy about the way the germans were handling things.

The simlarities are that Hitler built concentration (death camps) to execute jews and now the US wants to do the same in Guantamino bay to do the same to muslims.

Go ahead and tell any muslim/arab that they're in the same boat as the Jews were and see if you can get five feet without them beating the shit out of you.

I already have. They agreed with me. Lets see you tell any muslim/arab in the same boat as the Jews were and see if you can get five feet without them beating the shit out of you. (laughs at cintron)

Better yet, walk into a crowded market and announce your opinion with a bullhorn. You wouldn't last a minute.

Good idea. Even if I get my ass kicked at least I used my right to free speech to voice my opinion. I got the balls to say it.

you are coming down on the side of the terrorists and that's a dangerous viewpoint to have these days.

How is voicing an opinion coming down on the side of the terrorists? Isn't freedom of speech part of democracy? Oh I forgot.. This is a dictatorship. We no longer have the right to form opinion unless it conforms to what the government believes is "right" so we must blindly follow like sheep.

Welcome to Nazi Amerika.

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son, the only nazi around here is you.

the extermination of the jews was one of the most heinous and unimaginiable things to happen in history. I cautioned you about it before because I didn't believe you understood the gravity of making such a comparison.

apparently you haven't learned shit.

the Jews under hitler were INNOCENT VICTIMS. They were Mothers, Fathers, Children, stripped from their homes and their lives and sent to camps to work and die for the Nazi cause.

THe individuals in Guantanamo were plucked from around the WORLD. They were people who we arrested and detained because they were involved in shit to hurt US. They're being fed and questioned and will even be given trials, which is more than could be ever said for what the Nazis gave the jews.

you disgust me, suggesting that we're on the same level of people who threw children in poison gas showers and dumped their bodies into ditches with bulldozers.

To compare a Holocaust survivor or victim to a terrorist sitting in a camp, is a crime in and of itself and a horribly ironic one.

You're comparing two ideological enemies [remember, most of the arab terrorists HATE jews] over two completely seperate events.

but of course since i disagree with you and am illustrating your opinion in a different light, i'm the Nazi here. :rolleyes:

maybe you should've stuck to posting articles. you don't have a voice of your own.

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Originally posted by cintron

son, the only nazi around here is you.

the extermination of the jews was one of the most heinous and unimaginiable things to happen in history. I cautioned you about it before because I didn't believe you understood the gravity of making such a comparison.

apparently you haven't learned shit.

the Jews under hitler were INNOCENT VICTIMS. They were Mothers, Fathers, Children, stripped from their homes and their lives and sent to camps to work and die for the Nazi cause.

THe individuals in Guantanamo were plucked from around the WORLD. They were people who we arrested and detained because they were involved in shit to hurt US. They're being fed and questioned and will even be given trials, which is more than could be ever said for what the Nazis gave the jews.

you disgust me, suggesting that we're on the same level of people who threw children in poison gas showers and dumped their bodies into ditches with bulldozers.

To compare a Holocaust survivor or victim to a terrorist sitting in a camp, is a crime in and of itself and a horribly ironic one.

You're comparing two ideological enemies [remember, most of the arab terrorists HATE jews] over two completely seperate events.

but of course since i disagree with you and am illustrating your opinion in a different light, i'm the Nazi here. :rolleyes:

maybe you should've stuck to posting articles. you don't have a voice of your own.


Don't even bother responding to his shameless, repulsive comments.....it is so beneath you, and any other decent human being...

He is irrelevant, and does not deserve responses to his hate bile...

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Originally posted by igloo


Don't even bother responding to his shameless, repulsive comments.....it is so beneath you, and any other decent human being...

He is irrelevant, and does not deserve responses to his hate bile...

u took the words right out of my mouth...well said....

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seriously, what the fuck are you all smoking?

just go ahead and disregard everything this world have strived to work for in terms of creating a stable code of conduct (AKA international law) that the world must abide by. why not, we are the most powerful country in the world (supposedly) right now, who gives a shit about these people...they're just animals...of course we are much better than them...:rolleyes:

i wish sometimes i could tell you all to fuck yourselves in person.

and a bit more than that.


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Originally posted by sassa

seriously, what the fuck are you all smoking?

just go ahead and disregard everything this world have strived to work for in terms of creating a stable code of conduct (AKA international law) that the world must abide by. why not, we are the most powerful country in the world (supposedly) right now, who gives a shit about these people...they're just animals...of course we are much better than them...:rolleyes:

i wish sometimes i could tell you all to fuck yourselves in person.

and a bit more than that.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think sometimes you say the stuff you say just to off set the conservative majority of this forum because your warped mind AMAZES me sometimes.

Lets look at the FACTS and we will come to a solution of this little promblem, listen up Mrs Bin Laden this will be breif...

Facts list....

1) The terrorist animals at Gitmo bay are enemy combatants and DONOT represent a government so they donot fall under the geneva convention.

2) Read the article... these terrorsist are extremists that if released will stop at nothing to destroy you, me and our families...

3) Releasing them will only add to the population terrorists we are trying to stop where is trhe logic in that??

My answer to this promblem..

2 to the back of the head for every one of these cockroaches....

I would LOVE to hear your answer, and please spare me the ridicule on my answer I just want to hear the answer from a woman who doesn't appreciate she lives in the best country in the world please enlighten us!!!!

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Originally posted by mr mahs

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think sometimes you say the stuff you say just to off set the conservative majority of this forum because your warped mind AMAZES me sometimes.

Lets look at the FACTS and we will come to a solution of this little promblem, listen up Mrs Bin Laden this will be breif...

Facts list....

1) The terrorist animals at Gitmo bay are enemy combatants and DONOT represent a government so they donot fall under the geneva convention.

2) Read the article... these terrorsist are extremists that if released will stop at nothing to destroy you, me and our families...

3) Releasing them will only add to the population terrorists we are trying to stop where is trhe logic in that??

My answer to this promblem..

2 to the back of the head for every one of these cockroaches....

I would LOVE to hear your answer, and please spare me the ridicule on my answer I just want to hear the answer from a woman who doesn't appreciate she lives in the best country in the world please enlighten us!!!!

you make me sick! just keep on feeding on the bullshit the media gives you....:rolleyes:

i finally figured out your problem. you seem to think that if someone is not american, or from your area of the world,they are entitled to the worst form of treatment possible. well guess what, mr. fucking know it all, it doesn't work that way. these supposed "ALLIED POWERS" clearly have no regard for the geneva convention, and funny how the US refuses to ratify the ICC. i wonder why? the "facts" :rolleyes: stare you right in the face yet you refuse to acknowledge them, and instead feed people bullshit that this fucked up biased media tried to drill into you. please! who the fuck do you think you're trying to kid? just because they're fighting against you doesn't mean you can rape them, hang them from hooks, and do all sorts of inhumane, animalistic shit to them. that just makes you worse than them. so please stfu.......you don't know shit. :rolleyes:

Oh yes...continue your bitchy little comments...i need a good laugh this morning..and you always manage to make me laugh with your comments...:blown:

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wait...am i reading this?? like r u guys for real??

i hope that next time a US AIRFORCE pilot is downed over enemy territory they take him out and put 2 in his cranium ...and then they use the excuse that he isnt a citizen and doesnt deserve a trial..

i cant wait to see how fucking pissed off all u fuckin chuckleheads would be...ull b screamin for the heads of the assasins...

u have the audacity to sit here and act like shit is gravy...meanwhile if the shoe was on the other foot ud b screaming bloody murder (which is exactly what's gona happen in Guantanamo) ...

the problem with most of u is that u refuse to look @ the big picture...TAKE OFF THE BLINDERS...

its like ur sittin there and going "WOW THATS A NICE TREE" but u dont c the fucking forest behind it...


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