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US plans death camp

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

wait...am i reading this?? like r u guys for real??

i hope that next time a US AIRFORCE pilot is downed over enemy territory they take him out and put 2 in his cranium ...and then they use the excuse that he isnt a citizen and doesnt deserve a trial..

i cant wait to see how fucking pissed off all u fuckin chuckleheads would be...ull b screamin for the heads of the assasins...

u have the audacity to sit here and act like shit is gravy...meanwhile if the shoe was on the other foot ud b screaming bloody murder (which is exactly what's gona happen in Guantanamo) ...

the problem with most of u is that u refuse to look @ the big picture...TAKE OFF THE BLINDERS...

its like ur sittin there and going "WOW THATS A NICE TREE" but u dont c the fucking forest behind it...


what if that air force pilot was me, serge. would you put two bullets in my head?

kid, get off it. are you gonna kill every american soldier becuase you're angry at what the united states did to your country?

how about what your own fucking country did to your own country to cause the UNITED NATIONS, not just the united states, to get involved.

want to talk about taking off the blinders? how about not blaming the UN and the US for problems that originated inside serbia's own borders. that area of europe has been at war with itself for hundreds of years.

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Originally posted by cintron

what if that air force pilot was me, serge. would you put two bullets in my head?

kid, get off it. are you gonna kill every american soldier becuase you're angry at what the united states did to your country?

how about what your own fucking country did to your own country to cause the UNITED NATIONS, not just the united states, to get involved.

want to talk about taking off the blinders? how about not blaming the UN and the US for problems that originated inside serbia's own borders. that area of europe has been at war with itself for hundreds of years.

u jumped the gun here chief..i didnt mention anything about my country...im just amazed at the posts here...ur fuckin agreeing with murder of a human being because HE IS OF A CERTAIN ETHNICITY...

r u gona want to kill every arab because a couple of them blew up the towers?? because thats what it seems like...

how happy would u be if the Iraqi's lit up those POW's over there? would u b like " OH WELL FUCK IT THEY DIDNT DESERVE A TRIAL..THEY WERE IN IRAQ...THEYRE NOT UNDER US JURISDICTION THERE" ?? ...no ofcourse not...u'd b screamin for the blood of the innocents...and dont try to tell me otherwise

the duality of some of the posts here is amazing...yet when me sassa and noises flip it on u guys u get all uptight and call us morons ...just cause we offer up our opinion

just because theyre not american citizens doesnt mean they can be executed without trial...if that was the case im gona go fuckin kill every bodega clerk in queens...and then tell the cops i took it upon myself to act as judge..jury..and executioner because he wasnt an american citizen and it doesnt matter anyway

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if people are being held as prisoners of war, then they go under the Geneva Convention.

If they're being detained as citizens of the United States, under arrest, then they fall under the constitution.

If they're being detained as terrorists [and therefore do not fall under the Geneva Convention with regards to enemy combatants in uniform], then we can pretty much do with them as we please, because:

1.) they aren't US citizens, so US law doesn't apply.

2.) They aren't "uniformed combatants" as the Geneva Convention states, and therefore don't fall under that rule.

3.) International Law states that all accused deserve the right to trial... unfortunately, "International Law" doesn't have an enforcing committee or any authority worldwide to make countries adhere to these rules. They can only send letters and hope we comply out of good will.

Talk to the north vietnamese about that one.

So the prisoners we're keeping at Guantanamo: who fucking cares? They're getting the right to a trial, which isn't 100% necessary. We could shoot them tomorrow and have no repercusssions. I'd do it myself if I was there and no, I wouldn't lose a minute's sleep over it.

The day that terrorists apply for american citizenships is the day that we'll give them a fair and just trial... oh wait that's already happened. Timothy McVeigh.

But to make all you weenies feel better, we can give you a bunch of green cards and you can drive around Iraq for a few months handing them out and letting people know to wave em in case they get arrested.


since we can't do anything right according to so many of you, then why don't we just throw our cards in the air and start wasting the people giving us a hard time.

we're really good at it, after all.

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Originally posted by cintron

son, the only nazi around here is you.







Go wave your red white and blue swastika NAZI!! Wave Hitler's while you're at it. They go together like birds of a feather.

And your sig is something only a pussy like you would enjoy. It's so pussy-ish. Pussy like the Yankees because it sucks like the Yankees. Sucks like you.... PUSSY!!

and by the way. The US bitches about human rights violations by other countries but yet deliberately violate human rights themselves.

So why is it ok for the US to violate human rights violations and not other countries?

Oh I forgot We are the USA we can do what we please. Fuck the world. Fuck other ethniticities. Fuck internation law of which we are subject to and fuck the geneva convention also of which we are subject to. :rolleyes: In your world YOU COULD CARE LESS! YOU ARE A RACIST ETHNOCENTRIC LOSER! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF! YOU ARE IGNORANT!

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

wait...am i reading this?? like r u guys for real??

i hope that next time a US AIRFORCE pilot is downed over enemy territory they take him out and put 2 in his cranium ...and then they use the excuse that he isnt a citizen and doesnt deserve a trial..

i cant wait to see how fucking pissed off all u fuckin chuckleheads would be...ull b screamin for the heads of the assasins...

u have the audacity to sit here and act like shit is gravy...meanwhile if the shoe was on the other foot ud b screaming bloody murder (which is exactly what's gona happen in Guantanamo) ...

the problem with most of u is that u refuse to look @ the big picture...TAKE OFF THE BLINDERS...

its like ur sittin there and going "WOW THATS A NICE TREE" but u dont c the fucking forest behind it...


What if a pilot went down and 2 were put in the back of the head? Not what if but remember when, but that is a diffrent argument. Who said that we would go around clipping arab bodega owners? these rats were caught taking up arms against this country in Afghanistan the detainees are ENEMY COMBATANTS who belong to a terrorist organization that is a huge diffrence from the bodega slayings you claim is the same as our process of dealing with these lowlifes. Save your amnesty international pitch because they would kill you in a minute un less of course you are one of them, even then they wouldn't think twice on sending you thru the tunnel of martydom. I will tell you one thing about your arab bodega owners though if they are in this country illegally then round em up get them the fuck out not kill em but deport them sell there buisnesses and send them checks.. Ghost what side of the war were you on in your country?what nationality are you.

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Originally posted by normalnoises







Go wave your red white and blue swastika NAZI!! Wave Hitler's while you're at it. They go together like birds of a feather.

And your sig is something only a pussy like you would enjoy. It's so pussy-ish. Pussy like the Yankees because it sucks like the Yankees. Sucks like you.... PUSSY!!

and by the way. The US bitches about human rights violations by other countries but yet deliberately violate human rights themselves.

So why is it ok for the US to violate human rights violations and not other countries?

Oh I forgot We are the USA we can do what we please. Fuck the world. Fuck other ethniticities. Fuck internation law of which we are subject to and fuck the geneva convention also of which we are subject to. :rolleyes: In your world YOU COULD CARE LESS! YOU ARE A RACIST ETHNOCENTRIC LOSER! ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS YOURSELF! YOU ARE IGNORANT!

I don't think i've ever read a better piece of self-masturbating ignorant trash.

Unfortunately for you, whatever your dad did has no bearing on who YOU are. you compare the holocaust camps and the mass extermination of MILLIONS of jews - men, women and children, to a prison camp for terrorist suspects in cuba, as if they're mirror images of one another. You fucking shithole.

you have NO goddamn idea what is coming out of your mouth and so you continue to talk shit about things that you obviously cannot fathom.

I'd like to see you open your mouth like that to a holocaust survivor. Tell them what you think and that their experience was t he same as a bunch of prisoners eating meals and having trials in cuba.

Because sure, we're putting tattoos on the terrorists to mark them like cattle forever. We're dragging them into rooms and castrating the men. We're pulling children into rooms and shooting them, putting their parents into showers fillled with poison gas, starving them and beating them.

you have NO fucking IDEA. To you its all just a game of opinion.

The Nazi holocaust is just another buzzword that you think you can throw into your argument to give it more zing and i'm telling you that its a bomb that just destroyed any respectability you've got.

you want to pretend you're some savior of the world? the eternally vigilant human rights watchdog? go to fuckin cuba then.

go visit the prison and stand outside and shout how immoral it is to catch these guys and give them food and water and a shower, and clean clothes and a trial. Why don't you go see all the shit t he US is doing. See if they kidnapped the terrorists families too, took all their posessions for "the glory of the third reich" and tortured, executed and branded them like cattle.

you have got to be the most witless fuck i've ever come across. People say dumb shit on the internet but you're a neverending fountain of ignorant, baseless crap. And of course anyone who points that out to you is automatically a nazi.

why don't you go burn some american novels in the street and throw a few rocks at the police. Or better yet, try that shit with me you fuck. once again you're all talk, and the sad thing is... you have nothing to say.

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Originally posted by cintron

I don't think i've ever read a better piece of self-masturbating ignorant trash.

Unfortunately for you, whatever your dad did has no bearing on who YOU are. you compare the holocaust camps and the mass extermination of MILLIONS of jews - men, women and children, to a prison camp for terrorist suspects in cuba, as if they're mirror images of one another. You fucking shithole.

you have NO goddamn idea what is coming out of your mouth and so you continue to talk shit about things that you obviously cannot fathom.

I'd like to see you open your mouth like that to a holocaust survivor. Tell them what you think and that their experience was t he same as a bunch of prisoners eating meals and having trials in cuba.

Because sure, we're putting tattoos on the terrorists to mark them like cattle forever. We're dragging them into rooms and castrating the men. We're pulling children into rooms and shooting them, putting their parents into showers fillled with poison gas, starving them and beating them.

you have NO fucking IDEA. To you its all just a game of opinion.

The Nazi holocaust is just another buzzword that you think you can throw into your argument to give it more zing and i'm telling you that its a bomb that just destroyed any respectability you've got.

you want to pretend you're some savior of the world? the eternally vigilant human rights watchdog? go to fuckin cuba then.

go visit the prison and stand outside and shout how immoral it is to catch these guys and give them food and water and a shower, and clean clothes and a trial. Why don't you go see all the shit t he US is doing. See if they kidnapped the terrorists families too, took all their posessions for "the glory of the third reich" and tortured, executed and branded them like cattle.

you have got to be the most witless fuck i've ever come across. People say dumb shit on the internet but you're a neverending fountain of ignorant, baseless crap. And of course anyone who points that out to you is automatically a nazi.

why don't you go burn some american novels in the street and throw a few rocks at the police. Or better yet, try that shit with me you fuck. once again you're all talk, and the sad thing is... you have nothing to say.

Thank you for proving me right PUSSY.

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Originally posted by mr mahs

What if a pilot went down and 2 were put in the back of the head? Not what if but remember when, but that is a diffrent argument. Who said that we would go around clipping arab bodega owners? these rats were caught taking up arms against this country in Afghanistan the detainees are ENEMY COMBATANTS who belong to a terrorist organization that is a huge diffrence from the bodega slayings you claim is the same as our process of dealing with these lowlifes. Save your amnesty international pitch because they would kill you in a minute un less of course you are one of them, even then they wouldn't think twice on sending you thru the tunnel of martydom. I will tell you one thing about your arab bodega owners though if they are in this country illegally then round em up get them the fuck out not kill em but deport them sell there buisnesses and send them checks.. Ghost what side of the war were you on in your country?what nationality are you.

u invaded their country...do u expect them not to take up arms?? what kinda explanation is that? what the hell r u justifying? u expect everyone just to bow down to the United States? u treat them as POW's...because thats what they r...never in the history of the world were POW's taken across a fucking ocean to be detained ..and now u wana execute them becayse they took up arms against the US?

have u ever heard of people defending their homeland...for fucks sake..people i know hated Milosevic..but when the US started bombing them night after night they were ready to take up arms against and fight back...does this mean they were on Milosevic's side? NO OF COURSE NOT!..it just means they werent gona allow any random ass country to come on in and do whatever the fuck they want

this world isnt as black and white as ud like to think it is..there's shades of gray..and the gray area is the largest area. dont classify all afghans as bad guys and terrorists if they chose to fight the US when the US was dropping bombs all over their country

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Originally posted by mr mahs

Cintron owns you Bitch ass :D

oh yeh by the way dipshit....nice sig u got goin there......that pussy of a president in army fatigues when he knows theres no chance he'll go fight...sending young boys to die..when his pussy ass had the chance to fight he went basically AWOL..

youre the pussy for supporting a pussy...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

oh yeh by the way dipshit....nice sig u got goin there......that pussy of a president in army fatigues when he knows theres no chance he'll go fight...sending young boys to die..when his pussy ass had the chance to fight he went basically AWOL..

youre the pussy for supporting a pussy...


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Originally posted by cintron

uh huh.

so in other words you dont have anything else to say, so you'll just call me a pussy, acting all brave and courageous from behind your little weenie computer screen.

great one, chum. you truly are a hero.

My "weenie" computer screen is 19". The weenie between my legs is bigger than the weenie between your ears.


Originally posted by ghhhhhost

oh yeh by the way dipshit....nice sig u got goin there......that pussy of a president in army fatigues when he knows theres no chance he'll go fight...sending young boys to die..when his pussy ass had the chance to fight he went basically AWOL..

youre the pussy for supporting a pussy...

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

u invaded their country...do u expect them not to take up arms?? what kinda explanation is that? what the hell r u justifying? u expect everyone just to bow down to the United States? u treat them as POW's...because thats what they r...never in the history of the world were POW's taken across a fucking ocean to be detained ..and now u wana execute them becayse they took up arms against the US?

have u ever heard of people defending their homeland...for fucks sake..people i know hated Milosevic..but when the US started bombing them night after night they were ready to take up arms against and fight back...does this mean they were on Milosevic's side? NO OF COURSE NOT!..it just means they werent gona allow any random ass country to come on in and do whatever the fuck they want

this world isnt as black and white as ud like to think it is..there's shades of gray..and the gray area is the largest area. dont classify all afghans as bad guys and terrorists if they chose to fight the US when the US was dropping bombs all over their country

Kid stop sniffing K because it's rotting your brain. The majority of detainees in Gitmo are arabic and other foreign nationalities other then Afghan, why? Is afghanistan a thriving place for immigration? big tourist spot? NOOOOO!!! It was a terrorist FUCKING haven where Osama Bin Laden recruited and trained his henchmen to reak havic and destruction to the rest of the free loving world. These detainees are being fed, provided medicine and interrogated for useful human intel isn't that a logical procedure. The detainees that prove to be ordinary people, forced to fight will be cleared and sent back to be dealth with by his country but the foreign sympathisers will be dealth with accordingly and if that means excecution than so be it..

You must realize one thing Alqeada is a terrorist organization no country, no flag, and more importantly no GENEVA convention for them to wipe their asses with.. so we should follow the rules? How come this is hard for you to undersatnd??

I asked you before what side of the the Milosevic's ETHNIC CLEANSING campaign you were on because you seem to compare the situation in your homeland to a retaliation move by the U.S after Sept 11th.. I don't see it..

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

oh yeh by the way dipshit....nice sig u got goin there......that pussy of a president in army fatigues when he knows theres no chance he'll go fight...sending young boys to die..when his pussy ass had the chance to fight he went basically AWOL..

youre the pussy for supporting a pussy...

Still waiting for your answer on the Ethnic Clensing incident

faggot ass..

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by mr mahs

Still waiting for your answer on the Ethnic Clensing incident

faggot ass..


I'd like to hear your answer also.

Oh - ATTENTION NORMALNOISES - Do you still sing your lame songs and want to be in a band? Are you 40 yet? Have you found a job yet? When is the last time you visited your daughter? Does she know who her daddy is? By your posts I can still see you are a Nazi fuck.

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Originally posted by guyman1966


I'd like to hear your answer also.

Oh - ATTENTION NORMALNOISES - Do you still sing your lame songs and want to be in a band? Are you 40 yet? Have you found a job yet? When is the last time you visited your daughter? Does she know who her daddy is? By your posts I can still see you are a Nazi fuck.

and what the hell does all this have to do with the topic at hand? stick to the goddam subject. enough of your endless, retarded insults. be an adult. is that so hard to ask for...:blown::rolleyes:
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Originally posted by sassa

and what the hell does all this have to do with the topic at hand? stick to the goddam subject. enough of your endless, retarded insults. be an adult. is that so hard to ask for...:blown::rolleyes:

That has everything to do with the topic at hand....or did you not notice your boy normalnoises just writing pussy in big letters over and over again.

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